Redoing the Game Guide

Started by windhound, November 12, 2007, 02:03:21 PM

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The Game Guide is old and actually broken at them moment
So I've taken to the task of redoing it
Unfortunatly I'll be low on spare time for a little while, and there is a rather large amount to go through
If you'd like to help speed the process of a working Guide, here's how

First, an exerpt

Quote<? if ($section == "extras") { ?>
<h2 class="heading1">Extras:</h2>
<h2 class="heading3">Cities:</h2>
<p>Cities are buildings that take up 1000 land, but are made of 1,500 tents and 500 camps. They are expensive to build, and they are hard to lose.</p><p>

In order to take a city, you need to have a good deal more leaders than your enemy. You will also need a good deal more troops. To take a city, just go to the attack page, go down to leader missions, and then do the "Take" mission. It may or may not be successful.</p>
<h2 class="heading3">Mercenaries and Markets:</h2>
Mercenaries is a place where you can sell or buy troops. The prices will get better if you have more camps, up to a certain point.</p><p>

Market is a place where you can sell a portion of your goods to real people. You might be able to get a higher price for them than on the Mercenaries, but they will only be bought if a real player buys them.</p>
<h2 class="heading3">Advanced Attacking:</h2>
<p>When you go to attack, you may notice some drop down bars, each of which says "Attack." Click on it to see a whole list of different types of attacks.<br>

    * Attack - Regular Attack<br>
    * Chaos - You will have a better chance of winning, and you will lose less troops, but you will get less land.<br>
    * Sack - You will get much less land, but you will get food and money. This usually makes people mad and is not recommended.<br>
    * Capture - You will get less land, you will have more losses, and you will take some leaders for your army.<br>
    * Flank - 1 in 5 chance of a 20% bonus to attack, 4 in 5 chance of more losses. This is generally less recommended.</p><p>

You might also notice a ton of spots with a ton of numbers. Not many players use them, and I would suggest you ignore them. </p>
<? } ?>

Basically, its like the Forum's code.  You surround a bit of text with tags and it'll change it to the conditions specified by the tags
<h2 class="heading1"> </h2>  The main topic, this is the text in the top bar
<h2 class="heading3"> </h2>  Secondary topic(s).  Same formatting as the main topic, except without a colored background
<blockquote> </blockquote>  Indents text on both sides.  Use for content.  End the blockquote before the next section
<p> </p>  Adds space between paragraphs.  Surround all paragraphs with this tag
<br>  BreakLine.  Doesnt need a close tag. Use to end lines- a new line inserted with [Enter] will not be read by the browser

Thats really about it.
Each entry should be fairly brief, no real detailed information is needed.  Treat this like the first thing you see when you start playing a game.  Just want a basic intro, not to be overloaded.

Each entry is basically written already, it just needs to have proper formatting, made to be current (old info), and checked that it makes sence
The guide thats up right now is, for some reason, broken except for the race part.  I've got a backup from some time ago though
Both new and old can be acessed here:  (Game Guide and Olde Guide respectivly)
Thanks to taekwondokid42 for writing the tutorial section

So yeah.
If you do reformat a section of the guide, please post it below and I'll throw it in

If noone does anything I'll get to it slowly, will be nice to have a working guide again
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~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
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