Redwall: Warlords

Discussion => Role-Play => Topic started by: Daryn on June 06, 2010, 12:01:47 AM

Title: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Daryn on June 06, 2010, 12:01:47 AM
>Well, one clan vs. another. Ice lives in the Northlands and Fire lives in the Southsward

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[b]Warlord Name:[/b]
[b]Warlord Alliance:[/b] Fire, Ice, or other [please name]?

Warlord Name: Shigedo
Warlord Alliance: Ice

It was as cold as ice up in the north. That was where he liked it best. Warlord Shigedo leaned back against the rail of his massive juggernaut, Waveraider and sighed. They hadn't seen a bit of Fire since they were coasting up the shores of Mossflower. That was how boring it was. The black panther looked about, his blue eyes scanning the seas. "Kestrelwing, what is our position?" he called, glaring at the said tabby tom.

Kstrelwind turned back, his yellow eyes gleaming. From his perch on the mast, he scanned about, the wind whipping his dark gray fur back. Suddenly, with a leap, Kestrelwing landed neatly on all fours. "Mouth of River Moss, commander."

Shigedo nodded sagely, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on March 30, 2011, 08:17:26 PM
Warlord Name: Ferahgo Nickname: SiegeMaster
Warlord Alliance: wandering with mid. size group
Master Strategist

status looking for an alliance
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Daryn on March 30, 2011, 08:27:00 PM
Do you want Shigeto and Ferahgo to meet? I'm planning on a small crew in Waveraider.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on March 30, 2011, 08:27:47 PM
sure lets meet.

by the way i never did a RP before
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Mr.Grimm on March 30, 2011, 09:37:48 PM
Warlord: Volg
Warlord Alliance: Ice

OOC: Once again, I don't know how active I'll be.

The air was freezing. Of course it was always freezing in forsaken hunting spot. This was the hunting spot of Volg and his clan. It had been his hunting spot for as long as he could remember. To call it a hunting spot would joke, as the land was dead, covered by the ice and cursed by the sun. Indeed, it was lucky Volg's clan ever so the sun. Volg did not care. He knew in this land you either became strong, or you die. And he was one of the strongest. A rat approached Volg, "Sire, I don't wish to bother you, but we have no food." The rat looked nervously at his master. Volg's face did not change for a moment and then, a small smile began to play upon his lips. "What else is new Shawslash, my old friend? We're lucky if some bird just flies over us everyonce a week. I think... I think it is time for a change of scenery old friend. Yes, a change... Tell the other to pack up and begin the march south. It is time we find ourselves a new hunting ground." Shawslash looked at the stoat eyes, fixed ahead to unknown lands and creatures. Shawslash grew up in this land and he knew his master was right. If they continued to live here, it would only be a few seasons until they all died. That didn't change the fact that he quite afraid of what they were going to attempt.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Daryn on March 31, 2011, 07:44:00 PM
Waveraider had only a small band of about a score of hardened fighters, but it was enough. Shigeto called for a stop and rapped out orders, "Kestrelwing! Take five and begin towing the schooner in! Halion, you and Clawtooth stay aboard the ship! The rest of you, come with me to the beach!" With that, a longboat was lowered with the vermin crew and they landed upon the beach. A campfire was set hurriedly, and soon, a plume of smoke rose above.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on March 31, 2011, 08:10:57 PM
Ferhago and his band of about three score were on the border. Ferhago had to decide, if he should go north or south. The south provided hunting grounds, but the north could give them the chance to form an alliance. Ferhago choose the north.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Krowdon on April 03, 2011, 09:52:13 AM
(Hmm. I think I will join this too. Im not good at roleplay, but practice will improve my skills.)

Warlord name: Krowdon (What else?)
Warlord Alliance: Fire

(I want to read 2 or 3 more posts before I jump in.)
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Daryn on April 03, 2011, 08:18:32 PM

The camp was now set up now. Shigeto leaned back against the makeshift throne for him, a plate of roast fish and damson wine in front of him.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on April 04, 2011, 04:50:57 PM
Scringetail, one of Shigeto's sentries, reported, " Um... Sire, there. um... The band of Ferahgo is. um. outside our camp. He. uh. Wants to make an alliance."
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Mr.Grimm on April 06, 2011, 04:01:03 PM
Volg's clan had set up camp on top of a hill. A village burned in the background, unfortunate enough to be caught in the way of the clan's march south. Food was taken along with new recruits who wished to join. Those who didn't join were killed on site. Shawslash munched on some chicken looking around at his happy fellow clan mates. Their mood had greatly increased now that food and shelter had been found. Getting up and stretching, Shawslash moved towards the head of the camp where Volg's tent was set up. With the hope of catching his master in a good mode, the rat walked into the tent and looked around at the what he saw. The tent was very simple looking. A cot to sleep in was found on the left side of the tent while a place for Volg's weapons were on the right. But it was what was right in front of the tent that always unnerved Volg's visitors to his tent. For at the very front of the tent, were the heads of Volg's enemies and victims. "Sire?" Shawshank called out to his master, "Sire? I have news." Volg was busy looking at his wall of trophies, "Yes, what is it?" "Um well, you see your lord," the rat spluttered out, " It seems we have found a new hunting ground, hmm?" The rat tried putting on a smile but stopped when he saw that one of the heads on the wall had the same smile. Volg turned around slowly, "No, I'm afraid we don't have a new hunting ground yet. You see, I made the choice that this frozen wasteland is no longer of use to our people. Tell the clan to be ready to march south again." This order had taken Shawslash back by suprise. Why should they march any farther? There was plenty of food here, and it was warmer then their old home too. But he smart enough not to question his master. "Sire, if I may ask, where are we going?" Volg turned back to his trophy wall. "To a place called Mossflower. That is where we shall rule."
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Daryn on April 07, 2011, 09:08:05 PM
"Ferahgo?" A brow cocked upward to express slight interest as the big black cat rose, pale blue eyes raking the sentries form. "I shall see him. Perhaps this alliance will prove to be best for us." His gaze slid from the soldier to one of his lieutenent, Kestrelwind. "Oi. You go and check the lay of the land."
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on April 08, 2011, 04:40:17 PM
Ferahgo *walks into tent*
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Kyrolin Zenyar on April 12, 2011, 01:10:10 PM
Warlord Name: Kyrolin Zenyar, cat.
Warlord Alliance: Rogue

OOC: Like Grimm, I'm more engaged in major rps, but I'll find time for this.

Kyrolin's beasts were scouting out the territory near Shigeto's camp, when a few of his rats came running, telling him about Volg's being in the area, and a possible alliance between Shigeto and Ferahgo.
Annoyed at these complications to his plans to assassinate Shigeto, Kyrolin immediately sent out a guerrilla force of beasts to destroy Shigeto and Ferahgo at the same time, when they would both be in the same tent.  Watching to make sure that the crossbows and arrows, flaming and regular, were in good order, the cat hoped the mission would be succesful.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on April 12, 2011, 03:47:47 PM
Out of the corner of his eye Ferahgo saw a light coming toward him, instictly he threw himself and Shigeto down. But couldnt stop the arrow from burning the tent.

Ferahgo was in his element, shouting orders and hacking at enemies if they got to close.

Ferahgo's best archer reported
"Yes sire?"
" Keep your eyes peeled for Kyrolin. This is his doing."
"Yes sire. Right away."
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Mr.Grimm on April 14, 2011, 08:47:35 PM
Volg's army had been on the march for days without news from their scouts. That all changed when a scout ran up to Volg. "Sire!' Yelled the ferret, "Their seems to be a battle up ahead!" Volg pondered this. He quickly began to question the ferret. "Who is fighting and how many beasts are there?" The ferret paused for a second to think, "I don't know who's fighting, lord. But it seems there must a large number of troops up ahead! What should we do." Volg thought for a moment. "We'll wait until we have a better idea of what seems to be going on. Then we shall make our move!"
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Krowdon on April 18, 2011, 07:05:33 PM
(Im gonna be a neeb and write a short post, then hop in once everyone is done fighting. Here goes nothin'...)

Krowdon sat up on a branch of an ash tree, awaiting her friend Daiki to return with news. The Fox and Ocelot had been friends for a long time, and he had left her in the middle of the night. Krowdon knew he would return, and planned to yell at him about wandering off alone. After her group deserted her, Daiki was all Krowdon had left, and she couldn't afford to be along.

It was an hour before Daiki returned. Panting, the ocelot stopped to catch his breath. Krowdon lept out of the tree and handed a bottle of water to her friend. Daiki took a sip, before speaking. "Krowdon... Theres a fight going on up ahead. Lets go and watch. Perhaps this is our chance to join an army, or something. Seems like a lot of beasts."  Krowdon gave Daiki a quick pat on the shoulder, then gathered their things and the two headed off in the direction of the battle.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Kyrolin Zenyar on April 18, 2011, 07:08:07 PM
Kyrolin sat safely in his camp watching the fight go on.

He saw Krowdon and Daiki coming his way, and hailed them.  "Hey there, you two, I've seen you around before.  Want to join a horde, do ye?  Well, come on over."

Looking back at the battle, he saw the two enemy leaders safe and cursed.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Krowdon on April 18, 2011, 07:12:45 PM
(Lol. Well, that was easier than expected XD)

Krowdon drew her axe and approached Kyrolin. "What do you have to offer us? I am not joining without the benefits."

Daiki stood a little behind Krowdon and looked Kyrolin over.  Daiki was impressed. The cat was fit, and seemed to be the kind of leader he could follow. Of course, Daiki didn't want to follow Kyrolin. He wanted to have some sort of power, and to Daiki, any sort of power over another beast, was the best feeling in the world.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Kyrolin Zenyar on April 18, 2011, 07:17:50 PM
((Yes, an Eddsworld reference...))

"Ahh, so I see you're already half game.  Benefits, eh?  Well, there's delicious food, friendly faces, fun times and best of all, it's all free.  And I may give you a position of command also."  Sizing up the ocelot, he realized he would be a good ally, and the fox as well, though he had more respect for his fellow feline.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Krowdon on April 18, 2011, 07:21:45 PM
Krowdon put her axe away and offered a paw for Kyrolin to shake. "Its a deal. Although you may want your troops to finish up here first. I look forward to becoming allies. Perhaps less formal as well." 

Daiki kept staring at Kyrolin. He didnt look like he would be easy to take out, but Daiki didnt have to do that. Daiki went and stood behind Krowdon. "Well, seeing as I do whateve Lady Krowdon does, I'll be joinin' ya too. I look forward to gettin' to know ye real well partner. I hope you like me alight. Last one disliked me. Ocelots, you know?" Daiki laughed to himself.
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: SiegeMaster on April 18, 2011, 10:10:40 PM
As ferahgo went to take a look at the battle he saw kyrolin allying with two other creatures.

" Hisk! Tell Shigedo about kyrolin's alliance"
Title: Re: Fire and Ice RP
Post by: Daryn on April 24, 2011, 05:27:57 PM
The wild cat ducked as an arrow soared through the sky. With a low growl, he raised his head, ears flattened with rage. He'll have to deal with these usurpers himself. Yelling throatily to his beasts, he ordered them into a tortoiseshell formation, with the rectangular shields up and forming a shelter for anyone under.