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Topics - Barkclaw2

Polling / Does Bush Suck?
December 11, 2005, 06:30:18 PM
Totally and definitely yes. For reasons known and yet unknown to me. There's just something about him. Clinton was good. Bush? gives me "bad vibes." Heehee, there's this funny show about Bush on Comedy Central by Mat Stone and Trey Parker, our beloved creators of South Park.
Help / Bugs / Umm, help out, would ya?
December 09, 2005, 07:42:53 PM
Ok. I started another account on turbo, the thing is, I need the validation code thingy, And I cancelled the email address I put on the thingy. How'm I suposed to get the code-ish thingermabobber.
Spa Room 101 / I'm school.....
September 07, 2005, 05:01:43 PM
Yes I am back at school and in 7th grade. I was in middle school last year and in junior high now! my new school is 7-9. My old one was 6-8. Thus the difference between junior high and middle school. ...So...boring....
Spa Room 101 / Advertisemet
August 30, 2005, 06:43:09 PM
Ok I recently joined this site. It's wonderful and you should join too. there are really nice people there. you get lots of stuff to talk about. Please please please please please please join! ^_^ Link
Spa Room 101 / Owchies
August 27, 2005, 05:52:21 PM
Last night I was playing this game with my brother. You play rock-paper-scissors. And everytime you lose a round, you get hit in the back of the hand. And you keep going until someone can't handle the pain and gives up. We played like 1,000 rounds.and after a while my brother, of course, won. Now my hand is really puffy. I didn't give up for a while. Owch. And he's like the strongest 15-year-old out there. He has bad reflexes, though. One time him and his friend were playing bloody knuckles. And he kept on getting hit, and not hitting. Until finally the other guy gave up, because my brother's knukles were bleeding, and he didn't want to get bllod on him.

And yesterday he told me to squeeze my chin, and it will feel like I'm floating, so I did it. And then he started laughing and told me it was a trick and to go look in the mirror. It tured out I gave myself a huge bruise. That was a mean trick...
Turbo Discussion / Gonna scream!!!
August 24, 2005, 08:49:25 PM
Urrg-ish-ness. I will scream in a sec. I play like everyday. But, the next day I come on, I'm knocked bown by many ranks!!! I don't know why. This happens everyday. They all hate me it would seem. I always am climbing to the top, only in a matter of hours to be knocked down to my original spot!!!!
General Discussion / Stress
August 17, 2005, 09:48:34 PM
 I'm SO stressed. I'm moving. A few towns away. Only me and my brother are cleaning out the apatment. Between lugging furniture out to the dumpster, wiping walls, vacuming, and school stating in a couple weeks, I'm pretty stressed out. I mean, it was hard just to find low income housing. mmy mom is single, unemployed, and has two kids. It's hard.
Reg Discussion / Disabled
August 01, 2005, 08:54:28 PM
Uh...My account was disabled on reg for multiple accounts. It was an accident!!! Here is how it happened: Turbo was reset, so I went to make one on turbo, but I accidently clicked on reg, so it added that account on reg when I already had one on reg. Uh...I need that fixed.
Turbo Discussion / Help...
July 24, 2005, 06:01:39 PM
I've asked for help before. but I barely got anything now. :oops:
He....he.....aid?  :(
Server: turbo (of course it's turbo disscucion
number: #99