Wolf Bite Unmasked

Started by wolf bite, November 07, 2003, 01:16:18 AM

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Badrang the Tyrant

 Wolf better not leave!  I'd give him one of the hardest times if he did and I knew how to contact him... ;)  


 A new age has begun.

Wolf Bite: The man who sent aid to any who asked for it; the man who perfected just about every possible strategy in the game; the man who spearheaded the Recruits clan, where new players can go and learn how to play the game, rather than be farms for those more experienced, has left.  

Not only has he left the forums, he has left the game.  The account "cat's meow", has been deleted.

He will be missed by those who considered him a friend.  His departure will cause a sigh of relief from those who he considered an enemy.  Either ally or adversary, his departure has effected everyone who plays the game.

Good luck Wolf Bite to where ever life leads you next.

"You call that a knife? THIS is a knife."
"That's not a knife, that's a spoon."
"Alright, alright, you win. I see you've played knifey-spooney before."

Badrang the Tyrant

 *looks at screen dumbly*  Wolf, shall certainly be missed.  What persuaded him to leave, I don't know, but I hope to see him again somewhere.... :)  


 Aww, poor Wolf Bite. Touching post, I must say. Though a lot of the people here don't really care.

But I did vote you most lovable. Shame you didn't win it! ;)


 He has really left??!?!? It cant be! I say we either A. Go to his house and force him to come back or B> Get his children to "persuade" him to come back. It just wont be the same without him here! First him, and Holby is leaving to (only forums luckily)...Still he sohuld stay. We must get him to stay.

And that was a very touching post he made in the beggining. He will probally be the most missed member yet...
My siggy died :(

Blood Wake

 though he hasn't talked to me about any of this, i am sure he wil be back when a new evil rises and takes the game with no mercy Wolf Bite will be back to make RWL peaceful once more. but if no evil arises we may lose him for good and he will be missed, so instead of telling him to come back we tell ereptor to come back of peace to change back to who he was before. then if anyone tells Wolf Bite to return and help a hopeless war he will return, wait a minute me and holby are fighting a helpless war right now! Someone tell Holby to ask for my dad's help in fighting our war for peace against a clan who killed holby for no reason at all, you may have heard differant from sun jian but who do you trust more him or Holby? I think we all know the answer to that, don't we. xenocide said that Wolf Bite's enemys would heave a sigh of relief that Wolf has left, but thats not true, I do not know for sure but Ereptor will not like that wolf has left. for he will never be challenged and will never get the chance to say he is better than Wolf Bite. I think we should have a server that only two people can join: Wolf Bite and Ereptor(and maybe josh and peace if they want to join in, a four way battle to the death) to see once and for all who is the best warlord! maybe beatles could make this server for use if he is not too busy
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

Badrang the Tyrant

 They would need other land sources as well.  Perhaps they could scout out of protection until they used 400 turns.

Peace Alliance

 Way to go off topic guys...

The game was changed in more ways then i think people can reolize. I remember being one of the greates players in turbo the first few seasons. Then i leave for 2 seasons and come back to a game that has leveled, if nore surpassed, my playins abilitys. The last season of turbo was so different from the first one, i believe that if we were to send one of the top 20 players back to the first season of turbo, they would take over within days and blow peoples minds away. I believe that Wolf Bite played a HUGE part in the elevation in playing skill. "Wolf Bite changed the game" Hah, thats an understatement.


 Aww I hate it when people I know leave.  Despite the fact Wolf may have hated me since ummm 3 games ago?   When Ereptor held the top and was undefeatable?  anyway, I pounded him mercilessly for a bounty, and we crossed words a few times I think... hmmm and it was carried over to the next game.  I wonder if he considers me still an enemy or even considers me at all...  If he still's angry with me I apologize!  If I had a hand in your leaving the forums/game... then I am so sorry for that.  I knew a while back that you where a father after talking to one of your kids (can?t remember which)  and I thought that was the coolest thing  that their father played the game with them.  To the annoyances that somehow do not care about Wolf Bites leaving,  *fires skittles out of a cannon at them*  Poo on you!   I will miss you at least Wolf.  

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."



 Awwww....Wolf bite, why did thou have to leave us?  For you were one of the very first people I met here at RWL, we both joined up around the same time frame...T'will be sad knowing that you are gone.

I agree with ummm.....*thinks* who was it that said we should have Blood Wake, Sonoras, and Kingdom of Hearts persuade Wolf Bite to come back...

*looks around* Speaking of which, where has Sonoras and Kingdom of Hearts been lately, Blood Wake??
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwl/  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 Methinks we should tie him to a chair with a computer that denied all URLs except for RWL.And he couldn't turn it off. Or we could do a sleep-learning process where the headphones say "I want to play Redwall, I want to play Redwall...." over and over.