I would like to say say that the strategy forum on RWL is a joke ive been on RWL maybe a month and the only thing on is that test topic.The only strategies here are the ones on the login page.Im sure theres alot of good strategies out there I think we should sare some if we want RWL to stay.And personally im sick of wolf bite being emporer if we exchange ideas maybe someone can beat him.
Yeah, I am sick of Wolf Bite always being on top too. Lets get him!!
I was thinking that after this round is reset, and maybe with a bit of help form those that know site managment better then I, to list a bunch of stuff and stratagies that are not widly used. I know that Ad has lot of the math on the game. I think this would be a great idea.
Wolf Bite
::disagrees:: Get over yourself. Your not on top on regular. YOUR CLAN IS, without us you wouldn't be there. Your only on top on turbo 'cause of the hard work of your (unrepayed) clanmates...
Heh, so. Peace finnaly shows his true colours.(I'll comentary on this battle)
This topic is about how stupid the strategy forum is not how wolf bite mistreated peace allaince. why dont you leave slayer if your so mad.Go complain about wolf bite in someone else's topic. :angry:
Juska...I have returned to the forums for 3 days so far. 3 DAYS! And I have seen all 10 of your posts. They are from some irrogant, foolish boy. You have compplained, commented, and said stupid things. Back in the old days you would be known as a[edit]. But that is not allowed anymore. Please..the strategy forum was used for a while. If you think people are not coming up with good strategy's then why don't you create one! It is not our fault that not many strategy's are used. And I don't think you should talk back to Peace Alliance. He and Wolf bite are probably two of the greatest players ever in RWL. Sorry if I seem like a hot head and sorry if my bickering is bothering anyone.
[edit, still isn't]
Ya, before it did have quite a lot of good stuff in it, but that was quite a while back, on the very first forum. Anyway, now it doesn't seem to be in much use, but there doesn't seem a need for it. Before, when we were all new at this, when this game started, a lot of strats were around and posted, but now most people are fairly good at the game and feel no need to reiterate there statments.
And it is spelt S-t-r-a-t-e-g-y [now now, let not insult another]! not stratigy. The name of the forum is strategy for Shael sake!
(since we were saying the mods and admisn were gods...I did not say for gods sake buy shael's sake!)
Hm, I feel special now....
Dang you AD! Let me speak you silly admin!
In the name of Shael I will be back with more insults! I will be back ~evil eyes and evil laugh~
Yes... however, this forum could be used to ask question about a Strategy that is up on the homepage.
this fourm gone silent because of the lack of new people coming here to find out.
Everyone here, knows how to play.
~nods to Juska~
Actually Juska, this forum used to be filled with a lot of strategies and what-not...But alas, where'd they all go? That is a question we'll have to search upon to find the answer, but may I suggest that you go see Dr. Phil about your emotional problems?
*runs off, to never return to look at this topic but maybe to see what the next person says in response to his post*
To all the people who enjoy making fun of me(specifically Dead Eye and Scarwake):
Go ahead I don't care anymore.
First of all, they're not making fun of you.
Second, your last post in this topic is probably the reason why they seem angry at you.
Third, if you post a relevant topic in this forum, then it won't be "a joke".
Fourth, stop being a pessimist.
Sorry...I did not mean to hurt your feelings. But in the forums we all make fun of each other like this. Like I made fun of Boggs in the Blades forum. Unfortunatly he is the forums motd...and well...he changed my post.
Actually the Dr. Phil thing I've been using lately against everyone so don't feel down, just don't complain about something that's really not your problem to deal with...