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Topics - Shade

Spa Room 101 / Does Shade deserve a special title?
October 29, 2009, 09:16:33 PM
Years I've been trying to talk the admins into giving me one of the kewl forum titles, but alas, it has been in vain.

So now I ask you, is Shade awesome enough to deserve a fancy title?

What title would YOU give me?
Turbo Discussion / A call to all troublemakers!
October 29, 2009, 07:32:23 PM
Do you enjoy schemeing the downfall of your enemies?
Do you enjoy disproportionate revenge again percieved slights in overly convoluted manners?
Maybe just chaos for it's own sake?

Have I got a deal for you!

I am now offering a little program that I call a 'Shade-y apprenticeship'

I can teach you to refine your strategies to more efficient forms, and aid you in developing your very own zany schemes, but more importantly, I can offer the resources to make those schemes a reality, and invite you to share in the profit and fun of schemes of my own.

There are limited spots available! Apprentices will be chosen by application.

Applicants should demonstrate:
a) A reasonable basic understanding of the game. I don't mind if you're not a great player, or don't know how to run a decent strat, but I don't want to have to explain what 'food' does. There are training clans for that.
b) The willingness to obey strange, unreasonable, nonsensical, and often detrimental orders simply because you were instructed to obey them.
c) A sense of humor!

If any of you have heard of me or the way I operate, you might know that I prefer some amount of secrecy in my operations. That includes who's working for me, so naturally these here applications should be done via PM and absolutely not mentioned in this thread or any other.

Applicants are subject to testing.

Also, for the sake of randomness (and because I heard this one today) all applicants must solve this simple riddle and submit the answer via PM to be considered: "I have three lines, four angles. Second in line. In heavan, and hell. What am I?"

P.s. All applicants should address me as 'Master Shade'
General Discussion / They always come back...
August 21, 2009, 01:40:39 AM
Hey guys,

The Shade will be back, for awhile at least. Alazar threatened to beat me with a golf club if I didn't sign up with him.

Is there anyone left here who has any idea who I am?
Help / Bugs / Espionaging your allies
October 08, 2008, 05:09:44 PM
Does anyone else thing you should be allowed to use espionage on your clan mates?
As it is it's barely considered an attack, you can still cast it on a person who is maxed and the like. It can also be extremely useful to know your allies stats when they aren't around, a few rounds ago I had to get someone else to espionage a member of my clan and give me the stats so I could block his troop holes to save him from being killed. Given the theme of this turbo round, it would be even more useful for allies to be able to see what troops their allies need to defend successfully.
Turbo Discussion / Ascension
September 19, 2008, 11:01:28 PM
Your Army trembles at your attack on such a strong opponent. 2.7% desert!

Group 1 won through their opponents.
Group 2 won through their opponents.
Group 3 won through their opponents.
Group 4 won through their opponents.
Your Army breaks through The Emperor's defenses and captures 1 Acres of Land! In the effort, you lost:
3 Stoats
In their defense, The Emperor lost:
You enter the throne room...and stab The Emperor in the heart! You become the new Emperor of Sampetra!

The Emperor is dead (finally)

Long Live Emperor Shade!
Bugs / Interesting...
August 25, 2008, 11:14:00 AM
Apparently if you are reduced to just your cities, people can keep attacking you, the message is 'you held your defense and your enemy was repelled' but if they use sack, they still take your money and food. Perhaps not a bug, but still interesting.
Help / Bugs / Minimum amounts to buy on the market
June 27, 2008, 03:28:10 PM
Perhaps we should put in some kind of system to enforce players buy at least a certain amount of troops off the market if they are going to buy at all, it just took me several minutes to log in because some noob bought 1 rat over and over and over again to lag up my front page, and I'm not the only person this has happened to
Bugs / Take City bug
February 13, 2008, 11:03:45 AM
If you attempt to take a city with 0 money it will only cost you one turn rather than the two it should take, after the first turn, turns are stopped due to lack of cash. I'm fairly sure that isn't supposed to happen.
Spa Room 101 / Brain Teaser
January 19, 2008, 07:52:40 PM
I heard this brain teaser a few months ago and it flittered through my mind earlier while I was trying to avoid doing more productive things, it's a pretty good one. Figured i'd post it here.

A group of people need to cross a river, they have a raft that can carry two people at a time. The group is made up of a father, a mother, two sons, two daughters, a cop, and a robber.

1)Only the cop, the father, and the mother can steer the raft, so one of the two people on the raft must be one of these three.
2)The robber cannot be left on the same side of the river as anyone else if the cop is not also there, he can, however, be on one side of the river alone even if the cop is not there. (this also means only the cop can take him across the river)
3)The mother cannot be on the same side of the river as the son(s) if the father isn't there
4)The father cannot be on the same side of the river as the daughter(s) if the mother isn't there
5)People may only cross the river via the raft, no swimming  ;)
6)The raft can only move across the river if one of the adults is steering it, no ropes pulling it back over unmanned :P

I first heard this from my dad, who heard it from his boss who evidentily spent 3-4 days trying to figure it out, I got it in a couple minutes, let's see how you guys do  :)

edit: I do believe this is the first topic i've ever created, woot!