Redwall: Warlords

Discussion => Development => Topic started by: taekwondokid42 on May 19, 2013, 02:24:35 PM

Title: Nix Tents (3.0)
Post by: taekwondokid42 on May 19, 2013, 02:24:35 PM
I think the idea of tents is to add a layer of complexity. I think it turns too much of the game into black magic though. Promi is a numbers and equations type of game, and I think that tents add too much obfuscation.

So, my suggestion is we nix tents, but keep the worker dynamic around:

Free Land: 100 workers
Markets: 100 workers
Foragers: 100 workers
worker based cashing/fooding would orient around these three buildings, that's why they are all max.

Camps: 50 workers
Barracks: 50 workers
the equation should be constructed so that 100% barracks will always give the most troops in the long run. Workers come faster when there aren't many right? So maybe make it such that 5% of existing workers get recruited every turn at 100% barracks, so that there are always not many workers around but they show up fast (and then get conscripted fast).

The indy still has to find some way to feed his troops, espeically in the current game there is hardly enough food to go around. So the indy will be forced to tinker with the tax rates a lot. 5% tax means more workers and more units. 70% tax means more food but lower conscription rates because of less workers.

Huts: 20 workers
Towers: 20 workers

Towers are defensive, and they are very powerful. They should come at a cost: few workers.
Huts bring leaders, which are used for buffs and offensive actions. Furthermore, leaders are very low mantenance compared to an army. Therefore they get very few workers as well.

I think that it would be good to adjust the tax rate equation to be straightforward as well: more tax always means more overall income, less tax always means more workers. I'm not really a fan of the 'which tax rate is the magic number?' game. The penalty to having a high tax rate (over 10%) is that you can't heal, and you can't conscript army as fast.

And, if we add the thing about workers being able to count as leaders for defense, a high tax rate will also mean increased vulnerability to leader attacks.
Title: Re: Nix Tents
Post by: Firetooth on May 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM
People just build towers at the end of their runs, though, so the worker deduction doesn't mean much. TBH, I just think towers should get removed. They serve no purpose to any strategy besides land retention, and they are only viable at high land levels, hence only really used to lock.

I agree on tax being too focused towards balance over the extremes, but there will probably always be an optimum number.
Title: Re: Nix Tents
Post by: Shadow on May 22, 2013, 03:08:38 AM
while I appreciate your dev thoughts, many of your suggestions for changes are how things already are, or things we tried an discarded previously. ill have time to address balance suggestions in latd june. in the meantime, play around and ask questions so that people can fill you in.

for example, the curent lock is more symptonatic of the power of unclanned teams in a small player base than of overpowered defensive units, based on several months of observation and lots of tweaks to defensijv3 numbers, so making locks easier to break isn't necessarily so simple as nerfing towers. ill post my plan closer to when I get back.

again, avoid using this round as your base for balance suggestions. without the bug exploit, it would look very different.