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Topics - Neobaron

Help / Bugs / Logging Into Both Servers
June 01, 2011, 04:21:01 AM
Not sure if this is intended, but for whatever reason if I am logged into turbo and then log into reg while still logged into turbo, it will log me out of turbo.

However, the reverse is not true.

I can be in reg and go into turbo without losing reg.
Spa Room 101 / Random Out of Context Quote Thread
May 31, 2011, 04:48:08 PM
QuoteTue, 31 May 2011 14:06:58 -0600
From: Fist of the Jihad (#5)
Get out of my yurt!
Spa Room 101 / My reputation :(
May 31, 2011, 01:49:19 PM
Brandon(TS) says
hi hows it going?

Jon Cook says
hi hows it going?
Who are you in turbo

Brandon(TS) says
no lol

Jon Cook says


Nobody trusts me anymore. :(

Dear Guests, Comrades and Friends:

We are most happy and overjoyed to be with you at this jubilant gathering to celebrate the 3 month anniversary of the founding of the Redwall Liberation Front amidst an upsurge of our great cultural revolution. On behalf of the entire RLF, I would like here to extend our warm greetings to the broad masses of our workers, peasants and soldiers, revolutionary teachers and students, revolutionary guards and youth and revolutionary cadres, to the representatives of all the revolutionary people of all our races and clans!

Our great cultural revolution has manifested infinitely great power. It has defeated the arrogance of the reactionary bourgeoisie and is cleaning up all the rubbish left over by the old society; it has broken old ideas, customs and habits of the exploiting classes, fostered new ideas, culture, customs and habits of the ancient, and vigorously promoted the revolutionization of the minds of all - goodbeast and vermin alike. A high tide of enthusiastic study of revolutionary works is now rising throughout the RLF and indeed the whole of the Redwall community. Over 30 different individuals have taken on an entirely new mental complexion.

Our great cultural revolution and the accompanying re-education movement in the cities and in rural areas have given a powerful impetus to our new construction. Our industries have witnessed tremendous developments both in output and in quality. In agriculture, bumper harvests have been reaped in succession. The strength of our national defence is steadily growing. A situation of a new all-round leap forward is emerging.

Every success achieved by our people in the mental or material realm is a great victory of RLF thought. Most inhabitants of RWL are exceedingly happy and honoured to have such a great change. We are deeply convinced that so long as we hold high the great banner of RLF thought and hand it on from generation to generation, we shall certainly succeed in building up our great land and in doing so make it an impregnable state that will never falter.

Our great cultural revolution is acclaimed and warmly praised by all revolutionary people of the world and immensely fortifies their revolutionary fighting will and confidence in victory. The handful of net oppressors, modern revisionists and reactionaries in various sectors are hurling vicious abuse at us precisely because our great cultural revolution has dug out the roots of their subversive activities and their attempts at "peaceful netting" in Redwall and has thus hit them where it hurts most. Their abuse only proves that we have done the right thing and serves further to expose their reactionary features, their hostility towards the inhabitants of Redwall and the cause of general progress.

Our great cultural revolution is a new thing without precedent in RWL history.

Comrades and friends! The present situation is excellent and favourable to the revolutionary people. The days of net oppression and all reactionaries are numbered. The modern revisionists, too, are finding life increasingly difficult. The ranks of the RLF are expanding steadily. The revolutionary movements of the people of the world, particularly in Mossflower, Southsward and the Northlands, are surging vigorously forward. Under the leadership of Premier Kilkenne, the Imperial people are marching from victory to victory in their war of resistance against aggression and for national salvation.

Armed with the great thought of the RLF, the inhabitants of RWL are determined, no matter what the price and sacrifice, to firmly support the Imperial people in fighting through to the end till the aggressors are driven out of RWL, and to firmly support the peoples of Mossflower, Southsward and the Northlands in their revolutionary struggles against net oppression and firmly support the struggles of the people of the inhabitants of RWL.

Our great cultural revolution is of the most profound and far-reaching significance for ensuring RWL's adherence to standards of rationality.

We must unite with all the people of the community opposing net oppression and and carry the struggle against net oppression through to the end!


Now may I propose a toast

to the great unity of the inhabitants of all the races in our community,

to the unity of the inhabitants of RWL,

to the great progress of the cause of liberation of the people of all RWL,

to the health of our friends from different clans, and

to the health of all our compatriots and comrades present here!

written hastily by neo and edited by drunk kilk
Spa Room 101 / Should I Shave?
May 26, 2011, 01:37:05 AM

For reference.

I really want to let it grow. My girlfriend is hastling me about it though.
May 24, 2011, 02:06:25 PM
Ungatt, I demand that you do something about Kyro.

Go back through this board to page 10 looking at the last poster on each topic, and you will find a disturbing trend.

Kyro is the last person to post on almost every single one of them.

This means only one thing;

Role-Play / A Necessary Betrayal
May 13, 2011, 03:40:10 AM
A tired looking fox sat hunched in contemplation, head in paw, behind a desk full of papers, notes, and declarations in a room full of relics. The walls, tables, and shelves were all covered in memories of past victories and achievements

Behind the Fox was an ancient looking coat of arms crested with the symbol of the BAº and adorned with it's motto.

Prosperity through Peace
Peace through Power

This was the Fox's life. His raison d'etre. In the past, the Fox was known as a defender of justice and peace. Despite his relative inexperience as a general, he was always able to motivate and unify entire populations to stand for these basic values. Armies and empires had risen and fallen around him, and no matter what, he always stood for the weak and unprivileged. Of course there were good times and bad, but the Fox never changed.

Unbeknownst to the Fox, however, the world changed around him.

Honor and integrity were no longer important to the various warlords who roamed the countryside. Where once there was a mutual respect and understanding, there was now only apathy. The land and its inhabitants were treated no differently than the tax, food, and soldiers that they produced. Where once warlords would respect one another, now they only hurled insults. The worst of it was that where once a defeated warlord would bow his head in concession and endeavour to rebuild his empire, now the defeated only stood at a pulpit screaming foul and expecting to be coddled by the gods and by those who defeated them.

Strewn about on the desk were letters from nearly 20 different warlords and spies, detailing all manner of things. GLaDOS - with whom a peace was recently concluded - was still planning to assasinate a member of BAº despite their insistence that they were done with the war. Marlfox's second in command was threatening mutiny if war was not declared on BAº on account of the Holby Alliance daring to defend the people it had liberated from tyranny. The deposed leader of GLaDOS was attempting to build a new coalition, but the Fox had agents in it before it was even formed. Reports from the forests detailed something about a faceless army appearing out of thin air and capturing a fifth of the continent before again vanishing into nothingness. Tensions were high. This wasn't new for the Fox. He had always made it his job to be everywhere at once, so it was understood that every bit of information was to be weighed and counted against reality. How much of the content of the reports was realistic? Would Marlfox really declare war? The Fox never thought so. 70% of their alliance was indirectly under his control. Was GLaDOS a real threat? No, of course not. Their stockpile was overseen by a warlord friendly to the Fox, and could in an instant be turned over to forces of the BAº. Was the faceless army a threat? Perhaps, but the fox recognized the actions and was on amicable terms with the warlord behind the veil. Peace had finally come to the Fox and his allies and friends. Now prosperity could reign.

But it was not to be. As the Fox was taking his morning tea, a soldier had stormed into his office and stuttered out a story that put the Fox at a loss for what to do or say, something that had never before happened. Paukenschlag, an old acquantaince of the Fox and his second in command, had rebelled and took all of the holdings of BAº with him, as well as the loyalty of the warlords that stood with BAº, many of whom had done so for nearly a decade. Within minutes, a courier arrived wearing a heavily modified uniform of the army of the BAº, and handed the Fox a detailed letter which explained the whole scenario. Peace was not acceptable. Despite public agreement, the warlords of BAº secretly despised the idea of allowing their enemies a continued existence. Paukenschlag was going to make war on all of them. He was going to burn everything, and spill as much blood as he could to prove some point lost on the Fox at that moment.

Even as he was reading the letter, a tear ran down the Fox's face. This was not the outcome he had worked so hard to achieve. Although things had changed in the world, the Fox still felt it would be possible to rebuild the old order and inspire other warlords to emulate the achievements and qualities of the past. Paukenschlag did not think this possible... the walords roaming the countryside had to be taught hard lessons to remind them how difficult the world could be in the absence of imposed order. Nearing the end of the letter, the entire keep shook around the Fox, but he did not look up. He read the last line aloud, realizing what was coming and simultaneously accepting it;

"I hope this gets to you before the army. Your ideals are admirable, but our ways are dead and gone, forgotten by the successors to the world we built. I do regret having to do this, but die happily knowing that one way or another, the old order will be restored. They will be made to understand.

Peace through Power,

The Fox was devastated, but understood why he had to die. Bidding his retainers good luck, and explaining for them to flee into the forest through the tunnel beneath the keep, the Fox retired to his office, and slumped down in his chair. The ghosts of a hundred battles came to the Fox as he sat in comtemplation, remembering all the others he had met and dealt with in the past. At the opposite end of the room from the Fox, side by side on the wall, were the relics he was proudest of. One was the crest of Juskabally, personally scavenged from the ruined keep of that great warlord of old at the conclusion of the first war that the BAº was involved in. The other was the coat of arms of the Forsworn, headed by the Fox's polar nemesis Dead Eye, which had once threatened to subdue the entire continent, but at the 11th hour was stopped by a defiant alliance of warlords headed by the BAº. The thought of these accomplishments gave the Fox hope for the future. If he, a warlord of average skill, could manage to unify the entire continent to fight injustices such as these, then surely there were other, more capable warlords somewhere waiting for their chance to become the shining beacon that BAº had been for all of its existence. The keep shook again under bombardment from afar, and the hint of smoke crept into the office. With this, the Fox rose and... smiled. Taking one last look around his office - his museum - he walked out, locking the door behind him, and in no particular hurry, walked towards the terrace overlooking the countryside.

Opening the door revealed a beautiful day, something the Fox had not gotten to enjoy much of late. Birds flew high in the blue, and very few clouds could be found. As the fox approached the edge of the terrace overlooking his keep and the area around it, his smile grew wider and wider. The river flowing around the island on which the castle was built was choked with skiffs flying the BAº flag, but assaulting the keep with fire arrows. In the field around the castle, rats and stoats wearing hastily modified BAº issued uniforms scaled the walls, meeting almost no resistance. And in the distance, the weasel siege engines were systematically targetting the highest structures on the castle - every tower was down, leaving only the keep itself with the terrace the Fox was standing on being the logical next target. The Fox found it strangely beautiful, and began to openly weep. But not from sadness.

The Fox raised his arm as if to signal stop, and not surprisingly, every single rat, stoat, skiff marine, and weasel broke off of their engagement and stood at attention. They all understood what was necessary. Most of them had been there from the beginning, or knew or were related to others who had fought or died for the cause of the BAº in the past. The BAº was finished, but they were still respectul of their old leader, and would fight to the death to see a restoration of the ways the Fox had defended for so long.

Smiling lovingly at the soldiers below, and with his arm still in the air, the Fox raised his head and said only one thing;


In response, every soldier yelled;


in perfect unison. The Fox nodded and lowered his arm, and immediately the fighting restarted. For the first time in a long time, he felt genuinely happy for the future, and as he stepped up onto a parapet and leapt to his destiny, he said something to himself;

"They will be made to understand."

And with that, on a beautiful spring day, an era ended and a revolution began.



Now I'm going to into hiding, lest I be mocked.

I know Kilk is going to mock. I only wish my posting was as excellent as his.

I will not reply further to this. This is extraordinarily out of character for me, but I thought I would give it a try.
Turbo Discussion / Dispensation of Justice
May 10, 2011, 01:35:55 AM
In accordance with the high ideals that the BlackAdders clan sets for itself and all other warlords in regard to civility and rationality, BAº has observed the actions and words of the leadership of the GLaDOS clan and found it wanting.

As such, BAº has dispensed the necessary justice upon three individuals named hereafter;

The Weighted Companion cube
Operation Overlord (formerly known as The Purple Dragon)
The Arbiter (formerly known as Blue Eyes)

These individuals have taunted and prodded the BAº leadership and membership since the very announcement of the formation of the clan, and in response, the BAº leadership has been nothing short of generous in it's allowance of a continuation of talks despite the obvious impossibility of a fair and peaceful resolution.

The BAº leadership and membership would have been content to continue on the rocky road to diplomatic resolution - however far off it was - but GLaDOS was not so patient, and tonight attempted to kill our strongest warlord, Holby Alliance - taking him down below 2,000 acres of land. Fortunately, they were upset in their plans by the quick thinking of 2 of our members; King Cobra, a veteran of RWL, and Revelation, a recent comer from QMT Promisance, and forced to retreat.

After hours of deliberation over the feasibility of a peaceful resolution, and with frustration at its peak, the BAº clan as a whole decided that the best course of action - not just for BAº but indeed the whole of RWL - was to end these individuals before they couild grow any stronger and threaten the overall stability of RWL.

As usual, and as expected, BAº was not alone in this endeavour. Allies from REG, Marlfox, several outsiders, and even individuals within the organization who were displeased with the direction of GLaDOS, stepped in to assist us in delivering justice to these individuals, and their contributions are appreciated, and will not soon be forgotten. It is good to know that the BAº are not alone in it's mission to see injustice and malcontents terminated where they are found.

BAº is a clan of peace, but we will always stand up to bullies and malcontents. This is an example of that resolve, and the resolve of the community around us.


And now, I would like to reach out to the remnants of GLaDOS;

You were spared because the BAº leadership and membership came to the concensus that you were not involved, and were therefore worthy to be spared.

It is our hope that you will rebuild the image of your clan, and finish strong. BAº will be there every step of the way to aid and assist your clan if at all possible.

Now that the disease of injustice and discontent has been purged from your clan, you can start anew, and net peacefully, as all in RWL desire.


As a personal aside - from a RWL veteran.

We come from a different RWL. The RWL we inherited was lawless, cruel... vicious. The ridiculous number of attacks you get away with today would have gotten you killed a lot sooner in our time, and your petty insistence that an entire facet of the game be addled because you don't want to lose food or money would have been laughed off. We chose to accept both for the sake of finding common ground and preventing this.  

So please believe me when I say that you have no idea what you are doing when you prod us. We do not step lightly when we must take a step towards action. All you had to do was stand down and net without extreme aggression, as you so requested, but you chose to die.

You chose this.

And I hope that before you begin to rebuild your empires, you will think long and hard on the severity and speed with which we have acted.

As long as BAº stands, injustice and irrationality will not be tolerated.

You will be defeated every time so long as you default to warhawking and contributing to the spread of discontent.
butts lol
Strategy / Race by Race Strategy Compilation
May 06, 2011, 11:20:22 PM
ITT, I would like to compile basic strategys for all races into one metathread.

Right now, most strategy talks go something like "yeah I do stuff, but I'm bad at it so talk to X person."

With this, I think we can get at least basic strats for all races in one place for everyone to view.

You don't have to give your end game secrets or even anything overwhelmingly complicated, just a short rundown of the objective you set as the race you are playing, the way runs are structured, numbers on buildings, etc.

As turbo is in flux right now, this will be really centered towards reg.

Post away guys. Theorycraft to your hearts content, and lets get some basic stuff laid out for the newbies (and old folks who like trying new things.) You also don't have to post a strat for everything. At some point in the future, im going to put together a concensus list for all races and edit them in here. If you only play one thing - wolf or rat for instance, then thats all you need to post.









Development / Suggestion: Limited Alliance
May 03, 2011, 02:24:49 PM
Say I shake hands with another clan in friendship, but want to keep the door open for the free flow of land, so we agree to a 10 per day attack cap per member.

How difficult would it be to include a third option in with War/Alliance that allows clan members to attack to a certain cap?
Clans / Blackadders (BAº)
May 03, 2011, 09:12:06 AM
BAº is making a return for this round of turbo.

For those who are not familiar with BAº, it is a clan founded with the following goals in mind:

1) To ensure that despots are not allowed to exist.
2) To ensure that clans are kept in check.
3) To ensure that a fair field is kept in place through the use of diplomacy.
4) To ensure that wars do not happen unless necessary for enforcement of the prior goals, through whatever means necessary.

BAº exists solely for the purpose of maintaining a balanced game, and ensuring that all players have a fair shot at competing for the top spot.

Clans found in violation of these goals who ignore diplomatic approaches and are judged to be malicious in their intent will be dealt with quickly and mercilessly.

Message #19 in turbo if you want and are willing to fight for a fairer and safer RWL for all.

Prosperity through Peace
Peace through Power
Spa Room 101 / Hetalia: Axis Powers
April 23, 2011, 09:47:13 PM
I have never, in all my life, laughed so hard at anything - ever.
Spa Room 101 / Ring
April 23, 2011, 04:05:12 PM

Reg Discussion / Squire
April 21, 2011, 04:48:29 PM
What exactly are you teaching these guys?

I cannot - off the top of my head - think of a single attack from anyone in your clan that wasn't a sack or capture.
Turbo Discussion / Turbo Killings
April 06, 2011, 05:50:47 PM
It would be lovely if someone would propose an explanation as to why there have been 2 warlords killed.

Jona I can understand. She was half the clan net. But does that justify killing that warlord?

What about Ungatt?

Were these targetted or convenient kills?
General Discussion / Just the numbers
March 27, 2011, 07:50:03 PM

I was wondering if theres a spreadsheet out there somewhere that just has the math for the game without pesky words?

O/D ratios, % net calculations, and all that.

I looked through the game guide, but didn't find anything definitive.

I would think some of the more advanced players would have something like this lying around and the game has changed so much that I can only create generalized theories based on the outcomes i've seen.
General Discussion / RWL TS/Vent?
March 21, 2011, 06:36:44 PM
I might have a server we leased for an overzealously long time lying around...

Would there be any interest in a voice chat room thing? It's not going to any other use.
Spa Room 101 / Great Commercial?
November 18, 2010, 12:32:21 AM
Or greatest commercial?

Tourism Australia - new TV ad campaign

Awesome accents and a platypus.

Theres nothing like Australia.
Spa Room 101 / Ninja appreciation thread
November 04, 2010, 08:40:23 PM
Spa Room 101 / GENTLEMEN.
October 29, 2010, 12:20:27 AM