WC-Promisance - PLEASE READ

Started by Dilf, November 25, 2003, 07:26:15 AM

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Quote from: Hello!umpteenth would be the proper word 2 use, i think.
Actually, nth is more precise as it a) indicates a precise number and B) is an actual word, not to mention Beatles is currently in a bad mood about the "incident" and all...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 For once, I take this opportunity to spam.

Errr... agree with Riverpaw, that is.

Who, praytell, is Hello!? He seems to think he knows everything and everyone...

Ashyra Nightwing

 Fwaha... I can see through most secret identities.. if he posts a bit more, I'll be able to tell who he is..
(if he is an older player, that is)


 WCTA Clan WebpageUPDATE:

seems this set has been full of bugs =/
an admins WORST nightmare
so the game has been reset :(
you will need to re-sign up (www.strategygames.org/wc-prom)

but clan sign ups will not be necessary as you have alread signed up to the clan site

if you are interested in joing, plese sign up to both the game (URL posted abpve) and the clan site:


 game starts in 2 hours from this post!!

everyone who is interested in playing, or who was in WCTA last set, please re-sign up
Woody fixed teh bug - YAY ;)
and this set should be a set full of excitement!!

last set some of you made some real progress in getting to grips with the game :)
it was good to see!!
Hopefully we can build on the success and turn all you players into skilled players, as a clan we will rise and help eachother :)

sign-ups are open, if you do it within 2 hours, you will get 200 turns with 100 stored

WC Prom Link

oh and lets make teh clan site more fun to be in, i only ever see me in there...
cheers guys.

P.S. - we have merged with another clan to get more members, so it should be a little bit more lively in our clan site!  The chatting and posting on the clan site is one of the better things about the game.

WCTA Clan Site!

Anyway- that is enough from me :)