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Topics - Death Eater

Reg Discussion / What's up
April 19, 2009, 06:37:33 PM
Hey guys,

I took a 3 year hiatus from promisance and now I'm starting to get back into it. I made an account and I've been looking through the forums - good to see a lot of familiar faces kickin around...anyone remember me?
General Discussion / Cheating Admin at New Promisance
January 18, 2007, 01:13:27 AM
hey guys, its been awhile, i'm thinking bout playing here again

I primarily came back to warn you of another site. A new promisance site, called Empires of Power, is the home of two corrupt, cheating admins. Corrupt admins are never good for the gaming industry, and this site has two of them. One who cheated (squds) and one who's attitude was so poor about what happened that they couldn't even admit they were wrong. Not only that...they told the person whom they cheated (myself) to leave if I didn't like the fact that I were being cheated!

On top of that, myself and a few others were banned from the site for posting FACTUAL evidence on their cheating ways. I really hope none of you support this behaviour, as I know nobody likes to be cheated.

Thanks for your time, cant wait to get back into this game :)
General Discussion / How's everything going here
November 06, 2005, 06:13:09 PM
I haven't stopped by here in a long while. Hows it going? Whats the activity like? Any new code changes?

I may think about playing again sometime soon
Spa Room 101 / Wanna Duel!
March 30, 2005, 05:53:44 PM
 Yes, thats right. A brand new Duel Promisance is coming to the PRomisance World VERY soon! IF you want to settle a fight empire to empire, or just show off your extreme promisance skills with no outside interference, sign up for Duel Promsiance.

Open Clanless fighting will start up this month, to test and practice with the code, and weed out any bugs. Come on down to get used to the code, and you'll be fighting in no time!

Go on the forums. Get involved. Learn about the structure. Finally, you can have that duel you always wanted
General Discussion / Goodbye RWL
February 20, 2005, 06:31:00 PM
 Thus, after spending a good part of a year playing this game, I have finally decided that I'm done. An inactive admin and an extremely low playerbase (I think only 25 players are active in reg) aren' t the only reasons I'm leaving. School is getting demanding, and my life in general needs more time. I must say, i've had a good time here at RWL, for the most part. Clanned with many different ppl. Won a set at Turbo. You can't win Reg, but when the game did end, I was always top ten (too bad I didn't learn about pressgang until they change was made, LOL).

Anywayz, this place has kinda losted its pazazz. People have left. Forum has become absolutely dead. Action has become incredibly dull. Woof has been in first for the better part of this era, and until today, we have been unchallenged. If you didn't know, I died a few hours ago, which is ONE of the reasons I'm not going to re-create. In fact, I really played this era to help volkov out with woof, and my goal was accomplished.

And to those who killed me (shadow clan, ugh), I'll give you the satisfaction that you killed me with 45 billion on me, and another 10 mil mana which I woulda converted to around 30 bil. So, 75 bil. Not too shabby.

Finally, I want to thank a few people I have met here who merit my respect. They include:

peace alliance
wolf snare
wolf bite
nohc (my favourite empire to attack :P )

and if I missed anyone, they know. I'll edit it if I remember.

So long RWL. I hope you don't become like Hack Infiltration and disappear.

Laters. Oh, and I may stop by from time to time, if you don't mind.
Reg Discussion / Clan UP Holby
December 31, 2004, 11:33:19 AM
 Clan up and fight for your actions like a man. We won't kill you, I promise. Let's see how good of a player you really are.
Turbo Discussion / Calling out Razorclaw
December 30, 2004, 10:04:22 AM
 What empire are you in Turbo?

I want to have some fun.
Reg Discussion / got beef?
December 25, 2004, 10:16:30 PM
 So, I hear the word is that Wrath wants me dead....I was shocked when I heard this because I feel I am such a noble, kind-hearted, respectful player.... :rolleyes:

Anywayz, I don't like hearing rumours about my death...If your going to kill me, at least me know upfront so I can dish out some murders and steal some cash

So, what's this all about?

P.S. I know its not implied, but I'm just kidding about the murdering and stealing...
Polling / Most Respected Promisance Game
November 22, 2004, 06:09:16 PM
 This is not a poll on your personal favourite promisance, its asking you what server has the best competition along with the best code.

If you have only played 1 promisance, don't bother responding
General Discussion / Halo 2
November 07, 2004, 04:14:14 PM
 "On November 9th, Earth will never be the same"

So, who else is counting the days to when the best and most anticipated game to ever be released will finally be available?

I already have my pre-order - the special addition at that. Who here thinks its gonna rock? Also, who thinks that its all just hype?

IMO, its definately not just hype
General Discussion / Time limits on reg
October 31, 2004, 08:36:39 PM
 Okay, this is, in my opinion, a major issue in the game.

Why is there no time limit for RWL reg? Why doesn't it end every month? Or every 2 months? I mean, what is the point of playing if you don't have anything to aim for...

Coming from various respected servers that all reset after one month, I find it hard to comprehend why this is the main game of Redwall and it never ends until someone decides that its getting a bit too long. In most games, everyone is building there empire carefully throughout the month, each day helping them progress toward the final day, where they plan to peak just enough to become victorious. But here...I find it more like..."who cares if I just Standard attacked down to 1 mil net, I can easily get back up in another 3 months."

And this leads to another thing...why try and get high networths? Unless you can continously grow (which is very difficult unless you are massing grain or indying) than whats the point of buying up troops or going for a really high networth?

Not that it matters, theres still 8 months to go! (example)

Now, I understand that you guys try and become Emperor...which I believe is when you are first for over a week or so.  But I really don't see a point in doing just get real high for a week, where you jsut sit around, running 1 turn a day so you don't get deleted, until your "the emperor." Big whoop. No one remembers who was first for a week during the set...the only thing that people remember is the Immortalized. Those are the winners. Thats what is recorded.

So why not play in 2 month sets? Every two months, the scores are Immortalized and the game is reset. If this doesn't happen, I'm afraid I see no point in playing Reg. It's just not that much fun wasting turns without reason...especially with such a slow turn rate. I'd be fine with the speed if the game reset.

Please, consider this. You are probably one of the only promisance games that does not have a set date when the round ends, and I fear you are losing members because of it (I know a bunch of QMT'ers left for just that reason).

Think it over

Help / Bugs / Problems
October 03, 2004, 01:49:06 PM

I was killed in RWL as I found out when I logged on. I go to create a new empire, and so I fill out the form. I then discover that my new empire has been disabled.

I talk to Juska and apparantly you need to delete your former, already dead empire, before you can create a new one of multi accounts are suspected. Being from QMT, we don't need to do this, so I didn't know that was the procedure.

I would ask for my new empire to be un-disabled so I can keep playing. I have marked my old one for deletion.

General Discussion / Worst Race
June 07, 2004, 06:37:06 PM
 Out of curiosity, what race does everyone feel to be the worst race to play in RWL, and why?
Clans / Woof...VICTORIOUS
March 15, 2004, 12:46:54 PM
 Well, at the end of the day, Woof came out on top - in both avg AND total. And yet, 2 of the 3 empires it consisted of are regulars at QMT Promisance, and playing their very first set here at RWL - and they BOTH finished top ten. Lol, I myself finished 6th with a RAT, who was MAGING! (I had no clue what races were what at the time).

The other member is a regular here, but also plays QMT. He finished 25th. So thats ALL three members in the top 25.

Rank       Warlord   Land   Networth   Clan   Race   Location
1  ?  The Chargin Horde of Death (#589)  55,608  $302,415,278  Woof  Marten  Southsward
2  ?  Jack Sparrow (#502)  62,687  $189,632,297  None  Marten  Southsward
3  ?  Earth Demons (#118)  6,412  $145,684,957  None  Painted One  Northlands
4  ?  The Witchking (#600)  14,074  $106,430,021  None  Marten  Southsward
5  ?  The ungreatful dead (#615)  36,060  $97,102,612  None  Marten  Southsward
6  ?  Up Country (#523)  17,240  $90,135,464  Woof  Rat  Southsward
25  ?  THe Hound of Ulster (#526)  21,161  $19,170,933  Woof  Fox  Southsward
