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Topics - Angrod Palant?r

Clans / Loren Recruits
October 10, 2003, 06:57:55 AM
 Athel Loren has now branched out into two parts:
Loren, the clan comprising of experienced players and those who have gone through Loren Recruits (LRecruit).
Loren Recruits has an aim to teach new players about playing RWL, lend a hand to those struggling in the lower ranks, or help fine-tune strats and playing styles.

All who wish to join Loren must first go through LRecruit, unless I believe it is unnecessary. This way, it is a lot easier to run and teach. Each also has the full support of the other.
The two clans are one, just it is not possible to divide clans up, which means the same rules apply.
The password is also the same. "Orion", just to remind any of those that do not remember.

I recommend any who want to learn more about the game to join Loren Recruits, it could be very beneficial to your RWL future.
I believe wolf bite will take part in the teaching, but I'll have to triple-check that one.
General Discussion / This is a mess
September 18, 2003, 05:48:22 PM
 I don't really know what to say, except that Athel Loren has done nothing wrong, despite common opinion.
Oh, I also learned something very valuable- In a clan war, never wait for max turns to use them if you want to stay alive. That's taken me about 11 months, but better late than never.
for those of you that wish to kill me again, my new account is Listen To My Laughter. Lasta Lalaithamin means the same thing in Elvish.
I'm not angry, just disappointed in this place. And in myself, for something irrelevant to this topic.
What Aus said was so true about their being favouritism, and I argued it. Heh.

-Angrod Palant?r

General Discussion / The results are in
September 17, 2003, 06:54:46 AM
 As I've mentioned, I ran a poll in our forums to decide what to do in regards to TJ.
There were 5 votes to keep attacking, and 2 to make peace.
The former clearly outdoes the latter.
Dead Eye said that if we continue to fight TJ, we go to war with not only him, but the whole of Blades.
Therefore, we declare war openly on Blades. It shall not stop until they give in and admit defeat and until TJ is no longer a threat.

Any that wish to support Blades do so now, so we know who we're up against.
Clans / Athel Loren
September 13, 2003, 12:17:38 AM
 Athel Loren is a new clan, but is quickly growing in power and numbers. We currently have 5 members, and that is only in our first 24 hours!
We plan to overtake the game with our numbers and skill, taking advantage of the current mess the top 10 in regular is in.
All are invited to join, particularly those who are new players or want to learn more about the game, as Athel Loren plans to teach any who wish to learn.
Some vets always help, and there's great rewards in being in such a clan as this.
The password is orion.
Join today!

-Angrod Palant?r, #524