Pete strikes again?

Started by Shael of Torethevel, February 07, 2003, 09:22:27 AM

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Shael of Torethevel

 This really freaked me out, but when I checked my inbox, I received the familiar message you get when you sign up for a new account. I did sign up for a new account, but that was for account number 1235, The Realm of Unspoken Darkness. This was for account #1354, The Dark Raiders. Maybe whoever did this knew that my first account was #55, The Black Raiders, but maybe not. But back on subject, I DID NOT create this account, and I can't tell you how shocked I was to find this e-mail in my inbox.

[EDIT] According to the Warlord search, this person is playing the account, and under the username "shael2" and password "torethevel".

[ANOTHER EDIT] Ah, never mind. It was probably the billion dollars the admins gave out that made his/her nw boost up. They probably did it to annoy me. Hmph. I still want to have this looked into though. I really am not happy about this.
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

 That's a useless account, as they aren't going to get their validation code if they've used your email!


 Second Victim??  Terrorists  :angry: