Redwall: Warlords

Discussion => Turbo Discussion => Topic started by: Sevz on June 16, 2012, 07:38:52 PM

Title: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Sevz on June 16, 2012, 07:38:52 PM
Rules are not to freeze the land. Been like that for a few years.
Today Shadow online attacked me and deliberately dropped the acres on the landfarm who was clearly at hitlimit. He done it twice in 1 day.

I expect him to be disabled even if he does it to himself. I demand justice.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Shadow on June 16, 2012, 08:21:11 PM
There is invariably something forgotten in the reset. This time it was clanning the land farm. Windy will get it when he is on. I would, but you generally also complain about me using admin powers, so...

Given your message history this round, I'm not sure how eager I would be to ask windy to start disabling people.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: windhound on June 16, 2012, 08:29:43 PM
Via iPad while at the beach no less
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Sevz on June 17, 2012, 01:27:06 PM
Woah your pulling that card now Shadow? Yesterday you were on your admin account attacking me but today you won't correct something you claim is an honest mistake? Looks more like a stall tactic

Keep cheating buddy. Your on the path to becoming a true champion.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Gen. Volkov on June 17, 2012, 01:56:14 PM
That's a pretty ridiculous accusation Sevah. Unless they've changed the rules, admin accounts can't attack.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Shadow on June 17, 2012, 02:03:52 PM
No I forgot to mark my playing account online one time. I was still in the playing account and not the admin one though. The new system links my forum account to my admin account so I have to log in that way unless I want to log out and switch forum accounts.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Gen. Volkov on June 17, 2012, 02:12:30 PM
Ah, OK. You have to admit though Shadow, that is a situation that could easily be used unscrupulously. Might want to think about logging in with the account that controls just that game account in the future, unless you have to do admin-type stuff.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Shadow on June 17, 2012, 02:18:21 PM
Yea, that was dumb of me. Force of habit at this point. Annoying thing is that the new forum account only links to turbo, not reg.

Meh, I'll try.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Gen. Volkov on June 17, 2012, 02:19:09 PM
Alright, fair enough.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Sevz on June 17, 2012, 02:48:16 PM
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on June 17, 2012, 02:12:30 PM
Ah, OK. You have to admit though Shadow, that is a situation that could easily be used unscrupulously. Might want to think about logging in with the account that controls just that game account in the future, unless you have to do admin-type stuff.
Thanks for clearing that up Volk but he's still gonna cheat in other ways. For him to drop the land on the farm that was maxed and delay clanning it for a few hours is just a demonstration of his intentions. Rubbish how he used me as an excuse that he suddenly can't do things from the admin account.
Pretty sure he's been getting free espies for a while. Can windy check the history? That'd be great
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Shadow on June 17, 2012, 04:02:25 PM
There isn't any history to check. I considered coding one in a while ago but it was pointed out that you would just move on to "Shadow edited the history!" and we would be back to square one.

You know why there are less players around? Because the bickering and complaining is not interesting to read, nor does it make the game any more fun. Forum discussion has stagnated recently and most thread just devolve into egos and accusations.

I don't want that, so if it means having to not play then so be it. But please stop with these pointless rage threads. Be constructive and helpful instead. I promise I'm a pretty decent guy to work with when you actually put in the effort to work with me on this stuff instead of just ranting at me.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Sevz on June 17, 2012, 06:21:05 PM
Quote from: Shadow on June 17, 2012, 04:02:25 PM
But please stop with these pointless rage threads. Be constructive and helpful instead. I promise I'm a pretty decent guy to work with when you actually put in the effort to work with me on this stuff instead of just ranting at me.

ROTFL. That's golden comedy. I've posted about 5 or 10 times since zero point three. Macho topics didn't kill rwl you did.
I refuse to work under a corrupt novice and I regret last time I put in a little bit of effort. You already pee'd on those chips so don't expect me to have a positive opinion towards your poor results. If windy asks i've got time to answer.
You snaked your way for years to get into a coding position only to pull this BS on everyone?

Here's a message you sent me today.
From (?) Shadow (#19)
Sun, 4 am
It's clear from the way you babble and put random buzzword salads in your suggestions that you have no idea what you are talking about or are unable to communicate effectively.

You don't get my sympathy when you say you might not play. Build a decent networth up over a few weeks and get it taken out by some lowbeat suicider. See how it feels to have some spiteful little jerk at the bottom of the ranks killing your stuff and holding no value worth retaliating against.
Repeat step 1 until you realize that the little dog in last place with no banking skills or netgaining discipline has it extremely easy. Very unfair and always gonna provide a negative theme.

This is only the beginning of the exposure. Keep cheating and I'll post it on here. As the list grows with information even your best friends will see the truth no matter how much you keep lying and covering your tracks.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Gen. Volkov on June 17, 2012, 06:53:23 PM
QuoteFor him to drop the land on the farm that was maxed and delay clanning it for a few hours is just a demonstration of his intentions.

Eh. For a long time the Land Farm wasn't clanned at all during the round. It would be there with tons of land and maxed. That they forgot to clan it this round is not a sign of bad intentions, it's a simple oversight. A clanned land farm is for convenience, its not a right.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Sevz on June 17, 2012, 08:29:04 PM
Are you saying that if the landfarm was maxed and you were running turns then I onlined you and dropped it on the landfarm knowing it's maxed you'd have no problems? What if it was the second time the same day?

Why is an admin getting away with aberrant behaviour?
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Wolf Snare on June 17, 2012, 10:02:13 PM
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on June 17, 2012, 06:53:23 PM
QuoteFor him to drop the land on the farm that was maxed and delay clanning it for a few hours is just a demonstration of his intentions.

Eh. For a long time the Land Farm wasn't clanned at all during the round. It would be there with tons of land and maxed. That they forgot to clan it this round is not a sign of bad intentions, it's a simple oversight. A clanned land farm is for convenience, its not a right.

You're talking before 3.0 was released though volk, when anyone could open attack ops to free up the land. Initially, dishonourable land locking was outlawed by Wolf Bite years ago, who banned the formerly popular "one rat attack" and made it punishable by ban.

More recently, Shadow created another desperate variation of dishonourable land-locking. He began onlining his opponent and dropping land to the maxed landfarm. This obviously makes the land inaccessible, and is blatant code abuse. Of course, we already had this argument and came up with the solution of clanning the land farm every round.

I'm not even going to bother trying to prove that Shadow's actions were shady; it's impossible. As PA once said, he can do whatever the heck he wants whenever he wants, and no one in a position of power will question him. This is the unfortunate truth of the situation, as his word will always be final.

Because of this, I urge him to be more professional and stop logging in through admin accounts, attacking people when offline, and reading ingame messages. This is a poignant reminder of ZAP back in the day when the admins abused their powers. IMPARTIAL should be stressed here, the rules should not be ignored, and a code should be implemented that strips any active admin of his admin account.
See, I have a strong gut feeling that this issue would be dealt with much differently if we used this cheating against Shadow. It would give him that reason he's been looking for to finally ban us ingame. At the very least, he would have clanned the land farm up the moment he noticed it was inconveniencing him.

Shadow-- to claim you didn't realize you were abusing the code is absolute nonsense. You obviously took note that the land farm was unclanned, and therefore realized that by dropping land to it you could prevent us from scraping again. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt, suggesting maybe you were dropping land to your leader ratio all these times, but after observing your stats (legitimately, 'magine that) it was clear that you did it specifically to block land flow. These recent ingame actions are the most dastardly I've seen from you yet, which is saying quite a bit.... But know that being disingenuous about it now is just disgraceful. Are you shameless?

If you're going to linger on your admin account "appearing offline" all day, waiting to online us, at least do something useful like place the landfarm in a clan--that is, since you're innocent, of course.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: windhound on June 17, 2012, 11:57:30 PM
Dearest Snare, the LandFarm is currently clanned.
If you're not going to pay attention to the thread please don't reply to it.  Thanks.

This really does need to stop.
Making these public accusation without coming to me, Ollie or Shael first is just nonsense.
Per normal, I have no new mail.  Forum or game.  I try to keep tabs on my ingame mail and I always respond to forum PM's.  I was not alerted to the fact that Turbo's landfarm is not clanned until this thread.

I don't really want to hear any more about RWL dying either.
We go through activity spells and droughts.  Text based games have a lot more competition now as opposed to when this site was launched.  I can count the number of active promis on one hand now, it didn't used to be that way.  Changing things around is healthy.  Not everyone will like every change, but eh.  That's why we do and have always encouraged feedback.  Not the "screw change this is all awful" type, but the "I don't like feature x because ___" kind.  I've mostly heard the former tbh, its not helpful and not really paid attention to.

I don't believe Shadow meant to lock land on the landfarm, its been clanned the past few rounds and it was likely assumed to be so.  It is now clanned and I consider this issue closed.  I'll add in a line so the landfarm auto-clans for future rounds.
I'm leaving this thread open, but with a warning to think carefully before replying 
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Wolf Snare on June 18, 2012, 12:19:13 AM
*shakes head*

Typical. Whatever Windy. As I said, you guys call the shots. Of course, he "didn't know" he was cheating. Should have figured and not bothered.

Though, last time I checked, ignorance is no excuse. You've said it to me countless times for trivial offences. Ironic that the admin can't remember his own rules and is excused when he uses them to his benefit, isn't it?

Playing game and admin accounts should not be linked. This will solve the problem, so enforce it please. Shadow said he accidentally attacked sevz while offline. Yes, of course. Whatever. If he wasn't constantly logged into his admin account, this wouldn't be an issue. Divide accounts, cheating stops.

I don't see why anyone would be opposed to this..?
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Gen. Volkov on June 18, 2012, 01:16:15 AM
Quote from: SevzAre you saying that if the landfarm was maxed and you were running turns then I onlined you and dropped it on the landfarm knowing it's maxed you'd have no problems? What if it was the second time the same day?

I'd be annoyed, but I wouldn't say you were cheating.

You're talking before 3.0 was released though volk, when anyone could open attack ops to free up the land. Initially, dishonourable land locking was outlawed by Wolf Bite years ago, who banned the formerly popular "one rat attack" and made it punishable by ban.

In that case, the person the one rat attack was used on was kept maxed. The land farm would have unmaxed, it just didn't do so right away.

QuoteMore recently, Shadow created another desperate variation of dishonourable land-locking. He began onlining his opponent and dropping land to the maxed landfarm. This obviously makes the land inaccessible, and is blatant code abuse. Of course, we already had this argument and came up with the solution of clanning the land farm every round.

Makes the land inaccessible to you, but not totally inaccessible. It wasn't code abuse, but it was inconvenient, so the land farm was clanned. It's a convenience, not a right.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: Shadow on June 18, 2012, 06:46:27 AM
If you go back to the thread we first had about dropping to the farm, you'll find that it is not against the rules. We clanned the farm to stop you complaining about it but we never made anything against the rules because as we have said time and again, why make a rule if you can code it out. Sorry we forgot to clan the land farm at the start of the round. But that's all it is.

I don't read messages, I don't get free espies, etc. I can't prove it any more than you can prove the baseless accusations you are making, except to say that nobody in their right mind would ever actually cheat at this game when the stakes are so low, even if they were an immoral jerk.

One time - once - I forgot to mark my account online. This happened because I saw an opportunity for a takedown and wasn't thinking about anything except getting it done quickly. I apologize for that. From now on I will make an effort to log into turbo via my other forum account. Note however that this is a purely cosmetic switch, and doesn't change anything at all about what my admin account -could- do. In other words, it won't change what you guys claim about me, it will just add a minor annoyance to my playing. But that's pretty much the goal, right?

When I dropped land, my rationale was that it would be more spread out and therefore a little harder to scrape up because it would be on more targets. To my recollection I didn't even attack the land farm before doing it, so I don't know how many attacks were left on it. I'm guessing more than 0. You of course see reasoned attempts to lock land away from you because you don't like me - which is fine, I just wish you guys were better able to distinguish between your dislike and actual reality.

If I had logged in and clanned the land farm, the thread would be about me cheating by using admin powers while playing instead of a thread about cheating by -not- using admin powers while playing. That's how these things go with you guys. The reason nobody actually listens to you is because you are literally imagining things and everyone but you can see it clearly.
Title: Re: Shadows Cheating Again
Post by: windhound on June 18, 2012, 09:26:20 AM
Hardy typical.
I like to think of myself as reasonably impartial, but I'm becoming less so with each Sevzpost complaining about Shadow.
Sevz has been beating the "Shadow is a cheater" drum without anything solid for a while now, its getting old.  I've asked for substantiation every single time and I get nothing.
This thread is slightly better than his normal fare, but its not cheating.

As far as unequal treatment, in all seriousness when was the last time someone was disabled ingame for rule breaking (other than the auto-disable for multis).  I can count several incidents where I should have but didn't.  This includes many over-the-line ingame messages (which are, btw, permanently logged --  'delete' is just a 'hide').
Past admins were much more hamfisted with the Disable button, for better or worse.

All this doesn't change the fact that if you think someone is cheating you go to the admins first, even and especially if you think its another admin.  If you don't get a satisfactory response then make a topic about it and expose the corruption.  By all means.

As is, this is just more Sevz whining about how much he doesn't like Shadow.
Given the fact that we haven't permabanned Sevz and deleted all his posts criticizing the administration yet, I think we're doin' alright.