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Messages - Briar

Spa Room 101 / Re: Random poll
November 07, 2008, 12:26:20 PM
copy cats :P
Polling / Re: Vote
November 07, 2008, 12:23:59 PM
The economic boom of the 90s was due to the Technology Revolution not something that Clinton did...he was just there.  New job were created because a new industry was created.  That Revolution is now over and is stagnating hence the lack of new jobs.

BTW... If you really want to compare presidents vs. spending you normally have to look at the previous president.  Most policies take 2-5 years to take hold.  That means that if a president makes a financial decision, people may not see the true effects until that president is gone.  that means the credit goes to the next president.

The economy is having issues because people buy on credit and then don't make enough to pay off the bills.  If people stopped "keeping up with Jones' " and lived within their means then the economy would begin the healing process.  Yes some people earn more money and can buy toys that others can't but think to you really need that new car or does your old one still have life in it?
Polling / Re: Vote
November 06, 2008, 03:24:26 PM
Mind you, I don't agree with the electoral college because it can negate the popular vote, but

supporters of it claim that it Prevents an urban-centric victory, Enhances status of minority groups, Neutralizes turnout disparities between states, and can Maintain separation of powers.
General Discussion / Re: The Doctor
November 06, 2008, 03:12:16 PM
Awww yes David Tennant...too bad this is his last season. I am really going to miss him.

Anyone else think that last seasons finale was lame?
General Discussion / The Doctor
November 06, 2008, 09:17:51 AM
Anyone else here interested in Doctor Who?

I absolutely love the show.

For those of you who watch ( or don't) what is your opinion of the show?
Polling / Re: Vote
November 06, 2008, 03:36:19 AM
hear, hear.

I totally agree with the General.  The Republican platform calls for lower taxes  It calls for small government and it believes that certain industries should be privitized.  It allows American to make there own finacial decisions.

The Democratic platform wants to raise taxes and makes financial decision for us because it believes we can't make them for ourselves.  It means nationalizing certain industries which would lead to lower quality.

Bush fell of the platform with his poor fiscal policies.  But one man's actions do not necessarily reflect a groups beliefs.
Polling / Re: Vote
November 04, 2008, 08:02:38 PM
Quote from: Ereptor on November 04, 2008, 05:23:40 PM
This is my first election ever voting.

I voted for McCain because I do not really like Obama. In my opinion, he talk a lot but does not say much.
I am expecting this to be a close election though.