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Topics - Neobaron

Reg Discussion / The Sins of Complacency
August 12, 2009, 12:47:29 PM
Greetings warlords of reg.

I come to you today in distress, as it would seem that there is a new breed of despot on the horizon for us all.

BlackAdders has commited itself to ensuring that no warlord or clan comes to supreme power by making war on its neighbors, or keeping down the majority.

Unfortunately, the old alliances are dead since the blades exist no longer. And though our list of allies and contributing parties is nothing to scoff at, it still distresses me that complacency has become to prevalent as to allow individuals to make runs for power without a fight. Used to, individuals and groups who made war for war's sake were put in their place by the BA and others as the situation developed, but as it stands, I truly lack the confidence to say that this would be the case today. Not for lack of skill, resources, or sheer numbers, but for laziness and inattentiveness. You all stand on the verge of a great fall with little hope for salvation as the great warlords of the past have long since left us all to our own devices. You - we - are alone. And we must stand together to keep the peace that we love, enjoy, and quite frankly, need.

So, allies, friends, and non-combatants, I urge you to do your part for maintaining peace on reg, so that we may all see prosperity without fear of annhilation or what can best be described as slavery to the privledged and cowardly sneaks who would gain at your expense for the purpose of keeping you down without your knowledge.

Rise up citizens of RWL, a new threat is fast approaching, and the old alliances no longer stand to fight for you.
Spa Room 101 / ZE CHOPPA
August 04, 2009, 08:41:37 PM

Reg Discussion / For the sake
August 03, 2009, 03:35:21 AM
of baby jeebus


Seriously. :(
Development / Fix leadering
July 08, 2009, 08:01:28 PM
At the moment its capless, lossless, and the tools available make it the only acceptable strategy if one wants to truly get ahead.

Indy'ing will leave you almost completely defenseless to anyone with a half decent ratio, and attacking a potential enemy only makes them stronger in a sense. Indy also caps in the 250 million to 300 million range with no hope for any further advancement given the ability of players to drop land, and the inevitable food shortages to any player massing troops.

I dont think this is any kind of ground breaking claim, so I dont really see necessity in making an explanation, but this does need to be fixed for the sake of balance.

Perhaps beefing capture to make it a set percentage of enemy leaders abducted could be in the very least a suitable deterrent. If this is already how it works, then it needs to be stronger because right now, indys with their limited resources and heavy reliance on land have absolutely zero tools to truly compete with leaders, and much less defeat them.
Turbo Discussion / Before I get rofl'd...
July 04, 2009, 11:01:03 PM

Reigns over, at least temporarily. :P
Spa Room 101 / CAPS LOCK
June 28, 2009, 06:25:19 PM
General Discussion / Advertising
June 26, 2009, 02:22:50 AM
Im sure this has been visited upon a thousand times, but I really think if some of the talent here put its mind to creating adds, we could really explode this game.

However, it would be advisable to paint it as something new and fresh, not a redwall promi. While it is a redwall promi, most people who would be playing this game (demographically speaking) have no idea what a promi is and stopped reading Redwall when they were single or just over low digits, or didnt read it at all.

If we could paint this as something new, fresh, and constantly evolving. Paint a different picture for every community we appeal to. For the obvious RWL people, we paint it as the world of Redwall. For RP communities, we actually give the game some kind of personality. Re-create good an evil so to speak. I know I actually didnt like the game at first, but stuck around because i am the suck at math and it helped me with quick thinking on numbers, ratios and the like.

And I stayed because the game to grows on you.

The purpose-driven and thematic intrigue in turbo is a good start, but given the nature of reg, we the players need to step up to the plate and create something worth sticking to rather than carebearing it and hoping for the best. Thats not to say we need to be bloodthirsty elitists, but a return to the time when it wasnt the norm to max someone because you can, for example, would do a lot for the people who would prefer to net peacefully.

And those players with artsy talents or a knack for the written word need to get out there and represent. If you're dominant here, go play another promi and steal some people.

We have the power, we just need to take advantage of it now that the ban on ads has been lifted.
Clans / Blackadders
June 26, 2009, 12:54:48 AM

I am currently in the process of rebuilding the once benevolent and peaceful BAº clan.

Our goals are simple, and they are ever unchanging through the years.

1) To ensure that despots are not allowed to exist.
2) To ensure that clans are kept in check.
3) To ensure that a fair field is kept in place through the use of diplomacy.
4) To ensure that wars do not happen, through whatever means necessary.

I am currently taking applications for the Blackadders, and if these objectives appeal to you, message warlord #140 in reg.


Those who seek peace must be on a constant vigil against those who would seek power through war.

To this end, forum activity, and regular checks on the forum and in game boards are completely necessary.

Organization is the first step in maintaining a desirable status-quo and I run about the most organized unit in this game.


Best of luck, and see you at the top.
Reg Discussion / Looking For...
June 25, 2009, 11:48:12 PM
Dead Eye, Razorclaw, Disdain, Orcrist, Nohc, Bloodwake, and Windhounds to contact me in game if you guys still play.

I normally wouldnt use this method, but ive been out of the loop and im not sure whos hiding and whos just gone.

Warlord #140


Also, Wolf Bite is an admin now? Means he cant play?
General Discussion / How do i mod forum?
June 25, 2009, 09:14:51 PM
I am of course talking about my old BA forum. I see its still here, and I still have access, but I would like a little more control as I am thinking about doing stuff and things.
Spa Room 101 / Moar Wins
June 24, 2009, 06:17:32 PM
Reg Discussion / @ Quasar
June 23, 2009, 11:07:21 PM
Are you new?

Or just into knocking otherwise peaceful warlords down a couple hundred mill for kicks?


Wrong answer gets you killed.
Spa Room 101 / My Children;
June 21, 2009, 11:17:57 PM
I bid you good night. Behave.
Spa Room 101 / @ Briar
June 21, 2009, 10:46:04 PM
You've been supplanted.

Watcha think about that?
Help / Bugs / My brains be hurtin.
June 21, 2009, 10:17:22 PM
Real Life
Talk about things other then game or forum related.

Spa Room 101
Post here does not count to your post count, but here you are allowed to post as you wish.


Plz to be fixing. :D
Spa Room 101 / So much win...
June 19, 2009, 01:57:27 PM
Spa Room 101 / Do you want a banana?
June 13, 2009, 06:11:48 PM
Ill just leave this here...

And no, its not bananaphone or anything of that nature.
Turbo Discussion / 43?
June 12, 2009, 03:11:03 PM
Why am I way down at rank 43 when I should be in the teens or thereabouts.

Game is still funcitonal, it just makes finding targets tedious.
Spa Room 101 / HOLY CARP!1
June 02, 2009, 10:53:00 PM
My pop-tart has sprinkles.


This is a travesty. Kids these days are spoiled beyond belief.
Help / Bugs / wut
May 28, 2009, 10:45:37 PM

Foul language, hacking, porn, warez, bug abuse, admin abuse, etc... are not permitted. Some powerful filters have been added to block swearing - if it catches you, you will not be punished. Do not try to circumvent them.

you will not be punished.

