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Messages - Dead Eye

Clans / ALL Blade Members (past/current/whatever)
November 21, 2004, 04:05:24 PM
 Ah...yes let's look at Blades. They were once noble, fought great wars for right cause. Of course, you can also learn their great mastery of betraying old friends. Or their way of thinking war is only thing keeping them together. Or learn how they fear better clans so they help the better clans pick on other clans even though no harm has come to them.

Yes, that is what the Last Blades was like. Let's see if it can stay that way. It once held honor, then when first a clan holds back on them, asks for their allyship, and is lead by their old assitant leader, they turn on him and attack. They send spies to him. When their messaged about peace, they say "No, it's only thing keeping us together" Yes...surely the blade spirit is strong if only fighting a clan that has done them no harm is the only way to stay together. So learn newbies...of the greatness of Blades!!! Oh, and ask Bloodwake if he enjoyed it when he told TJ to make sure to stay at war with Sworn, and then a few days later he finds his account killed.

What do you know, KM is around too! Hey TJ, maybe you can lose another war.  
General Discussion / Name's for New Era
November 15, 2004, 05:47:33 PM
 Ok, for the new Era I want to try something. Some people still have the respect and honor to do this, other's don't just for fun. When (or rather if) the new era starts, let's all make our Warlord names just our "names" Like I will make mine Dead Eye, Kilk will make his Kilk, Razorclaw will make his Razorclaw, ext...This way you can tell who is who in a clan, find old enemies, make allies quicker. I mean I think this would be fun. I'll do it no matter what, but who else want's to?  
Clans / ALL Blade Members (past/current/whatever)
November 15, 2004, 04:32:44 PM
 I was a proud member, though I never betrayed a clan that wished to be peaceful to Blades just to look cool in front of TJ. Nah, it takes a TRUE blade's member to be a tratior. Tarnished the name of Blades when they started tratioring on old friends and sending spies in his mist...
Polling / How much do you weigh?
November 15, 2004, 04:30:34 PM
 Though that one about Holby doews make some sense....
Spa Room 101 / Testing, don't mind me.
November 14, 2004, 07:07:20 PM
Spa Room 101 / Testing, don't mind me.
November 14, 2004, 05:35:52 PM
 Wow, I would call it spam...just it's so cool! I can't stop watching them fight! Wolf, move this and I will be angry.  You don't the only Reporter/Editor of the RWL News angry at you. I can do things with a key board that will make you sound like a donkey...hehe.
Clans / ALL Blade Members (past/current/whatever)
November 14, 2004, 05:28:33 PM
 Ah TJ, who was a big part of Blades in era 2-3 but me. I was proud to fight with you, in our days of glory and battles of greatness. Blades is missed by my heart. I would leave any other clan, but if to join Blades. too bad our last days were of your clan declaring war on my own.  
News / Updates / Clan forums
November 14, 2004, 11:13:12 AM
 Ok Gurthorm, your telling me for 4 days he has posted 72 times to only 3 other people, and not one bit is spam, flame, or double posting? You must be joking. The fact of the matter is Wolf Bite said he was checking out the forums that were named to have spam in them, and he must have found something because it is posted here as a warning not to try spamming in clan forums. Wait, why do I care again. ~leaves~
News / Updates / Clan forums
November 14, 2004, 09:35:44 AM
 Well that Sparticus guy has posted 73 times in the Democratic Empire Clan forum or whatever. And that forum got made like 4 days ago. So he posted 73 times in 4 days, in a clan forum, which I believe has what, 4 active forum people? I mean that's a lot to post in a private forum, 73 times in a forum that got made less then a week ago? That is insanley too much.  
General Discussion / When's the Reset?
November 13, 2004, 10:14:14 PM
 Razor, I believe Wolf or some one mentioned how the bug Beatles found allowed him to become an admin, which means he has the power to get into other's accounts. Mine was actually deleted, though IT may have been because of inactivity, but I don't think so (I thought I had used turns just two days before) He could have done it. Don't worry, reset is supposed to be today.  
General Discussion / Testing team.
November 13, 2004, 10:08:51 PM
 Yo RWL is like under seige. First Josh takes over and screws around with the era. Then Beatles comes and exploits a bug some more. This era was like "kill me" era. Most kills ever era, longest Clan war ever, highest networth (due to bug exploits) ever, probably most cheating ever era, I mean what's going on! This is a blacker period then the Dark Days with Ereptor as high Emperor. I mean, at least he didn't cheat to get up there. Hopefully though, these bugs are being seen and fixed, and RWL will become stronger.

Polling / who should be the next mod....
November 13, 2004, 06:01:23 PM
 We have no reason to call anyone sad RC, think about it. We are fighting about who should be the next MOD when it probably won't happen, and we sit here playing a game on the computer that is composed of math. lol. I thought we were done fighting Razor? Some posts you try making me a fool and make fun of me, others your my friend.  
General Discussion / Hacked, again.
November 13, 2004, 05:59:40 PM
 Yah I was really bad. Jeez though, that was more then a year ago I bet. Crazy...Of course Administrator Ad the Rat IMed me soon after and basicly taught me how to type and act in a forum. Granted, I had help from Rough Raiders and Yellow Eyes(or int hsoe days Guardian of the Night) because we would have flame/spam wars.  
General Discussion / Hacked, again.
November 13, 2004, 02:59:41 PM
 Menatus, you probably also miss being Post Empress until that newbie guy beat you. Let's see...what was his name? He was a real good looking guy...awesome dude....everyone loves him. Oh yah! Dead Eye!