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Topics - IB-frank

Polling / What will SW Ep III be rated?
September 27, 2004, 03:35:36 PM
 I don't really know what the next Star Wars is gonna be rated, buy it's probably going to be rated PG-13 or even R for the content.  Anakin kills the Jedi, kills his wife (she doesn't show up in the fourth one) kills all the children and Jedi in training, he gets fried up, disembowled and the like, and the movie in general is just dark.
Then again, all the previous movies have been rated PG, and George Lucas might edit the movie so as not to offend anyone.

I don't know, just wondering what everyone else thought.

OoOh! Just found this qoute from George Lucas himself!

"All the good guys die," he said, laughing. "And you know, it's pretty dark. It's pretty intense. I'm not sure this one is going to end up a PG like the others were."
General Discussion / Loren
September 22, 2004, 01:29:19 PM
 I thought that after one of the resets Loren said they wouldn't reform Loren. So why is there a clan called Loren?
Polling / Napoleon Dynamite
September 19, 2004, 03:51:10 PM
 Napoleon Dynamite is an incredibly funny movie.  Did you all see it?
Help / Bugs / Retto, Please read this.
September 15, 2004, 09:20:19 PM
 I was told to post a topic here for Retto to answer about my account being disabled.
I started an account with RWL, but I forgot the email and knew I wouldn't get the registration code. So I started a new account, with the intention of letting my old one die, but was disabled.  I have played the game before and have never broken any rules.  PLease take pity on me.... *puts on sad face*
Help / Bugs / AARggHH!
September 09, 2004, 03:20:28 PM
 I registered an account on the game, but I forgot my email address. I knew I wouldn't be able to get the conformation code, so I ssent a message to an admin, but I didn't get a response. So I tried to delete my account, but I couldn't. I made a new account, and was going to abandon my first account and let it be disabled for inaction. So now both my accounts are disabled and I can't play. I have played this game before, and have never broken any rules. What should I do?