Started by Badrang the Tyrant, March 15, 2003, 03:59:23 PM

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Badrang the Tyrant

 LOJ: The Rovers have made their appearance again in Mossflower, and is accepting members.  Message Kablar's Dark Horde (#624) to join.  


 What does LOJ have to do with The Rovers? I'm not seeing a connection here.

Badrang the Tyrant

 It was a clan that I started on the old server, and I didn't know how to change the Flag, so I kept it.


 hey itz me da wolf byz
im in loj and i need sum help , our clan is being attacked  :angry: and i have been sent threats that if i dont send money and troops he will keep attacking me and my clan so if u have the heart to help a troubled warlord  :( please attacked this warlord  his number is #649 and his sn is begin
thanx for ur help, the wolf boyz :D  
"It has purple inside, purple is a fruit.." Homer Simpson


 If you have been attacked by the NAZ there is very little that can be done to stop them. Their exploits are funded by the Emperor, and it will take a long while before we can dispose of ONE of them at the least...


 loj and Imperiel are sworn enemies, so little can be done if it is them either.


 Uhhhh...I used to Run Imperial and I didn't know of your little Jihad...Funny how these little clans take wars so seriously.

LOJ will be destroyed because of their lack of devotion to the free peoples. They are now against EVERYONE in the game...


 if they are running aginst everyone, then they are signing their own death warrants.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Kilk, it not the Imperial you used to run.  It is some new person with the same tag as you.  Their name is We Have No Lives.