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Topics - Peace Alliance

News / Updates / Sevs gagged
January 31, 2012, 10:30:08 AM
Let it hereby be known that Sevs' most recent behaviour is not acceptable in the RWL community. We are here to have fun, and enjoy a great hobby with good friends. This is not a place to stir up trouble, drama, and generally irritate people who you happen to dislike.

So because of his incongruity, he will be gagged for the next 3 days. Well on his way to earning that $10, wouldn't you say?
Development / New Design
January 26, 2012, 11:54:23 PM
Here's what it looks like after working on it tonight.

Spa Room 101 / MOVED: forum skin...
January 23, 2012, 12:15:17 PM
News / Updates / MOVED: Spa emergency
January 23, 2012, 08:28:19 AM
This topic has been moved to Spa Room 101.

Now you can spam it up!
Development / forum skin...
January 23, 2012, 08:24:43 AM
You should check out the in-development forum skin called RWL3. It will give you an idea of the look and feel i have envisioned for rwl3. Note that there is still much to do on it, i haven't changed the header from the 2010 skin i based it off of.
Obviously not, but I'm I get so sick and tired of bad websites that lately I've been sending them nice little emails about how they could improve. Usually this is constructive and kind because I wouldn't bother sending it to a website that I don't often visit (and I tend to visit websites that i /like/ even if they're poorly designed).

But today I finally lost it on my university website. It is the worst, most horrible piece of junk website the world has ever seen. I'm trying to get my "audit" figured out so I know when the heck I'm graduating. Who knew that part of a university education was to decipher websites designed by idiots? The audit has 3 different keys, each explaining different acronyms. It also has images that don't load, it's about 300px wide and 4000px high, and it doesn't scroll properly. It doesn't support google chrome, barely supports firefox, and I often have to resort to dusting off IE just to get it to load properly. It also for some absolutely unknown reason, uses Java!!!

So I sent them off an angry message through their survey. Figured some of you might get half a kick out of it:

QuoteYour web service is the most unusable, and unintuitive piece of garbage the internet has ever known.

Constructive criticism? Scrap the whole thing and hire somebody qualified to design websites and create a quality user experience.

I have tried for years to get the information I need from the Audit, Carleton central, etc, and I always waste hours of my day trying to figure out what the hell is going on. This is not because I'm technologically inexperienced, it is because your website does not have any logic to it what so ever.

As I write this I am trying to pinpoint a few examples, but there are too many. Even this survey is poorly designed. It asks my which "type of service" I am responding to - I chose "web site" (which has been spelled as 1 word probably since 1998, so I don't know how old this survey is). Then it gives 4 questions, 3 of which are about person-to-person services - obviously completely useless questions since I'm telling you about /websites/.

Maybe you don't get many complaints, but don't assume that is because you have build a great website. You are in a position where your users are required to endure your poorly designed web service. It is the only way they'll get through university. But you've taken advantage of the relationship you have with your users. If you had to design a website that /attracted/ users, this would not be what it looks like. You would have had to figure out why you can't retain web traffic, and you would have hired a proper consultant who would have told you exactly (although probably with kinder words) what I'm telling you right now. SCRAP IT!

[edit] As I hit the send button on the survey, the server timed out. I tell firefox to resend the information, and the website loads to the main page... I don't even know if the friggin thing sent!!
I have this problem a lot. When I go to google something I can't describe it properly to get the results I want. Some things take more then 1 line to describe. No matter how much I try I can't get the right combination of keywords to find what I'm looking for.

This thread is going to be examples of that. I'm sure you guys have the same problem too. We can post them here, and maybe collectively we can figure out better keywords for each others searches.

I'm googling:
Quotedust flecks flow in light, glow
Currently I'm having a heck of a time trying to find a photo of the way dust glows in light sometimes. Y'know when you're in an old barn with natural light coming in and there are large flecks of dust floating in the air that prominently glow in the light? That's what I want photo's of. I'm trying to make "nostalgic" looking photographs for my summer camp website.
Turbo Discussion / Aid from Hidden Fox
November 28, 2011, 12:19:35 PM
I would like to thank everybody who supported Hidden Fox this round. We helped out a lot of people when they were in need.

The last day or so I have been inundated with aid requests which have mostly gone unanswered. This was partially because of I was out of town, but even upon returning I saw that if i were to aid one I would be negatively effecting another. Everybody is posturing for top ranks on the immortalization. So I just thought I would let you guys know why they have gone unanswered. I have aided some of the lowbies, but not everyone got aid.
I always want to make RWL better. I have 1000 idea's, and most of them I could do! Over the years I have been getting the hang of PHP (which is the scripting language RWL is built with), I have become a pro with most aspects of web design, and I am starting to study user interface at university. I could make RWL awesome.

Thing is... I don't have the time. Between school, work, and family my time is spent. But I could do it if i eliminated something from that list. I can't eliminate my family (I grew attached to them, dangitall), I don't want to eliminate school, but I wouldn't mind quitting my job. That would free up my time, but it would leave a big whole in my budget. But if we filled that whole (with money) then I would be free to work on RWL!

For those of you who don't know,  allows you to raise money for a project. RWL has had a steady 50 [edit: closer to 70 these days] players for the last 4 years. That number would grow substantially if we revamped the game (RWL could run on mobiles, sync with facebook, etc). So I could start a kickstarter and you guys could raise money for me to devote my time to RWL. If i raised enough that I could ditch my job(s), then I totally would. But it would have to be a decent amount of money for me to be able to ditch my job(s).

OH, BTW here is my latest UI design for RWL. I make designs for RWL all the time because I love UI and pixel pushing calms me down when I'm stressed, haha.

Turbo Discussion / Bragoon (#6)...
November 16, 2011, 08:44:26 PM
Bragoon (#6) asks "Please do not sack me" in his status, and then he spends half his run sacking a passive player. Anyone know who this person is? How do they justify their actions?
General Discussion / Why RWL is good for your education
November 02, 2011, 06:17:10 PM
I don't think that "ratios" are a complicated concept. But the other day in class the professor needed to explain them. This is to a group of university students... Perhaps my understanding of ratio's is because of the oh-so-crucial leader/land ratio in RWL? Maybe that's why it is so obvious to me?

here's the video from class:
Turbo Discussion / Love>War
October 09, 2011, 12:38:26 PM
Love is Greater then War is now taking initiates and donations.

Anything you donate will be distributed to those in need.

If you're interested in Joining, keep in mind that you must be passive, never make any attacks, and give to whomever asks.
Spa Room 101 / Car for sale
July 26, 2011, 12:41:30 PM
Not sure if Snare is the only one who lives in the london ontario area, but my friend is trying to sell a 2001 saturn LS 4-door with only 50,000km on it. He's selling it for $2000.

Email me if you wanna buy it!

Also... Hi everyone!
General Discussion / I'm Engaged!
December 24, 2010, 04:26:48 PM
To be wed!
Turbo Discussion / Turbo is up
November 04, 2010, 02:34:08 PM
Turbo is up. We're in the process of making it so resets will automatically open up sign ups immediately. That way there's less guessing for you guys.

This round is a 400 attack max round. USE THEM WISELESS (perhaps avoid attacking passive players? lol)
Turbo Discussion / How do we treat our passive friends?
October 19, 2010, 10:07:40 AM
Lots of people have different philosophies. Some people ignore passive players 'cause they're not worth the thought. Some are assisted by my frequent aid, trade and helpful tips. Many recognize the benefit to a neutral party, one that is reliable, and end up using my services as a mule, trade partner, and a loan shark.

Some are not so positive. Some are jealous of my ability to gain rank without resorting to violence.... Some are just blatantly disrespectful.

For those of you who appreciate what I do, please support it! Passive is a great strat, more people should try it, but they won't so long as people like briar are being completely rude!

Here's what I got ingame after she took me down to 15k (well below everyone else in the top 10, and it will cost me thousands of turns to scout back up)
QuoteWar Claw (#16) (?)
oops I did that sorry next time [you] might not try to be a hidden fox with a little bit of friendly help from your friends. And don't be crying, it is your own fault because you have chosen to be the true hidden fox. So basically cry me a river hidden fox aka my landfarm.

Yeesh... Hall of shame anyone?
Turbo Discussion / Are fire and water at war?
September 17, 2010, 02:55:07 PM
Whats with the killings guys? play nice why don'tcha!
General Discussion / Summer Activities!
June 19, 2010, 11:02:44 PM
Hey folks!

I'm going away for the summer to run a summer camp. Y'all are on your own for 2 months. Some of you may be thinking "how will I endure such a duration?" or "How will I absolve this absence?" Well, never fear because as usual I have taken careful, deliberate hours to prepare for you all an activity list. While I am gone, the world will be bleak, gray, and boring. Try to spice it up by completing everything on this list:

1. Cook spaghetti, then eat it in a tortilla wrap.
2. Draw a picture that depicts our lovable RWL Hidden Fox, being chomped on by godzilla.
3. Challenge someone in the top 10 to a duel, then fight it out at dusk.
4. Design a catchy slogan that will make people want to wear feathers in their hat.
5. Read a book, then recite the entire plot in the spa room by memory.
6. Purchase silk, or fake silk, pants. Wear them on a social occasion and attempt to convince ALL of your friends that they are cool now.
7. Ask a friend to go to the dance. When your friend asks "what dance?" scream "THIS ONE!" and then flail your arms, stomp your feet and yodel.
8. Sleep with your socks on.
9. Search the letters "oister" on the forums, then post the funnies result in the spa room.
10. Be wary of the google bots....

I will return on the odd weekend, if anyone has completed all 10 of these challenges, I will post even better ones.
General Discussion / Peace Making
May 06, 2010, 10:27:37 AM
(please note this is going somewhere, follow my long intro to get to the carrot i'm hanging at the end)

Picture a street corner. Two people meet each other for the first time and begin to interact. One man says to the other "I don't really think it's normal to wear a wig." The other man, a wig wearer, replies angrily "I am a wig wearer, and i have a darn good reason to wear one too!" The first man responds with even more anger "Your wig offends us all, why are you ashamed of your shiney head? Stop being such a wimp you butthead!"...


You can see how this is escalating. Soon the gloves (and wigs) are off and the two men are duking it out like madmen.

This doesn't often happen does it? People know about limits. When you are having a face to face conversation you cannot blatantly insult the other person. You have to make concessions, you have to show empathy, you have to think like the other person. So why is this not so over the internet? In real life we are more aware of the other person, we know what they look like, we can visually see their reaction, naturally we don't want to start a fight because it would be awkward, painful, counterproductive and - often - illegal.

On the internet we don't have such boundaries. We are distanced by anonymity. There is no need for empathy because the other person is just words and an avatar. They are a collection of ideas, and if those idea's clash with yours in any way, you should feel unconfined to let loose. You can tear those ideas asunder because they are not embodied by a person.

I have recently become a pacifist. One of the most counter-cultural challenges I have ever taken on. There is something so uncomfortable about it. Some may think it's for people who are weak or without courage. But I came to it another way. Fighting is comforting. Revenge is comforting. There is nothing more satisfying then watching the bad guy get what he supposedly deserves. I have all those feelings! Human justice is a euphoric rush, it is satisfying. So is personal safety. I would never want any harm to come to my family. I watched John Adams on HBO, and I too wanted him to fight for freedom! Nothing would have been more dissatisfying then if the Americans had failed in their independence and submitted to Brittish tyranny any longer (something I believed before I watched the HBO series, I'll add). But soon after it gained it's independence, America made peace with the Brittish. They sustained that peace during the wars between France and England. This was an important step. The peace making here is what I am passionate about. Now lets go back to talking about the internet.

Today I had a wonderful example of peace making. I will tell you it was not easy, my instinctual response was to mock, tease and laugh at the person in conflict with me. He was being silly, but my response was carefully made. Instead of yet another fight, the internet saw peace making today!

I commented on this art piece:

My comment (which he hid, i think) went something like this:

Quote"I'm not going to comment on the perspective errors in the water or the reflections of the ghosties because you said there are "intentional imperfections" in this picture. However, was in your friends "perfect place" is he ACTUALLY peeing into the ocean, as it appears?"

(basically, I was pointing out the hilarious fact that the guy in the picture is peeing into the ocean [i worded it better but i forget])

He then responded to me privately:

QuoteBlinck said the following:

If you cannot be constructive in a comment, and are just going to simply mock the image, please don't go through the trouble of doing it. Save yourself some time and do something else, something actually productive.
Thank you

As I said, I was ready to fire back... Instead I thought it through and said this:
Quotestickersticker said the following:

You should not feel insulted, Blinck. You put your art up on the internet for interpretation. My comment was not an attempt to insult you, though it was comedy, I simply stated what it was I saw in the picture.

You are being snide when you imply that I was wasting my time. I am a busy guy, but I have your image as my wallpaper at the moment and such frequent exposure lead me to my interpretation. To say that my comment was unproductive is also incorrect. Life would be a bleak, miserable affair if we weren't able to find humor in things. Perhaps that is what your life is like? Perhaps you need to change your outlook? take a breather before you get upset about something so small. And trust me: this was small. Some lil comment made by a humble Canadian half way across the world from you.

I'm saddened by your response to my comment, I had hoped we could share a chuckle. Keep up the good work, I look forward to your future submissions.

I was hopeful that he would receive this well and to my joy he did! The conversation ended like so:

After reading this and thinking for a while... you are right. Sometimes I do take little things a bit to serious and personal (specially regarding my art), and don't take the time to think from other prespectives and get defensive right away.
I would like to apologize for my note, and to thank you for helping me see things in another way.
By the way, how epic would it be to take a leak during sunset, while watching flying medusas crossing the sea in the direction of some distant planets ?

I'm sorry once again, and thank you.

Take care


stickersticker said the following:

An epic leak that would be! haha.

I accept you apology, and would like to let you know that your response has made my day. The internet is so full of fighting, it makes me feel good to make peace.

all the best!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this. It is just a small example of the way I wish things were on the internet. Will we progress in this direction? As we become less anonymous, as we develop real personal identities on the internet... Will we become the decent people I know we all are in real life?

I mean who knows, maybe Sevs is actually pleasant when you talk to him face to face? (ahhh, great, i end with an insult.... this peace making goal of mine will take some time to get good at, haha.)

p.s. yes, i acknowledge that my alias is "Peace Alliance" and that may somehow be relevant.

Turbo Discussion / Stole My Name
April 30, 2010, 02:02:50 PM
Just so everybody knows Hidden Fox is NOT me. Normally Hidden Fox is my passive alias, this round it is an IMPOSTOR, who is either hoping to benefit from my reputation, or smear my name.