I deleted my old account but and it wont let me create a new one?!?

Started by Burton2001, December 25, 2005, 03:19:42 PM

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    I deleted my old account because things were going bad. When I went to create a new one it always says it is deleted because of multiple accounts? I have already tried to start 3 new accounts every time I lose that account because I have multiple accounts??? Is there something that can be done to let me back into redwall warlords?

wolf bite

first thing, stop making new accounts. the computer has you taged a a multi player and will disable all of them. Just so you know, after deleting an old account, you have to wait about 15 minutes BEFORE making a new one. So here is what you do. tell me what server you are talking about, and what the last account you made name was, and I will turn that one account on for you.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


    Ok well I was trying to start a new Redwall Warlords account, but like I said it wouldn't let me. SquirrelyDeathMonks was the last one I created, but I rather use the one I created before that I which was GeneralWopscutt. Do you think you can activate that one for me? The warlord number should be #1026.

Peace Alliance

no, don't start another rwl account, lol. they're getting disabled because you keep making multiple ones (multiple accounts aren't allowed). You're going to have to pick one, and we'll keep all the others disabled.

And which server are you on? Regular or Turbo?

wolf bite

You are alowed to have one account per server. It is easier for me to activate one of the last ones you made. I have thus brought GeneralWopscutt back to life as your only active account on reg. Enjoy the game and most of all, have fun.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles