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Topics - Neobaron

Help / Bugs / Ultimate "grr"
July 28, 2005, 09:58:19 PM
Somewhere, the gods of RWL have decided to take something around 9 BILLION food from me, killing my NW, and forcing me into bankruptcy, and in turn hiding.


If he so pleases, would the mighty retto take a look at this?

It would be a highly gratituous action to explain why my food was deleted/lost.


btw, i have screen shots to prove that i had the food to begin with, which were taken due to the fact that rumors were abundant of josh being back... and i took a giant hit last time...
Reg Discussion / On my honour...
June 11, 2005, 06:45:57 PM
 This is a formal declaration of war on the Methos clan.

I call for a gentlemans war, which entails a lack of killing.


My opening barrage will begin at the conclusion of this post, and i wish methos the best.


Long live RWL!
Reg Discussion / How many days?
May 29, 2005, 08:58:06 AM
 is it 7 or 10?


I thought it was 7, but i didnt say anything. So now its been 11. *nod*
Reg Discussion / BA
May 18, 2005, 12:11:17 AM
 Whys everyone always picking on us?

If this keeps on going the way it is, it will be our 3rd war since we came into existance.


Has it always been this rough for peaceful clans?
Spa Room 101 / Cant w4it to b3 m0ved!
May 08, 2005, 07:15:38 PM


This is what happens on a sunday when im bored.  
 How to Know if you're a Redneck Jedi:

1. Your Jedi robe is a camouflage color.
2. you have used your light saber to open and cook a can of pork and beans.
3. you think and best use of your light saber is picking your teeth.
4. At least one wing of your X-Wing fighter is primer-colored.
5. There is a blaster rack in and back of your landspeeder.
6. you have bantha horns on and front of your landspeeder.
7. you can easily describe and taste of Ewok.
8. you can find no grammatical errors in and way Yoda talks.
9. you think that and Stormtrooper Elite Guards are just KKK members with really good sheets.
10. A peaceful meditation session is one without gas.
11. you can levitate yourself using a force from within, but not and Force.
12. Your master has said, ''My finger you will pull..hmmm?''
13. you have had an X-wing up on blocks in your yard.
14. you have lost a hand during a light-saber fight because you had to spit.
15. and worst part of spending time on Dagoba is and dadgum skeeters.
16. Wookies are offended by your B.O.
17. you have used and Force to get yourself another beer so you didn't have to wait for a commercial.
18. you have used and Force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.
19. you have used a light saber to clean fish or open a non-twist-off bottle of beer.
20. Your father told you, ''Shoot, son come on over t' and dark'll be a hoot.''
21. you've had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy to light a bar-b-que.



Im also a pirate and a samurai. Dont mess with m3.
Reg Discussion / Return of the BA?
March 31, 2005, 09:04:02 PM
 Im back ya'll, and im back in charge of the BA?.

WHere is everyone? O.o
Turbo Discussion / Riddick
March 25, 2005, 02:17:00 AM


Angry land-monger usually equates to David, but i doubt it because this person used leaders.  

Thats something ive never seen before 0.o


Anyone have any insight on this person?

*glares hopefully at PA*
Spa Room 101 / HA!
December 30, 2004, 07:23:27 PM
 I knew god gave us the internet for a reason.


I dare you.  
Clans / BlackAdders
November 23, 2004, 08:42:43 PM
 A humble salute from the BlackAdders.


We are currently seeking members, peace lovers who care not for power, but for a prosperous  redwall.

We are at a state of alliance with both great powers in the game, DE, and KM, and in the event of a war, our state of alliance will keep us at a state of peace.


Message #30 for information about joining.

Include your forum name if you please. I like to know who i have with me.  
Polling / Fast food
October 15, 2004, 04:51:16 PM

It /would/ have been taco bell for me


-Walks into taco bell 5 or so years ago-

(Worker) "What would you like to order today?"

I glance at the menu for what seems like an eternity... before looking the worker riht int he face and saying... "yes"

[for everyone who doesnt get it... one used to could buy the entire menu for under $20... but now thats all changed... *shakes fist at Taco Bell*]


But instead i choose wendy's.... coz tehres one like 2 blocks from our school and the people never turn us in...

Plus their fries actually taste like... you'll never guess... potatoes.  
Turbo Discussion / Vengence Mobilizes
August 25, 2004, 09:35:53 PM
 Due to a number of threatening messages to some of my clanmates, i have come to the conculsion that Vengence must mobilize to avoid further harrasment.

My wolves have follwed the rules, as have I. The Vengence rules state, as clearly laid out by Peace Alliance, that Vengece is a retal. only clan. I am tired of the accusations of attacking without provocation being thrown my way, and people taking advantage of  all 25 of the attacks they are allowed per member of Vengece.


The Mighty Legend has been awakened, and those in our way will suffer for it.


For those of you who know you will be in our path, all members of Vengence will be accepting your letter of surrender at all times, and with it must come a promise of no more attacks towards Vengence members. If the promise is broken, then your empire will be destroyed.

We are generally peaceful, but there will be no mercy whatsoever for those who cant control themelves.  
Spa Room 101 / The Biggest Scam...
July 20, 2004, 11:54:05 PM
 Wow... i cant believe im actually gonna do this.


neobaron434: done
ImMoRtAlGhSt: k
ImMoRtAlGhSt: shush dude! lol
neobaron434: ???
neobaron434: =-P
neobaron434: the drink thing?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: yep
neobaron434: well...
neobaron434: you really should try a Jager
ImMoRtAlGhSt: ll
ImMoRtAlGhSt: How old are you now?
neobaron434: 16
neobaron434: =-)
neobaron434: My mothers side of the family is german
neobaron434: theyre very 'loose' on holidays...
neobaron434: and everyday i spend over there is a holiday =-P
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: they dont give me anything real ahrd
neobaron434: they tried once
neobaron434: 120p whiskey
neobaron434: i fell over
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: i can hold it well though... my grandfather bets me money to see who can take the most rum without hurling or passing out.

my record is 24 ounces
neobaron434: got $137 =-D
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: send me some money in the mail?
neobaron434: *cackle*
ImMoRtAlGhSt: please?
neobaron434: everyhting is expensive for you yanks
ImMoRtAlGhSt: I need moeny!
neobaron434: hehe
neobaron434: i have a truck... i need it more
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: send me $25?
neobaron434: lol
neobaron434: whats 25 bucks gonna get ya?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: please?
neobaron434: isnt everythign expensive up there?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: Not that expensive. how much does a candy bar cost there
neobaron434: 50 cents or so
ImMoRtAlGhSt: ...!
neobaron434: ???
ImMoRtAlGhSt: ours is $1
neobaron434: lmao
ImMoRtAlGhSt: send me $25 please?.
neobaron434: so where i could get 50 candy bard... you only get 25
neobaron434: *cackle*
ImMoRtAlGhSt: send me some?
neobaron434: lol i dint have ur adres... how in the ... can i send you omney?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: plz
ImMoRtAlGhSt: can give it to you...
neobaron434: i dont even know how to send a letter right
neobaron434: lol ok will try
ImMoRtAlGhSt: ask ur parents
neobaron434: the furthest ive sent something is South Carolina
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: nono i can do it...
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: want my address?
neobaron434: just takes half a brain cell that i cant spare
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: yeah sure why not... im not missing out
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: ___________________________ [adress]
neobaron434: another thing thats fun
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: Kahlua and German Chocalate Cake
neobaron434: i was on a buzz for 47 hours
neobaron434: then i was asleep for 23
neobaron434: was ridiculous
ImMoRtAlGhSt: like type up a letter, abd put the money on the letter
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol.
neobaron434: *scribbles adress*
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: put money on the letter?
neobaron434: like with tape?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: please do it,it'll be fun
neobaron434: i think the postman would steal it
ImMoRtAlGhSt: In*
neobaron434: hes a shifty fellow
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: Like put the money in, and fold the letter up
ImMoRtAlGhSt: k?
neobaron434: okey dokey
neobaron434: what do i get out of this?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: dunno lol
neobaron434: besides a missing $25?
neobaron434: lmao
neobaron434: ok
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
neobaron434: *shrug* sounds fair
ImMoRtAlGhSt: cool
ImMoRtAlGhSt: are you seriosly going to do it?
neobaron434: i have the extra money
neobaron434: you seriously want me to?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: yeah, i need money
neobaron434: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: Remember my address
ImMoRtAlGhSt: and get it out this week if you can.
ImMoRtAlGhSt: k?
neobaron434: yeah
ImMoRtAlGhSt: how much money you got?
neobaron434: enough... you?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: how much?
ImMoRtAlGhSt: i have none
neobaron434: im not gonna tell you how much money i have... then youll ask for more
ImMoRtAlGhSt: no i won't.
neobaron434: five a moue a cookie and he will come back for a glas of milk
neobaron434: or something like that...
neobaron434: but either way
neobaron434: Mooch
neobaron434: lol
ImMoRtAlGhSt: lol


*sigh* ah what the heck...
Spa Room 101 / TLAP
July 13, 2004, 11:18:09 PM
 International Talk Like a Pirate Day is approaching quickly...

September 19th.

Is anybody participating? (besides me)

*puts on eye patch*