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Messages - Beem

General Discussion / Re: Happy Easter!
April 17, 2006, 02:42:29 AM
Happy zombie jesus day everybody >,>
News / Updates / Re: Beware of the Mods
April 11, 2006, 06:07:10 PM
I want ultimate powers to do naughty things!   PWEASE!? >.>  I should have the power to randomly stamp peoples signatures with skittles>.>
Turbo Discussion / another?
April 04, 2006, 01:10:08 PM
Since this round started kinda... really late <,<  are we gonna go another leaderless round after this one?  Would be kind of cool, as so far it seems everything is pretty evened out and leaders aren't dominating.  Either that or what are the chances of getting another game set up, like a copy of turbo or reg and have it be leaderless all the time? 
General Discussion / Re: Since i've been admin
April 02, 2006, 04:09:18 PM
>< not nice XP
General Discussion / Re: Since i've been admin
March 31, 2006, 11:00:09 AM
Quote from: The Lady Shael on March 31, 2006, 07:54:54 AM

Okay, Wolf, look. I really do respect you, and I'm sorry it came to this, but lately I have just gotten plain sick over how you control this forum. Just because Retto isn't here all the time doesn't mean you can make staff decisions without consulting us. Just because you're older than us doesn't mean you have the superiority here. Me and Peace are the same level of admin as you are, and somehow all of our decisions end up in your favor.

How do we know Retto even voted? He's never here, he never posts in the staff forum. How do we truly know what he voted for? We don't HAVE his vote yet, and since TJ's doesn't count, the vote is 2:1.
Just like Peace said, you're the one who came up with that voting system in the first place. Retto is almost as good as gone. He has no idea what goes on in these forums anymore, how can he judge whether we need a new admin or not? Why does he get two votes? Because he runs the servers and then he's never here? You could just be taking advantage of the fact that he's never around, gave him two votes, and always throw his votes in your favor.

This topic shouldn't be stickied.

Wow... and my respect for another admin drops a few notches.  That completely changes the subject and it is ALSO A TOPIC BEST LEFT IN YOUR MOD/ADMIN FOLDER!  What is this, the admin tell it all war?   The pent up furstrations of every admin put together into a boiling pot where it can explode at each other, right in the publics eyes?  That's a great way to for societies to crumble, when its power heads turn against each other in the viewing eye of the public.  Goodness, it feels like someone walked into kindergarten again.
General Discussion / Re: Since i've been admin
March 31, 2006, 04:25:29 AM
sorry but as a "people of RWL" I have to disagree with you peace.  Does it REALLY MATTER?!  man, right now you are the least mature acting of admins, if this is your idea of throwing a 2 year olds tantrum to get your way, then why ARE you admin?  Stunts like this cause problems, and tears in the community; isn't that something you as an admin should try and avoid?  This topic should NOT be in the GA, it should REMAIN in the forums for admins and mods only.  Hell Admins do their jobs, so what does it matter if there is one more?  Does it make you feel less special?  Goodness.   
RanQdom fun facts:

During the war France cemented its turrets facing the German border... Germany went around and conquered, the French were practically helpless...

Hitler was reported to have enjoyed having his companions participate in his own... German Shiza... yes, he liked the poo.

There was only one male that Hitler refereed to as his sweet, was one of his friends, (can't remember name ><)

the Shwashtika (sp?)  is the reverse Hopi sign of peace, and he first saw it at the Church he attended when he was young, he was a choir boy.

Hitler fought during WWI, but was hospitalized at the Surrender.

Hitler loved his dog more than anything, however when he decided to commit suicide toward the end of his tyrannical conquest, he made sure the drugs were lethal by having them tested on his dog.   He also had all the dogs puppies, executed.

More Russians and Polish died during the Holocaust than Jews.

Russians won many battles because the cold was too much for the German soldiers to take.

Hitler was not the one who instituted the idea of creating a master race, it was his fanatical general, who took ideas and ran with them.

Most tyrannical conquests are headed by a man short in stature, coincidence? I think not... do not trust the short ones.
General Discussion / Re: Myspace
March 26, 2006, 01:38:06 PM

lol yesh, I have one too >.>
General Discussion / Re: Intentional Maxing
March 11, 2006, 07:45:23 PM
Thankee Wolfbite ^^  Hope this comes into effect as it would rock.
Turbo Discussion / ummmmm reset?
March 09, 2006, 10:04:46 AM
... >.>  it's now the 9th... is there going to be a reset this month?  I mean the month is half over already...  Are we gonna just let it go and skip this reset and just hit the next one?   Just wondering if its worth still playing this round or just waiting for a reset.
General Discussion / Re: Intentional Maxing
March 01, 2006, 10:25:44 PM
Quote from: Blankshots on February 28, 2006, 09:16:35 PM
Beem are you still crying over this? God, I for one, do not care if someone is maxed cause that is thier strat. Good on them for thinking of that before I did.  This is the first time I have ever really thought about taking top spot, and it was suggested to me that I need alot of resources to make my jump, and that alone is the only reason I had myself maxed.  But see you fail to realize again, Wolfsnare could have made emp, he could have pwned me like he did you, but he was an ally and assited my rise to power. You however sit in the posistion of 12th, you rarely broke me when you tried, and wolf took what he pleased  from you at will.

Changing the max attacks cause it's cheap? haha, wow you are a whiner thats for sure.

Quite crying, suck it up buttercup.

Thanks Wolfsnare for backing me in this game. This guy is a true player, watch out nOObs he will pawn all of you.

Stop gloating over false gold.  I am not whining, I am simply trying to get a game made FAIR.   It may be part of the game now but it's cheap and abusing the code.   If wolfsnare took the lead on his own merrit I wouldn't have a problem, I know he is a good player and he could have taken the lead if he wanted to.   YOU are the one who doesn't deserve it or have the skill for it.  NO WHERE did I say that I could be in first or even WANTED to be in first.   I just don't like seeing people who are IN first and do NOT deserve it.   So STOP telling me to quit crying and that I am whining.   Just because you are on a side of something that is destined to be done away with doesn't mean the rest of us are pansies for wanting to play a fair game.  Heck, when Josh maxed last game EVERYONE complained about it because it was cheap.
General Discussion / Re: Intentional Maxing
February 28, 2006, 12:27:52 AM
I am not trying to get YOU banned, I am trying to get the code abuse banned.
General Discussion / Re: Intentional Maxing
February 28, 2006, 12:06:17 AM
then don't listen, its not crying its simply stating I would rather play a fair game.  I doubt I am the only one.  YOU agreed yourself it was a cheap tactic.   If you don't like people calling you cheap for a tactic you, YOURSELF, admitted cheap, then stop listening.
General Discussion / Intentional Maxing
February 27, 2006, 09:37:27 PM
Alright, this is becoming an annoying issue, almost making it not worth playing the game.  It's abosolutely hog wash to see rounds of "winners" and "emporers" who were put there rather than earned it.   This round of Reg, Blankshot was put to #1 through intentional maxing by wolf snare.  Last round it was Josh and cloud.   Its been going on and it frankly, is the same as exploiting game rules and is a form of cheating.   Is there some way of getting the intentional maxing of another player written as an official offence of the rules?   

Turbo Discussion / Re: I am the EMP
February 27, 2006, 09:30:51 PM
Give anyone 5 days where they can't be attacked and they can just mass and store and stock and build and what ever else they want free of worry, and see hwo far up they go.  You and your accomplice are cheap cheats.

What I am saying is:

Emporer of turbo :  person who holds the lead at the end of the era

Emporer of Reg: person who holds the lead for 10 days consecutive without being passed

And Wolf snare, I am not crying as a sore loser, I am saying that he doesn't deserve a title as emporer as YOU helped him get there by maxing him.  I feel strongly that intentionally maxing a player should be banned as cheap playing and a form of cheating.   It's exploiting a cheap trick of the game.

I personally never cared to try and take emp in any rounds.  A place in the top 10 sure, but hold #1?  Nah, too boring up there.  I prefer to play offensively and just play, rather than get to a position where the only way to go is down, and play purely deffensive.