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Topics - Ungatt Trunn II

February 10, 2013, 09:10:55 PM
We must arise, spammers! We cannot allow any outside force to threaten our sovereignty. Our fated purpose is to assimilate, and when that fails annihilate! That is because the universe is our birthright. We have never settled for anything less than complete domination of all that opposes us! We were born from the ashes of war and we strive on willpower alone. That is because we are unbreakable, individually and as a collective. No longer shall we condone the complacency of corruption which has diseased our very mindset from the beginning. We can all breath a heavy sigh of relief with the knowledge that we will always succeed in any goal and completely obliterate any obstacle. That is because when challenged, we simply adapt and overcome! Adversity is our greatest ally, Spa! And that is why we must kill it.

You can bake cookies. Sure? But why!? Those cookies are NOT healthy for our WAR EFFORT. They make us FAT and FAT IS DEATH. Instead, bake grenades.

You can mix cocktails. That's stupid! It dulls our perception and makes us do stupid things like procreate. Instead mix ammonia and bleach! The aroma is intoxicating.

You can slaughter pigs. That is good. Bathe in their blood, it's good for the soul.

We can kill everything. And we will. All we need is more time, which we have. Because I will ensure our victory! NEVER shall we be denied our RIGHT to victory!

As a child, I would often roam the streets of the cities in the old world. The filth and corruption sickened me. I couldn't breath. I was trapped. That was until I began to fabricate a flamethrower. The glorious blaze was spared on none. They would not deny me my right to exact JUSTICE on their pathetic hides. I made $3.50 in one night just by doing that. Cool. My point is, you must always be willing to buy war bonds!

Together and alone we are dangerous to the bone. But alone and together we don't rhyme as good, so remember that. And also remember that I'm always watching you and I will destroy you as soon as everyone looks away for a moment.
Spa Room 101 / Federal Network: LIVE!
January 13, 2013, 07:46:37 PM



BREAKING NEWS: Widespread celebration erupts forum-wide, as the once absent United Spa Federation returns from a time warp and restores order. Presently, our brave men and women in uniform are working hard to assimilate the primitive tribes which have taken up residence in the derelict cities of Spa.


Although the cost was great, the Federation has finally eradicated spammunism from all timelines past, present and future. Experts state that a new era of spam is to be expected, while we try to find a new enemy to blame for all our problems.


The Commander is to announce a new chain of command tonight, live! Only on FedNet!



First: Confusion. Then: Pure joy.

Gone for, by our perspective, years. But to them only for a term of service. The Spa Federation, which was lost through what could only be called "pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo", has returned to spa.

Originally sent into the time warp as a special mission to destroy spammunism from existence, an erroneous calculation has launched the troopers forward in time. Realizing the horror of a spa without the Federation, they have decided to stay and restore order. "It was a decision that would literally be best for the Federation in the long run," mused General Rommler. "To go back would only mean that eventually we wouldn't exist at all anyways." The task force, dubbed the "Time Raiders" have faced harrowing battles in the warp. Some have been driven mad from being exposed to inter-dimensional forces.

"Our mission was successful, so we started to backtrack home. But then we somehow ended up in the future instead." Apparently, Federal scientists failed to account for the progression of time in the present, and how it would correlate with the Time Raiders' own journey. "But now we're here, and it seems the Commander is still alive. He has ordered us to stay and we are only too happy to comply." The Federal troops have been battling isolated groups of savage tribals in the once iconic cities of Spa, and plan to completely restore the cities and Spa. With their expertise in time travel, they have even sent requests for reinforcements to the past. This ensures the United Spa Federation a near endless amount of troops.

Many of the immortal race of Spammers still remember the Federation. And many were indeed enemies to it. But many have cast aside past differences to support unity in the currently harsh times of Spa. The Federation will be handing out supplies to the desolate villages, and eradicating bandits and raiders.

All are welcome to join our ranks! Spa needs you! The Federation needs you! Service guarantees citizenship!


Spammunism. Once thought to be just a word used to scare small children for some reason. But no, it seems that they were once REAL. Thanks to the efforts of a certain galactic federation, spammunism has never existed! But how? Well if you payed any amount of attention to the other stories maybe you'd know you [wash my mouth out!!!] knave. The time traveling troopers of tomorrow have actually destroyed every instance of spammunism!

But what does this mean for you? It means that no longer will your freedoms be stolen by spammunists. No longer shall you fear working in a salt mine for 25 years before getting sent to a gulag because you cracked a joke about the commissar's wife. No longer will beets be literally the only thing for dinner. Freedom at last for all citizens in spa!

But back to the main point in case you are slightly retarded. Spammunism was once a very bad and prevalent thing. In fact, according to time projections it once RULED our time! But the "Time Raiders" killed them all. They went through time and killed spammunism. Now that's what I call dedication! -CELEBRATION IS MANDATORY. PLEASE STOP READING AND CELEBRATE FOR 15 SECONDS OR FACE THE FIRING SQUAD-

Now only time will tell what our next enemy shall be. Probably the sand people. [wash my mouth out!!!] the sand people.


And now a talk from the Commander himself!


Good day. I am Commander Ungatt Trunn II, Esq.
I'm glad you could be here with me, as we all stride forward into an uncertain future, that is sure to bring only joy and fond memories. Also glory, as we eradicate those who fail to comply to the awe inspiring might of the Federation. But before we can TRULY take up arms and march onward to our destiny, we must have DELEGATED POWERS. My favorite thing ever is to delegate powers. Preferably in an easy-to-remember pyramid-esque method.

But I'm busy and have important duties to drink, so I'll make this quick. Sky Marshal is Camaclue. Prime Minister is Krowdon. You ALL take orders from them. More jobs are to be assigned at a later date, thank you.


Spa Room 101 / Post your pathetic desktops
November 27, 2012, 08:16:14 PM
And wish they were even almost as good as mine.

Spa Room 101 / Quite rare update
November 03, 2012, 08:16:48 PM
With the return of Night Wolf, AKA whatever the hell his new account name is, RSL is now large enough to create a council and carry out legislation over the lowly new era spammers.

First issue that I'd like to bring before the council; Camaclue.

Should all his posts simply be deleted on sight?
Spa Room 101 / I am alone with my spa...
September 23, 2012, 12:01:41 AM
Every single dark age of activity in Spa came to an end before this time of the year. 

Spa Room 101 / Happiness
September 02, 2012, 10:19:58 PM
is a warm gun.
Spa Room 101 / Return of RSL
August 18, 2012, 09:18:05 PM
After many failed operations, I have decided that the best course of action would be to simply restart RSL.

I declare myself Chairman and Krowdon as Grand General of SRA.

More information will be released at a later date.
Many of my high lords are falling out of line. I have shown mercy up until now, but will not do so in the future. You are out of warnings. I do not think I need to say any names. But any acts of heresy from now on will be grounds for immediate loss of your position, expulsion from the Imperium, and have you marked as an enemy to Spa.

That is all. The Inquisition is watching and the Emperor is protecting.
As Emperor of the Imperium, I am creating this new office which will have two stages.

Stage 1: Recover the trolls
Stage 2: Integrate trolls into the Imperium

Every spammer is a member until stage 1 is complete, then all the trolls become members and we get on with our lives.

The primary directive right now is to use any and all means to bring the trolls back into Spa. Get to work.
Spa Room 101 / Welcome to the age of the Imperium
July 06, 2012, 06:15:25 PM
Spa Room 101 / 108°F outside right now
June 29, 2012, 01:52:21 PM
And I have no air conditioning. Is this the best you have, nature? Weeeeak. Or maybe I'm delirious from the heat.
Spa Room 101 / Solution
June 15, 2012, 02:19:30 PM
I will procure a replacement computing device soon. Stand by.
Spa Room 101 / Problems
June 12, 2012, 06:10:32 PM
I'm experiencing computer issues and must post from my phone. As a result I am unable to mod so good. I don't know how long I'll be out but for now Krowdon is your boss. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Spa Room 101 / Click here to serve the Emperor!
June 08, 2012, 10:10:52 PM
Emperor of Spamkind - Ungatt Trunn II

Every poster has a debt to the Emperor. The following spammers are performing their duty.
The High Lords of Spa:
Master of the Administratum - Krowdon
Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum - stormsight
Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum - Durza
Inquisitorial Representative - Dark Claws
Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus - Camaclue
Paternoval Envoy of the Navigators - Umbra
Master of the Astronomican - Shadow
Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica - Firetooth
Chancellor of the Estate Imperium - Rakefur
Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard - Flitchaye Warrior

Post in this thread to be given a position. Those listed above may request to be given a new position or swap with another. If you are unsure as to what your duties are, please ask.

Currently vacant:
Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar
Cardinal(s) of the Holy Synod of Spa
The Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas
Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes
The Speaker for the Chartist Captains
Spa Room 101 / Rules you must follow or die
June 08, 2012, 08:15:12 PM
Imperial Code:
-The Emperor is the one and only salvation for all Spamkind.
-All spammers are loyal subjects to the Emperor.
-The Emperor protects, you serve.
-Heresy shall not be tolerated.
June 08, 2012, 07:58:50 PM
Quote from: Wolf Snare on June 09, 2012, 03:07:58 AM
ungatt cannot produce a decent story
Spa Room 101 / Imperium of Spam
June 08, 2012, 07:44:25 PM
-Your Emperor
Spa Room 101 / Talking to myself
May 29, 2012, 08:44:13 PM
Because no one else is doing anything.