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Topics - Shores of Tripoli

General Discussion / If you could...
May 01, 2013, 12:17:03 PM
If you could hold any profession in history, present day, or fiction, what would it be?

I would want to be an Imperial Navy officer in the galactic civil war (Star Wars), a torpedo man on the USS Johnston at the battle of Leyte gulf in WW2, or maybe a Roman Senator.

Feel free to post as many choices as you can type.
So we all know that some things in the English language just don't make much sense, like the various different types of "their"s, or silent consonants like in the words "know" and "psychotic", but what is the most annoying of them all? Tell me your opinion.

For me it's the fact the "Imperial" starts with an "I" but "Empire"  starts with an "E".
General Discussion / War Thunder
March 11, 2013, 10:42:36 PM
 Anyone play this game? If not I recommend it. It's a WWI-Korea era flight sim that's in beta atm. It's free.
General Discussion / Visiting England
November 24, 2012, 12:39:09 AM
 I may be visiting England in the near future to go see the Bovington Tank Museum and a football (soccer) game or two. Any suggestions on what else I should do there?
General Discussion / Forum Question
October 10, 2012, 05:54:55 AM
If I leave the forums up all day while I'm out, will it show me as online all day?
General Discussion / Were are you from?
August 31, 2012, 03:56:35 PM
Were are you guys from? Tell me a bit about your home town.

I'm from High Shoals NC, it's basically a redneck small town. As far as population goes, the 2000 census was the last one that we were officially counted separate, and it was at around 600 people. After that, the mills and factories in this area moved to mexico so we pretty much dried up. We don't even have a post office anymore, that's why we weren't included in the last census. The population is about 40-50 people now. There's nothing out here so the only people who are left are the ones who are rich enough to stay, some of us commute to the city of Charlotte (about 50min), a few work from home, or run a private business. Over all we are a fairly wealthy community, simply because it's expensive to live here now. The nearest grocery store is 20min away, that's kinda like our mall. Every time you go there you run into friends and stuff.

As far as in the town it's self, we have a small gas station that doesn't even have a convenience store attached to it, and we have a small one room shack thing with a pickup truck that passes for a volunteer fire department and a firetruck. It's kind of nice not having anything around, you can see a hole lot of stars at night, and it's real nice and quiet. Crime is almost non existent because everyone is pretty successful and wealthy, and everyone knows that we all have lots and lots of firearms. The high school is a few towns away, the same town the grocery store is in, so a 20min drive for me every morning. Not to bad, it's a pretty good school (even by northern standards). We don't really have much problem with drugs, sex, violence, or anything like that. Tobacco is pretty rampant but that's just about the only problem in the school. The school has a football team, wrestling team, and a baseball team. That's it.

All in all it's a small town but it's different than most because we are all pretty wealthy. It's nice to be out here because there is plenty of land to get for relatively cheap, and you really don't get messed with. The county police don't even patrol our one road. There hasn't been a cop within 10 miles of here in about 15 years. (unless there called of course).

I know this wasn't done very grammatically tidy, but I hope you got my point. I'd love to hear about were you guys are from.
General Discussion / Google Chrome Theme Launch
August 24, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
 Ok guys, I fixed all the problems I was having. I feel bad about making the preview thread only a few hours ago but I really thought it would take me a few days to figure this out. Anyway, I'll delete my first thread. Here's the link for you to install my RWL google chrome theme:

Theme Preview:

I doubt you'll be interested in any of my other themes, but if you go to my google+ page you can see them all:

If any of you have any photos that you want me to make into a theme, I'd be more than happy to. Just email them to  I can do personal crap, like family photos.

Edit: can you still delete threads?
General Discussion / Google Chrome Theme Preview
August 23, 2012, 11:43:49 PM
 EDIT: This theme has been released

Hay guys, I know I haven't said much in a month or 2 but I've been pretty busy. One of the things I've been working on is a Google Chrome theme for all of you that like to use that web browser. Here's a preview:

Release date is sometime next week. I'm having trouble packaging it in the strict file specifications that Google enforces.
Turbo Discussion / Rats
June 03, 2012, 01:05:52 PM
I'm making rats to break Emp, dose anybody have an espy on him? I'd like to know exactly how much rats I'll need. I've only got 80million so far.
Help / Bugs / Leaders
May 17, 2012, 02:48:03 PM
I don't really know how leader missions work in reg, I don't get any return on my loot, feast, goldmine, or pay tribute spells. What effects the amount of food and cash you get from those spells?
Clans / In search
May 02, 2012, 06:30:55 PM
I'm going active on reg now, I need a clan. Anybody want me?
  (turbo) So I was thinking about what would be better for cashing, martin or magpie? I wanted to know what you guys think, and not just the basics, but an advanced discussion on the races and the strategy. I was thinking that martin could be better if you play to it's strengths by utilizing leaders to steal, it would also be better in a war for murders. The magpie however has the worker bonus which is why I think most people go for it unanimously.  Magpie however has -15% defense so if your clanned, that could really hurt you. Especially if you have a lot of cash on you. I'm thinking that martin would be easier to store cash on in bulk, while clanned because of it's +10% defense bonus, as well as it's leadership abilities. The magpie however has the build bonus and the merc bonus, meaning it's possible to run a reseller hybrid strategy. What do you guys think?

PS- Wolf vs Ferret, Rat vs Lizzard, Wildcat vs Fox, and Painted One vs Painted One coming up.
Clans / 3rd Cavalry Division, 2nd Armored Corps
May 01, 2012, 09:26:40 PM
 Open on Turbo
Turbo Discussion / Game guide
May 01, 2012, 06:21:55 PM
When is the game guide going to be up? I miss it..
Turbo Discussion / What's your turbo name?
April 30, 2012, 06:08:45 PM
If you care to share please. I'd like to know who everybody is.

PS- my clan is open if anyone wants to team up. I'm cashing right now but I'll be switching based on clan needs.
General Discussion / 24/7 Redwall Warlords Chat
April 30, 2012, 05:12:11 PM
Introducing the unofficial 24/7 Redwall Warlords chat room with audio and video capabilities. Other features include group youtube screen, group music, and group drawing board. Come join. It doesn't matter if you play turbo, reg, or both. I encourage you to be in this chat room if you are logged into the game so that we can all talk in a more convenient way than the in game message system.
General Discussion / New Look
April 30, 2012, 04:36:40 AM
I love the new look so much. Epic good job PA, I'm really impressed. I am also ecstatic about the 55 turns a minute. I'm going to be up all night playing. There is a problem with them though at the minute. They are coming in 55 turns every 10min, Idk if that's a glitch or you meant it to be like that. Either way it's great.

PS- is turbo themed at all?
Spa Room 101 / Official waiting room chat
April 29, 2012, 03:20:13 PM
While we wait on turbo.
Spa Room 101 / The waiting room
April 28, 2012, 11:19:39 PM
Waiting on sign ups to open on new turbo round. anyone else waiting to? Anyone have an ETA on when those sign ups are gona open?
Role-Play / Ignorance
April 28, 2012, 09:51:23 PM
I don't really understand what this whole role playing thing is. Is this supposed to be a showcase of writing ability? Anyone care to explain how one goes about role playing?