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Topics - Armed Forces

Turbo Discussion / Anyone want land?
April 06, 2003, 06:27:25 PM
 I am sending away all my armies. all truces are off Attack me for my land.

Here are my stats:

Armed Forces (#4)
Turns Used: 9,815
Money: $1,102,534,399
Rank: #5
Networth: $50,311,328
Population: 268,658
Race: Wildcat
Location: Northlands
Est. Production: 190,790
Est. Consumption: 252,356
Net: -61,566
Member of Clan: None
Allies: None,None,None
War: None,None,None
Offensive Actions: 555 (96%)
Defenses: 257 (31%)
Kills: 0

Land Division
Markets: 23,375
Tents: 0
Barracks: 0
Camps: 0
Huts: 3,783
Foragers: 1,965
Guard Towers: 2,346
Unused Land: 8,683
Est. Income: $8,647,917
Est. Expenses: $2,102,938
Net: +$6,544,979
Loan Payment: $0
Per Cap income: $33
Savings Balance: $503,120,070 (2.546%)
Loan Balance: $0 (6.454%)
Rats: 2,972,452
Weasels: 28,002
Stoats: 39,055
Skiffs: 60,032
Leaders: 395,302
Offensive Points: 6,949,758
Defensive Points: 24,964,227

OK, OK, so i still have towers and stuff. but as soon as i get turns i will be demolishing them :)

Turbo Discussion / RAT-A-TAT
April 05, 2003, 08:41:25 PM
 ok, who's gettin bored?... no... none of you?.... WELL, i am! and since i'm so high up in the rank i've decided i'm going to have a contest!

Whoever guesses the number i've written down thats between 1 and 100 will win 10 million rats!!!!

go ahead people..

guess away!