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Messages - Death Eater

Reg Discussion / Re: What's up
February 12, 2019, 04:50:26 PM

Reg Discussion / Re: The Regular Report
May 29, 2009, 11:47:47 AM
how long are these resets? Whats the overall point of this game? When you play other sites, like Valhall and QMT, the game resets every month, and when each set ends, the rankings/networths are saved to the history, and so the entire month is devoted to trying to have the highest possible net (or clan net) at the very end of the set. Every game needs a competitive driving force behind it or it becomes boring. I've been playing this game for a month now and my clan is sitting first in total and average net (BlackFly)...then I ask myself, "what are we building towards? why bother?" At QMT, each set I am working on honing my current strat or learning a new strat to finish higher in the rankings than ever before, either individually (if thats my goal) or as a clan. Clans war so that they will end up above the other clans at the end of the set, thus winning.

So, someone enlighten me: Whats the point of playing here? Whats the "goal" of the game? (Juska/Perseus, you've played both extensively, I'd like to hear your input as well)
Reg Discussion / Re: What's up
April 20, 2009, 08:04:41 PM
ah, good to see u guys...volkov, PA, Perseus - its been awhile...good to see shadow and roadkillj still kicking around too

i'm guessing the game has changed a fair bit since I've left...looks like theres a lot less Marten's out there

anyone mind briefly filling me in on the major changes over the last 3-4 years? thanks
Reg Discussion / What's up
April 19, 2009, 06:37:33 PM
Hey guys,

I took a 3 year hiatus from promisance and now I'm starting to get back into it. I made an account and I've been looking through the forums - good to see a lot of familiar faces kickin around...anyone remember me?
General Discussion / Cheating Admin at New Promisance
January 18, 2007, 01:13:27 AM
hey guys, its been awhile, i'm thinking bout playing here again

I primarily came back to warn you of another site. A new promisance site, called Empires of Power, is the home of two corrupt, cheating admins. Corrupt admins are never good for the gaming industry, and this site has two of them. One who cheated (squds) and one who's attitude was so poor about what happened that they couldn't even admit they were wrong. Not only that...they told the person whom they cheated (myself) to leave if I didn't like the fact that I were being cheated!

On top of that, myself and a few others were banned from the site for posting FACTUAL evidence on their cheating ways. I really hope none of you support this behaviour, as I know nobody likes to be cheated.

Thanks for your time, cant wait to get back into this game :)
General Discussion / How's everything going here
November 06, 2005, 06:13:09 PM
I haven't stopped by here in a long while. Hows it going? Whats the activity like? Any new code changes?

I may think about playing again sometime soon
Spa Room 101 / Wanna Duel!
March 30, 2005, 05:53:44 PM
 Yes, thats right. A brand new Duel Promisance is coming to the PRomisance World VERY soon! IF you want to settle a fight empire to empire, or just show off your extreme promisance skills with no outside interference, sign up for Duel Promsiance.

Open Clanless fighting will start up this month, to test and practice with the code, and weed out any bugs. Come on down to get used to the code, and you'll be fighting in no time!

Go on the forums. Get involved. Learn about the structure. Finally, you can have that duel you always wanted
General Discussion / Your first month at RWL
March 27, 2005, 05:41:25 PM
 Heard about it from a friend at QMT. Came here, didn't know what the races were (chose Rat, haha), and finished 6th.  
Spa Room 101 / Game with RWL names...
March 26, 2005, 07:39:44 PM
Polling / Redwall or LOTR
March 26, 2005, 01:58:52 PM
 LoTR was a letdown. There is such a thing as TOO much detail.  
Polling / Favorite Sport
March 25, 2005, 03:43:36 PM
Quote from: DeathclawBut Holby, soccer players are stronger, fitter, etc. than hockey players. Our conditioning is harder, and they could not handle it.
Soccer players are STRONGER? FITTER? than HOCKEY!!!

Alright, you obviously don't know what your talking about. Soccer is a great sport anmd all, but honestly, its obviously you've never played hockey.

And beach volleyball is no fun to play? Maybe if you suck at it, but I play on a tour and its so much more fun than any other sport I've played before. And I've played a lot, competitively.

Try soccer, basketball, indoor vball, hockey, tennis, martial arts, etc.

All competitively. Beach volleyball owns.
Polling / Redwall or LOTR
March 25, 2005, 03:38:15 PM
 lol I just threw an approx. number out there. And gawd, even if it was 100 pages sprinkled through the book at the right times, it still was an amazing book. Don't you think Rowling was trying to get the message across?

If you didn't enjoy it, thats fine. But I loved the books and they are much more entertaining and captivating than LoTR. And Redwall doesn't look that great, but I can't say much since I havent read it. Just doesnt look interesting enough for me to bother.
Polling / Redwall or LOTR
March 25, 2005, 12:22:51 PM
 probably 20% of the 5th book and 10% of the 4th book were about Harry's frustration, I don't know what your talking about. They were definately amazing books, better than the first 3.
Polling / Favorite Sport
March 24, 2005, 05:00:55 PM
 Two Words

Beach Volleyball

Three More Words

Best. Sport. Ever.
Polling / Redwall or LOTR
March 24, 2005, 04:58:34 PM
Quote from: Alder the WarriorI thought the LOTR books explaied the surrondings way to much. He'd make a paragraph about one tree or something like that.
my thoughts exactly. I read a book for a few reasons. One is escapism. Two is entertainment. Three is for extra knowledge. If the book cannot provide on at least 2 of those 3 things, than I can't enjoy it as much. Really, I don't care if its poetic or not, I'm not into that.

The first LoTR book was absolutely terrible. I wanted to see what the hype was about sooo much that I literally forced myself to read it. I ended skipping paragraphs at a time. Even the movie was terrible. The second two were quite a lot better, but I found it went in cycles. You'd get some great parts of the book, and then it would hit a terribly dry spot. Frankly, I don't give a dam about a describing a leaf to perfection, keep the book moving!

I haven't read the Redwall books so I can't comment.

However, some books I really do enjoy are Harry Potter. The first 2 and maybe the 3rd were a tad childish, yes, but I love reading them anywayz. The 4th and 5th book are definately not childish, and are amazing books. I rank them higher than the LoTR books in the 3 categories I listed.

My fav. author is Micheal Crichton (Jurassic PArk, Congo, Sphere, Prey, State of Fear, Disclosure, Five Patients, etc)

You gotta read some of his works. He's not so much fantasy, but he uses actual science to create a great story,