This thread is to determin who is active in the party, everyone please post here. If you want, you could put other contact information in this thread.
BTW: My AIM username is bjornredtail, for all who wish to contact me that way.
I'm active! And I think I'm odd. I haven't checked yet.
AIM: JesterTroodon
I'm here, number twenty-one...
AIM is RazorClaw999
Odd here, aim: twilightcantea
I've nominated myself on the other thread. Kilk supporters unite!
(*Notes that by no means will we run Ju, because she will drown us with...Llamas and...Penguins...and syringes full of peacocks*)
I will not!
...Mostly 'cause I don't know what a syringe is and I'm too lazy to look it up.
It's just like a needle full of whatever you need to inject into someone.
In this case, peacocks. These are big syringes.
~And then he realized his even god dangit!~
I'm here. And active. Is Juby odd or even? L
Juby's an even. ^_^ We've got a lot of good people in our group...