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Messages - BigRick

Reg Discussion / Re: I'm new to the game.
June 29, 2009, 11:27:55 PM
You wont get killed quickly. If you guys create a clan, my clan will be your ally. The guy who killed you dont normally play.

Basically, if you dont want to get killed, follow retal policies. Everyone goes with a basic, 4 attacks allowed on an empire. Dont hit the same empire every day, spread your hits around. Also if you do play there let me tell you, do not run a mage strat as it sucks right now. Tree of Gold which makes you money will not give you enough gains. You would be better off cashing with an elve then mage.

But anyway you can try it out on beta if you like. You can play as many turns as you want, give yourself land, give yourself gold. So that you can test out different strats if you want. It changes tho if they make changes for the next set.

Reg Discussion / Re: I'm new to the game.
June 29, 2009, 06:18:09 PM
lol he killed him because his clan was RedWall: Warlords

He might of mentioned something about you attacking him a lot but i dont remember.
Reg Discussion / Re: I'm new to the game.
June 29, 2009, 04:22:48 PM
Quote from: Blood Wake on June 29, 2009, 01:02:00 PM
Howdy, Rick. I'm Blood Wake, I played NWO for a few days last month... then I died... and I have NO IDEA why or how. but all three of my countries or whatever died and I decided never to go back. Yup.

but RWL was my first Promisance game and will always be my home. going to other prom games is usually just out of boredom.

anyway, welcome. hope you stick around.

Lol you died because every game has people like Zep. It just so happens the guy who killed you doesnt like RWL :P
Reg Discussion / Re: Suggestion: Point System
June 29, 2009, 12:56:04 PM
Yeah personally i dont think it should be ranks only as some people may be skilled at attacking/defending or killing people and would prefer to go that route instead of going for NW. It would make it where if you really want to win, you'd have to have an overall good empire, not just a high NW.
Reg Discussion / Re: I'm new to the game.
June 29, 2009, 12:52:05 PM
I dont "spam" per say. I usually try to make most of my posts have some type of meaning.

Thanks everyone for welcoming me to the game. Dont be shy about giving me a shout on aim or msn.
Taz games is a spin off of WGZ. NWO is its own thing, based off the old ezclan code.

I was skeptical about being able to run 3 countries in NWO as well, however you are not allowed to aid yourself or attack yourself so you can not simply create 3 accounts and have 2 of them be your land farm. You dont have to run 3, it is optional.

NWO does have a lot of WGZ guys tho as you mentioned. We advertise for Taz games and likewise, taz games advertises for NWO.
Is there a limit on who you can attack based on NW? Like you can't attack someone if they are 80% smaller than you or anything of that nature?
News / Updates / Re: Banning of Zeppelin
June 29, 2009, 02:31:38 AM
Quote from: Neobaron on June 29, 2009, 02:19:29 AM
If you stop thinking in terms of freedom as something you're entitled to rather than as a responsibility you have to other people then you will understand my point. If your reality is such that you need to come here and make others miserable then there is probably a good reason why those others should take the initiative to protect their fun.

Your fun should never come at the expense of someone elses, and no its not a sensitivity issue. This is a place for fun, not unabated douchebaggery.

You new folks need to lurk more before you start making suggestions or deciding whats acceptable in our realm.

Either way, an admin has made a decision. If there is a problem, the PM function is, I believe, active on this board.

Once again, it is my responisbility to let you know that i am allowed to say what i want on the forums regardless if i am new or not as long as it is within the rules of the forums which as far as i know i have no crossed.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how long they have been or havent been playing. I can make suggestions if i want. Its my right. I'm allowed to disagree with you. I can disagree with the admins too. Whoopdy doo. Have a cookie.

I'm not one to lurk. I either jump right in or i dont jump at all. This post does not have anything to do with the original one and i have nothing else to say about it either. So I will stop posting here.
Yes she does not have to fit her schedule around RWL. What i was trying to say is, there are ways to code in so that she doesnt have to be online to end the game. It can end its self, then she can login when she wants, and actually reset it.

I understand turbo resets on the 28th. I stated that, but can you tell me what time? I wont play this game long if i go to play my last turns and i find its been reset because i had no clue what time it would be reset.

I understand RWL may have been whatever for however long, but I am a new member and just giving my input from a new members perspective.

Why go to work if you dont know when your suppose to be there?
News / Updates / Re: Banning of Zeppelin
June 29, 2009, 02:13:33 AM
Quote from: Neobaron on June 29, 2009, 02:06:26 AM
This whole discussion just makes the decisions of the administrators seem arbitrary. I think its highly unprofessional for you guys to even post on this topic considering your presence here is an admission that you acquiesce to any and all decisions made by those who own/run/build the game.

I'm sure there are proper channels that dont make us all look so silly. Calling others out in public and playing the blame game isnt the way to do things.

Come on guys.

Freedom of speech?

Anyway, i am unprofessional. This is a GAME, why should i act all serious in it? It is a place to escape from the real world, take on a different persona. Why can't someone make a butt of themselves if they want to? Not to mention if it wasnt for the people, the admins wouldnt have anything to do anyway. Its in my nature to complain.
News / Updates / Re: Banning of Zeppelin
June 29, 2009, 02:08:45 AM
For the record, I have heard swearing in PG-13 movies and they bicker and insult people all the time in them. From my point of view, it was trash talking at its finest. Both parties participated, so both should suffer the same punishment. Talk such as what they did is tolerated at NWO, so i am going to have to get use to these forums i guess. THere is nothing more fun that insulting someone because they failed to kill you or something. Sure they might have killed me 5 times before that, but i can still insult them because of that one time.

Like i said i am new here, but why would Zep continue to play if he wants to ruin the game? Maybe what you guys call ruining the game, he calls enjoying the game. People get enjoyment out of things in different ways.
General Discussion / Suggestions by yours truely
June 29, 2009, 01:51:17 AM
Ok so I am new here and can you give things from my point of view. First thing on the agenda.

I am new here and just found out turbo has already been reset. How is a new player suppose to know this stuff? If anything there should be an offical post on the forums, Turbo has been reset, sign ups are open.

It would be very helpful to me and all new players if the length of the set was on the welcome page with teh login stuff. That way i dont say hey, I would like to try this game out. Create an account, and login the next day to find out it was reset and i had no clue.  I also understand the turbo set ends on the 28th and doesnt always end at the same time. This is bogus. This does not put everyone on the same playing field.

You need to end the set on the 28th at the same time, every set. Code into the game to stop turns and any involvement in your country at a certain time so that people know when it is going to end so everyone gets an equal finish.

Also, i just started up my account on turbo. I've noticed turns start running straight away and you can start playing turns. I also disagree with this. Again, this does not put everyone on the same playing field. Not only do they not know when the set is actually going to end, you miss out on turns if your not there right away to create your account. I propose that you also start the set at the same time each set. End it at midnight on the 28th (pick a timezone and make sure they know its that timezone) Then i have no problem with it being reset right away. However, I think for 24 hours you shouldnt get any turns. Make that your sign up period. That way as long as you create in that 24 hours you will start equal with everyone else.

This is only the beginning. :P more to come as i see fit.
News / Updates / Re: Banning of Zeppelin
June 29, 2009, 01:38:01 AM
I'm new here but i find this rather...well i disagree with it.

I have a feel i'll end up right along side him if all it takes is being disagreeable and repeated swearing...I must admit i curse like a saylor and dont think to watch what i type.
Quote from: Night Wolf on June 28, 2009, 11:52:10 PM
Shadow is the one who killed you :P
Quote from: Wolf Snare on June 29, 2009, 12:03:17 AM
okay.... point?

I believe his point is that, now you know who did it, so now you can kill him twice  >:D
We shall see, we shall see. This will be my first set so i am going to get my feet wet and see how things go. I dont know whats going to happen.

But if i get attacked as much as i've been told I will. I am sure i will make some frienemies very quickly.