Bro Rule Violation – Disabling

Started by wolf bite, July 25, 2008, 11:44:46 AM

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Once more, it is difficult to distinguish two differnet people playing when they share IPs. People are guilty until proven innocent here. Perm might be a little harsh given that it's reg... on turbo id say give him the rest of the round off, so maybe it is a bit overkill to go for permenent on reg, but the point remains that they broke rules that they knew about, and therefore should be punished accordingly.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Then why are new players punished, but not old? It seems to be quite the trend here, letting veterans get away with whatever they want.


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


All the people knowingly abusing the bug with leaving clans last round I played. Their only excuses were "I didn't know, it was an accident". There was no proof to make them innocent.


Did we get undisabled? I left for Ottawa right around the time that I got disabled. If we did, you got me there. I guess I agree in a way - being an old hat here earns you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to cheating. I don't especially like it, but it is nice to be acknowledged as a trustworthy member based on experience and familiarity, and it is really inevitable that it happens in communities like these.

I will add that there is good basis to it - very few oldbies' egos would allow them to cheat^_^
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


That is.. a horrible policy imo. New players should be given a second chance more than an old player who should know better.

And some of you were disabled for less than a day.

Edit, and by that, I mean no punishment was given, just a disable by Shael until Wolf came online.


There weren't actually rules against it specifically as far as I know, only my telling people that it was cheating - so the argument could be made that they didnt really break any rules. (Not that I would be the one to make it, but that's the argument that got them undisabled i assume).
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Late edit on that post, sorry about that. The argument made was they didn't know what they were doing was bug abuse. A bug was abused, bug abuse is clearly against the rules here.


The problem was that it hadn't been formally declared bug abuse because shael was unaware it existed until it all came out at once. Shael had said in a different topic that she had plans to fix it over the next two or so sets, which I used as the basis for my argument that it was cheating. Since Shade and co obviously do not take my opinion very seriously and since I unfortuneately lack mod powers, my word wasn't enough to make it officially cheating, and so they got off because wolf bite decided that since there was no formal rules in place before the incident, nobody was to be punished. I don't like the decision, but I understand where he is coming from. I don't think favoritism was involved there. Shade is hardly an oldby as far as his community involvement here goes, and snare wasn't exactly in anyone's good graces at the time.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Well if Snare was allowed back but not Shade, there would be no defense against staff favoritism. But it was posted on the forum that that feature had been implemented well before people started abusing the fact that it was broken.

Anyways, that's old news unrelated to the topic. I'm sure nothing is going to be done because RWL is some kind of dictatorship, I just wanted to put my two cents out there.


Please note Death that you should perhaps read the posts more thoroughly as Wolf never said they received a permanent ban.  He said they received at TEMPORARY ban of 5-7days.

And if you would once again read through the posts you would also read WHY and WHAT occurred to result in the temporary ban of the two players.

And as for having the players voice their opinions that is exactly why this thread was made so that can be done, and just so you know it was the players who established the bro account rules in the first place, if I remember correctly.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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Wolf Snare

Death, that matter was settled shortly after we were disabled ingame. None of us knew that the clan rule was broken, not taken out by Shael. The only one who knew they were cheating was Shadow, the rest of us assumed it was part of the code. I'll link if you continue arguing about it.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Snare, it was an example. Your reason (specifically yours) was completely satisfactory to me.

Scarwake, I know exactly what has been done to them. When I said "Isn't a permanent ban a little harsh" or whatever I said, it was a reply to Shadow's opinion on what should be done to them. I know exactly what happened, better than those who punished them even would, because I didn't jump to an assumption and spoke to someone who speaks with them on a regular basis. Maybe you should be the one reading posts more thoroughly.


I'm sorry Death
We never intended to give the illusion that this is anything but a dictatorship

The staff listens to its members, but make no mistake.  This is no democracy.

I'd like an example of a site that functions as a proper democracy.  FAF does not.  None of the other promis, to my knowledge, do either.  Its not workable.  RWL does a good job at responding to the concerns of its member base, but at the end of the day decisions have to be made and polling the members does not work, nor is it possible to hold elective offices. 

We allow people with negative opinions of the site to post freely, and unless it contains profanity, bad flame, or spam no posts are censored.

"A bug was abused, bug abuse is clearly against the rules here."  - Death
It wasnt clear, as has been said, that a bug was abused.  And you still defended your statement when called on it.  This makes no sense. 
The staff was wrong to disable someone who wasn't cheating, so they corrected their mistake.  And you have a problem with it?
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

(Likes posting after windy because he clears up matters)

However this is not a full dictatorship because any 2 of the 3 Admins can overrule the decisions of any one Admin.

As far as why Wise Claw would be disabled if it was Qee that logged in as Wise Claw, that would be because Wise could would have told her bro her password. Thus Wise Claw either knowingly broke the Bro rules or gave her password to her brother, both reasons for a short term disable.

If Wise Claw wants to claim her bro Hacked the game to get in her account, then I will activate Wise Claw right now as the hacker gets a perm ban. Hehe. A no win situation.

As far as whether I would have treated someone else different, likely under this situation I would have done the same thing. This was a violation that Caused a KILL! Wise Claw has been around for a while and I do sometimes chat with her in game. I LIKE her!  Had Shadow and a bro did the same switch in 9 seconds to do a kill, this topic would be about them.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles