
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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Wolf Bite, there is an unwritten rule for the Wiki. Players are not supposed so say that they are the best, or great, or horrible, or anything. It's supposed to be mainly just facts. So as Moderator of the Promisance Wiki I had to edit your entry a bit.

There is a commonly used format available, if you want to use that.

And Jiji, don't lie to these people. You're a convicted cheater and you've only won one game there once. Not to mention that your clan was helping you. ::)


That's absolutely correct that we have a clan competition over there in march. Beta code is up and running. So far it's the same code from last year.

So every player at Redwall are invited.

Do not listen to Jiji, though. Even though he invites you to Valhall, he is not representative for the average Valhall member. Been banned several times for multi account abuse.

Pippin, are you getting a message that you are banned? Could you display your email address and IP adress to me in a PM? What message do you get? Is this on the mainpage or the forum?


Mawerick could you link me to the competition site somewhere? I'll check it out :)
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


It'll say "Clan Competition" on the left, that is the Beta.

wolf bite

AH, Death. I did not write my own description in the wiki.

It is a known fact that I am known as one of the best players. So why are you editing it?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Don't take this as provocation or an insult in any way, before you read it. It's not, you're a pretty cool guy for the most part.

That's not a fact, it's your opinion. If you think you are one of the best Promisance players, then come to a non-RWL code and take me on. I know you have a great reputation here, but hell, my reputation is great where I come from. I'm the 2007 player of the year at Valhall and winner of the Valhall Legend, and numerous other awards at various sites. I have won nearly everywhere I have played, and I would probably suck at this game. :D

Skill is not something universal, and opinions are not something I print as fact, no matter who says it. Nothing personal, just business.

wolf bite

I do take you changing something someone else wrote to be your own opinion an insult!

How dare you!

I know that you have gone around and told people on other sites for years that I really am not that good at the game. (I have transcripts). That is your opinion.  You feel a need to put me down because maybe you think it lifts you up.  I was on tons of other sites for years, I believe before you even started playing.  So your flame of me is again untrue.

"Wolf Bite is one of the most famous and greatest Promisance players in the history of the games yet sticks to Redwall: Warlords."

You removed the above that someone else wrote.  So it was not my opinion, but yours to remove it.

What of it is not true? If asked in all the prom communities (with over 1800 hits on my journal) I think I would be one of the most famous, and I am known as one of the greatest players because it is a fact that for about 6 months I was emperor on (about) 10 sites at the same time.

I frankly do not care what your opinion is. But you have no right to project your own opinion.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I didn't add in any opinions, I just removed something that was not supposed to be there. What I added is a fact, you are the Admin. And I never go around saying anything. If you are brought up in a conversation which has happened like.. twice, ever, I might mention something about you, and someone else will. The only person I recall ever talking about you with is someone who already doesn't like you.

I'm not going to discuss this any further. It is my job to Mod the Wiki and I did it. You are not some special case, it's the same for everyone.

btw, Your ego is kindof disgusting. I'm sure plenty of people here and at FAF know of you, and people from when you played other games, and quite frankly I don't care. It's an opinion. If you and others think you are good, it's an ooopppiiinnniiiooonnn.

Like I said, I'm not going to sit here and insult you. I'm also not going to stroke your ego.

Oh oops I forgot something. I am not 12, putting people down does not make me feel good, so don't flatter yourself. You matter about as much to me as.. well any other internet person.

wolf bite

I am also not 12, nor am I acting like I am. Removing something that you don't like is you taking action.

I have read what you yourself said about yourself on the wiki site. What makes it that you don't edit out your own profile?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Mine is finishes, awards received, things like that. And I didn't remove it because I didn't like it, I removed it because it is against the rules. I have done the same thing to numerous other people. And I didn't say a [darn] thing about myself, my entry was written by Mawerick. I will tolerate "Went from bad to good" or "Learned how to play" but "One of the best players" is overboard.

This is the point. Follow the rules. You are an Admin, you know how.

On second thought I have edited mine to include other finishes to keep it up to date.

wolf bite

I am following the rules.

You are a MOD. I am challenging your actions. Thus under the rules, you need to have the site admin make a final decision as to your actions.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


It's a simple rule, you broke it. And I see no rule about if someone disagrees with a Mod the Mod has to talk to the Admin. There is a reason that I moderate it and not you, so grow up.

wolf bite

I ask to know who the admin is?


Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


The Admin of EndRev. I'll save you some time, his AIM is webover.

Peace Alliance

Death! you should join up again. I loved it when you used to play (You were Death Eater, right?)