Wolf Bite�s Journal
I have decided to give out all that I know about how to play the Promisance game that I know as Redwall. I do this for several reasons.
First, the game is less challenging to me, because after obtaining Emperorship several times, I find less enjoyment in running to the top and only protecting the land and resources. Other players find the game harder to play when the top is always taken and held by the same persons. So I think it best to fade away into semi-retirement as I teach others how to play better.
Many have always played by the same strategies and this has either left them from growing or has made the game boring as they have that one strategy down and it becomes repetitive. Also many players have complained that the instructions for the game are not only wrong in many places, but very limited and hard to read. The few, although very good strategies that have been published, don�t really show the workings on a more interactive manner. So with my hopes, this will help every gamer play better.
I have used every strategy and trick that I have listed below. I may have used other ones also, but I write only those that I can recall. I was self-trained, so most of my math and figuring is from trial and error. Any corrections are welcome. Be aware that different games have different values and some have safeties to keep some strategies from working.
I wrote this assuming that the people reading this will have a working knowledge of the game and terms used in the game. This is not made to be a beginners manual to the game, but a fine tuning for those that have been playing.
Everything in the pages to follow are strategies, even if under different categories. There are also tons of slight variations for each way to do things. I have listed the most common only. I found the hardest part of writing this was to remember all the things I have tried and what math was used to make it work. Please forgive me if some stuff is slightly wrong.
I would also like to make a statement about the reputation that I have gained. I don�t feel that I am the �Great Wolf Bite�, but just a guy that finds people that are honorable to work with and has the ability to motivate them to stay loyal by my example. I owe most of my achievements to my friends. Also, a lot of the game is perception and deception. Often I have found it valuable to take a large loss by making some statement like buying out my mercenaries with all my funds to jump to emperorship with little land.
There is much more to add to this, but people are getting on me about it not being done, so expect updates.
As each champion fades away, a new one will emerge. I can only hope that something I have written here will be the beginning of a person that will expand on my methods to make their own.
Wolf Bite
� 2003 PEH
Words |
Coming Out of protection |
Strange Math |
Buildings |
Tricks |
Strategies |
Team Play |
An Example of an attack plan |
Enemies show back up when you least want them to, don�t go out of your way to make enemies.
Find loyal people to be allied with.
Help your clan, in the long run they will help you. It is better to be a bit weaker after sending aid and having others fight your enemies then going on your own.
Don�t get a reputation of being a backstabber, your allies will turn on you because they will think you will turn on them.
You don�t want to be known for any particular strategy, so change strategies often, or if you are not comfortable with other strategies, at least change your attacking army.
Every turn does not have to be an attack, Better to spend days getting ready for an attack you can endure the repercussions, then not have the funds to defend your land.
Don�t chase off new players, because then you will be emperor of nothing.
Treat people fairly, you never know who will be ahead of you later.
There are only three ways that I have found to come out of protection. I am sure there are many others, but I can�t see them working any better. For different reasons I have used others like a defensive strategy to see who would attack me as I held my little land, but it is best to stay with these.
The game does not give enough money or food to start building, let alone support an army. So the first thing that must be done is to go to the bank and take out a maximum loan. Then use that money to build mostly markets. Build everything at once always, so you get the benefit immediately from your land. As you are scouting, go back to the bank and keep taking out bigger loans because with the increased net worth, your amount you can borrow is continuously increasing. Keep doing this and before you get out of protection, you will be able to pay back the loan easily and will be far ahead than if you were trying to use only the cash given to you. Be careful not to go out of protection too soon. There will be no land to take, you will be the only target, and you will not have the turns to defend yourself. Scouting is nearly useless after leaving protection, so don�t give much care about increased race bonus for scouting unless you are HPR.
If you are going for strictly a food based, non-violent strategy, then you will concentrate on foragers. About 90% foragers, 9% markets, and 1% tents should work fine. You can adjust the amounts as you gain land from scouting if you find yourself running low on money. Leader huts are not that important because it is very unlikely that early in the game anyone will have leaders to poison you. Even if they have enough, you will not be making attacks when you come out of protection so there is no need to fear retaliation so early in the game. When you get �fat� with food, worry more about building huts to protect it.
Some times dismantling your enemies early may be more important than your own growth. Even a Leader strategy starts with an army beginning. So this is only used to damage others that may be a threat. Few people can afford to build huts early in the game and still fight with armies. Further, they don�t have the turns to fell up their huts. So some very aggressive players will try to take control early in the game by taking a ton of land and building towers, but their leader ratio will be very low. By building about 15% foragers, 20% markets and a few tents, the rest in huts will pick your leaders up fast. As you are scouting and building, you should be getting sufficient cash and food to support your turns. As you get bigger and have resources, build only huts. Then when you do come out of protection, your leaders should be able to pull even the highest player down. Build mostly huts on that land as you keep leader attacking. Don�t care about defenses because you know they will take all the land back. It is better to not use all your turns at once, but play several times a day, damaging them each time they try to make a run for it. If you take too much land, someone will come and take all your land and become a bigger problem. So take down one person and wait to be attacked. After you have been attacked, your leader to land ratio will be even higher to take the next person. This only works when the highest player does not have too much land that they can build enough huts to defend. So plan on using this only a few days to damage your enemies, then switch to a different strategy.
All other strategies start with this one. Change your army management to 100% of one army, which will be your fighting army. Scout 25 times, build mostly foragers and markets. You will want to get your food and money high for later. Keep doing this until you have a good supply of resources. After using more then half of your turns, start building barracks. Keep with the 25 scout and then build until you about to come out of protection. You will now have a large attacking army (and the resources to support them) that can break at least the bottom half of the players and as you use your turns and gain land. With the gained land you could even take the top players. Even if you plan to use a leader strategy, you will need the gain land and build loyalty. It is very easy to switch from this strategy to any others.
(A lot of the math is in other places on these pages when it is topical)
Max attacks is 21. At full max, no one can attack you. Each hour this number drops one. Each time you attack, the number goes down 2.
Although leader loot and forage is based on huts and foragers, Stoat: Academy is based on networth as to how many new leaders you get.
Leader Loot and Forage reduces by about 40% when you have over a mill net worth. So there is a benefit to lower your net before leader loot and forage.
Leader Attacking
Leader math is not easy, this is what the game guide says about
((Your Leaders)/((Your Land + Enemy Land)/2)))/((Enemy
Leaders)/(Enemy Land))
So what does this mean? It
is rather complicated, but I think I can bring it down to earth as much as
Attackers Leaders divided by the average of both land = attacking
Defenders Leaders divided by defender�s land = defending ratio
The attacker must have 5 % higher ratio to win.
The hard part is there is not a rule of how big you can attack
based on only looking at your leaders. The numbers change with every gain or
loss in land or leaders. So as you get big with land, your ratio changes each
time. I have been trying to figure
out some simple math that will let someone know if there is a good chance to
win, but have not come up with it yet. But
I have a series of key stokes on your calculator that will let you know.
Lets say you are
the attacker and what to know if you can beat someone. You will know your own land and leaders.
Also you can see his land.
The way to work
this backward is:
Attacker leaders /
average of land = attacking ratio, times that by .95 = defending ratio you can
beat, times that by his land = the leaders of his you could beat.
Here it is with
different amounts to show how it can work.
You have 10K land
and full huts of 1,000,000
He has 30K land.
1,000,000 leaders
divided by the average of the land (20K land) = 50.00 attacking ratio.
The attacker must
have a 5% lead to win, so times the attacking ratio by 0.95 to get the defending
ratio you can beat. In this case
47.50. Times his ratio by his land (or 30K) and your leaders could
beat 1,425,000 of his. The average
Army fighter has 10% to 20% huts. So
he would only have about 600,000. Easy
You have 10K land
and over filled with leaders to 1,750,000
He has 100K land.
1,750,000 leaders
/ 55,000 land = 31.82, X .95 = 30.23, X 100,000 land = 3,022,728.
1,750,000 of your
leaders beat 3,022,728 of his leaders. That would be 30% hut full of leaders per
land he must have to defend.
You have 10K land
and over filled with leaders to 1,750,000
He has 200K land.
1,750,000 leaders
/ 105,00 land = 16,67, X .95 = 15.83, X 200,000 land = 3,166,000.
You can see that
he only needs 16% huts to fight you off with your leaders over stocked. As the
guy gets very big, it becomes very hard to get him because he can so easily hold
a lot of leaders that you cannot reach to attack him. If the guy with 200,000 in land had 30% huts, it would be
almost imposable to hold the 3,500,000 leaders on 10K land to attack him.
Towers, in the game called "Guards" are only useful for defence. Each tower gives 500 DP to protect you from army attacks. So if you are using turns, and know that no one will attack you when on line, tear your towers down before you start your turns, then rebuild them at the end of your turns. The value of the land being used for markets is far worth the 50 turns to switch buildings. Remember to save the turns at the end to switch your towers over. By going to �build,� you can tell how many turns it will take to build the needed towers. Then by doubling that number you should have the right amount of turns to tear down and rebuild. Also know that you can tear down more building per turn than you can build them.
Tent have to do with how many workers you will have to tax. The amount changes based on your tax rate, so it is always changing. 2 workers typically will �live� on land with buildings on it. I have never found how many will live on vacant land because it would require me to spend 300 turns with all vacant land to figure it out. But more then 2 and less then 100 will live on vacant land. 100 workers will typically live in tents. So tents are a way to pick up your workers so that you can have more of them to tax. I find that when you have low land and are having money troubles, it is good to have about 10 tents to every 100 markets. After you have a lot more land, you will have less need for them because of all the workers living on the built land and the workers coming and going as you take and lose land.
This decides how much your workers make before you tax them. So if your workers have markets to work in, they make more money that you can tax with your tax rate. Building a ton of these, raising the % of markets to land, instantly makes you more money. Better to have less workers that are making a ton of money to tax then a lot of poor workers with nothing to tax. Hint: Normal loot raises the benefit of your markets, if you have few of them, then loot is useless.
I find little use for them. They increase the amount of mercenaries you can buy and decrease the cost of the mercenaries. They will assist in these two functions up to 30% of your land. But there is a problem. The amount of mercenaries you can gain is based on your land, you get (depending on the type) about 250 times your land to max out with them. Those available armies come at 1% of the maximum every time a �day� changes (a day = every time you get new turns). So having 30% of your land in camps instead of towers will not allow you to keep your land to hold it long enough to get those available armies. That is a no-win situation. As far as the decrease in the cost, that barely works, too. Assume you have a lot of cash and want to buy armies, you will spend 25 turns to tear down other buildings, then 35 more to rebuild the camps on 30% of your land. Then after you buy the armies, the camps are useless and you have to tear them back down, and build something useful. That will cost you 100 turns that could have been used to make more money then you just saved. Not to mention that if you had other armies, you had to feed and pay them during the change over. The only time I found it beneficial was when I had a once had a ton of land, that was taken away, and changed over to barracks the day before an army attack. But I already had high mercenaries, it was just the cost of 30 million stoats that the discount was valuable. Basically, you will never be in that situation. Forget camps exist.
(Basically strategies quickly done)
If in an ongoing battle with someone much higher or lower then yourself, you may want them to weaken themselves as you get stronger. Food adds a lot to networth. So, let�s assume you both start out at about the same rank. Attack your opponent. Then put all your food on the market. This will drop you down to where they will have to pay a penalty each time they attack you. So most of their energy will be spent on army loss. Then when you have turns again, take the food off the market. You will have a 20% loss on your food, but the loss in value is less than your opponent is suffering. You will jump up next to them again with your networth and fire without a penalty, until you decide to drop back down. This also works the other way where you can jump down to attack, then spring higher then he can reach. It is a good idea to always keep some food on the market and some on hand so that you can run from an attacker. Many times someone will attack you when you are online, you can run networth away from them by adjusting your net so their attacks hurt them more than you. After a few shots their army is being wiped out, so they move to a different target.
(taught to me by �Hickup�)
A slightly evil trick is when you are way higher than someone, send them a ton of food to bring them up to your level so you can attack without a penalty. In some way it seems fair. They get a bunch of free food, and you get their land. Someone once tried this on me, but I was on line and put the food on the market before they could attack. (editor�s note: LOL!)
When you are going to attack someone with much higher net. You know you will be losing armies each turn and the gain in land will not bring you up as fast as the loss in net from your armies leaving is bringing you down. Also your loss in armies may make your attack short lived as you will not have the armies to keep breaking him. The way around this is to bring him down to you. If you have the Leaders, murder or poison a bunch before attacking. If your attacking army is great and you have little else, then make the first few attacks with standard to wipe our some of each type of his army. Now his net is lower, and as you grow, you will soon have no penalty.
I highly disapprove of this under most circumstances. It really, and I mean really, is a great way to make an enemy and get yourself into a battle to the death. However if you are attacking an emperor or someone that is already your enemy, there can be an advantage. Your enemy may have his towers down or be at low health because he is attacking someone.
A neat trick is to have a real person (your 7 year old sister?) enter the game and make a clan, but never leave protection. Have the �Clan Leader� be on line when the clan is about to attack. The fighters joins the clan, do their fighting, then the Clan Leader kicks them all out. This way, you have no penalty or max attack limit to attack a clan, but the enemy will have a penalty attacking you. Be sure the Clan Leader does not leave protection and they don�t get deleted for not signing in occasionally or they can be killed and all those in the clan may be stuck in the clan for 3 days.
After making your attacks and gaining a ton of land, have a friend attack you with 1 rat guerrilla attacks 21 times. This will max you out so that no one can attack you. You have just become invincible unless you are in a clan and another clan has you set to war. Each hour your attack limit goes down one. Each time you attack, your attack limit goes down 2. So after having your land and being attacked by friends, don�t attack anyone until your next turns. Warning, usually 1 rat attacks do no damage and takes no land if you have any towers at all, but sometimes there can be a percentage loss to your rats. So the best idea is to have them attack you with your weakest army. If you have no Stoats, you can�t lose any.
Because of the attack maximum, someone can only attack you 21 times if at least one of you is not in a clan. So fighting them as they are fighting you, will leave you both wasting turns and your land goes back and forth. Better to let them do their attacks, then they will move on to attacking someone else after you are maxed.
Don�t retaliate! If someone is attacking you with leaders, you are best to let them continue. If they are attacking you, and you take their land, you will be increasing their leader ratio so that they will do more damage to you. So� if they are taking your land, leave them alone because once they have messed up their ratio, they must stop. If they are robbing, murdering, etc, and are not doing bad damage, leave them alone. If on the other hand, you have a lot of food or money to protect, tear down your markets and foragers, then drop that land. Their ratio, if you have enough leaders, will no longer be able to break you. This will mess up your game, but may be better then losing all your assets.
Workers come faster then they leave. They really are not the most important factor to watch in the game. After you have spent much time playing, little notice is taken of them. For a light benefit in cash (barely worth the time to do) you can manipulate your workers to make you more money. Before attacking, lower you tax rate to 5%. Then take land. Your workers will love your horde and will rush onto your vacant land. Then before building, raise your tax rate to the maximum. (40%). Build on your land. As your turns are used to build, your workers will slowly leave, but you will be taxing them a lot as they go. Thus making more money then you would have. Remember that a high tax rate will NOT let you get to full health. So lower your tax rate to 10 or 11% before looting or foraging to full health.
It has been said to me that the best tax rate is 29% by someone that went into the programming to figure it out. This may be true, but the difference is very slight. The higher you tax your workers, the more leave. The lower you tax your workers, the faster they come. Therefore a high tax rate will have less workers to tax. There really is not much of a difference and keeping at about 10 or 11% tax should work in all but the most drastic times.
There are times that you have spent all your resources to gain land, but know that you will not be able to hold that land. So a method of making a come back is needed. Because of your high land and what is left of your armies, you can borrow a lot from the Bank. Take out a maximum loan, then put the most you can in the savings account. This way, when you come back later and find your horde almost destroyed, you have the funds to buy a lot of armies to attack your enemies. The payment to the bank may be very high, so concentrate on Cash when you return. If you really know you will be taken (such as you made a run up the Emperor�s clan but did not get the Emperor) you should put all your armies on the market. Not only will this drop you down in networth from his attacks, but you can retrieve your armies later for a 20% loss. Much better than having them wiped out from his attacks.
Before attacking any enemy, it is best to know what is the best way to attack and what they may be able to fire back at you with. If the person you have your sights on is an emperor or very powerful, more investigation is required. The more you know, the less turns are wasted. The fastest way to get an idea is to check the news on the person. You can see what attacking armies they are using and what types of armies have been breaking them. Espionage is obviously a great way to know what the person has, but not only do high ranked hordes often have a lot of leaders, the towers will not be given, so you will have to guess on the % of towers compared to land the person has based on the strategy you believe they are using. If the person is a big target, then check the stats on the person that have been attacking them to see how strong that person is and this will give an idea how much defense the target has. Also checking who is on the person�s clan and may be mad at you may make you decide on a different target. Check the % of attacks and defenses the target has. If the person is a big target, then take two standard attacks and a leader attack on them. This will give you an idea as to the armies the person has. A defender will lose a percentage on each attack. Your attacking army does play a factor in their losses, but this will give you a good idea of their weakest spots. Say that the defender loses 5% per defending. He losses 10,000 armies as an average. 5% of 200,000 is 10,000 armies. This is not precise because there is a random veritable, that is why you do it 2 times to get an average. Also sometimes very few armies are lost if his towers are massive. But in most cases, it gives a great idea. You can take each type of army you think he has, and times it by the DP of that type of army. By having taken a few shots with Leaders and using the same math on his losses, you know about how many leaders he has. Assuming he is not a stoat using academy magic, is not using �Wolf Bite�s Wall�, or has not been recently attacked, his huts can be determined approximately. He will have less than 100 Leaders per hut. So take the amount of leaders he has, divide it by 100, and that is the least amount of huts he has. But using this, you know that land cannot be towers. Lower ranked people in army strategies build 10% to 20% huts. Most higher army players build less then 30% towers, so unless you know the person is doing differently, that is a good number. Take 30% of their land and times that by the tower DP of 500. We now have his tower DP (approximately). You can add the DP of each type of army to the tower DP. You now have 4 figures in front of you, one for each type of army. Times your OP of each army you have to see if you can take him. If you can�t at that time, times the needed armies to take him beyond what you have now by the cost of those armies. Find the one that will cost you the less. Build or buy that army to take the target. A good example of making a plan is listed below in its rough draft of the planning to take out Ereptor.
Before making a �run� up the ranks on the heads of others, a lot of investigation should be done. By checking on the news of your enemies above you, you can find a nice stepping stone to reach the top. Use the �know your enemies� information above and keep checking on everyone for days. Keep track of them. Know who is attacking who, and what the different enemies weak and strong spots are. Make a map of who can be broken with what. Then make a plan using the armies you can obtain to see if you can make it to the top on paper. Timing is everything, wait until things are just right to make your move.
When you know you have to take the land of a few people before getting to your target, and their weak spots are different than the target, you will need to use this strategy. Say you are attacking with rats. You are losing about 7% of your rats with each attack. You are also making rats with all the barracks you are building on the land. But by the time you get to your target, your rats may not have grown large enough to take the target if that is his strong army. Get enough of one type of army that you know will break the lower minions. Change your army management to a 100% different type of army. Now attack the minions switching back and forth between them so you weaken them both evenly as you are losing your first type of army. When the time comes, switch to using the other type of army you have been building on the main target, which will be at full strength.
This is a great strategy when in an ongoing battle with someone using �Ungodly Wealth� or a top clan with a lot of resources. It is very difficult and requires switching to many different strategies, so only try this if you have worked with the other strategies before. You need to start in a leader loot or mostly market strategy before going into this one because the original expense is very high. Also having the resources available in case there are drawbacks is nice to have. Then switch to a type of army massing strategy. Check the time of day the enemy(s) usually play the game and find a time that will be the longest before they will next likely come on line. If you are able to break the player, then great. If not, you may have to build off other players� land until you can build the barracks to create an army that can break your target. As you break the enemy, build huts on all the land, then as you are using turns to regain health, switch the rest of your buildings to all huts. Keep breaking the enemy as long as you can. Then when you have done your damage, put as much of your army on the market as you can and sell the rest to the mercenaries. Use the rest of your turns as propaganda as your leaders grow to fill your huts. If your raiders needed to be open to attack the enemy, leave it open! You are now done for the time. When the enemy comes back on line, they will see you have taken much of their land and will attack you with armies to regain their land. Even though their leader ratio is very high, they are unlikely to use them because they know they are dropping with every turn they attack with until they can rebuild their huts and don�t want to waste anymore then needed. They take back their land.
Now here is the trick, because you had high land for the time between your attacks and their retaliation, your mercenaries have gone up high. You also have money from selling your remainding armies at mercs before their attacks could harm them. The added point is your leader ratio will be higher then they could have and your raiders are already up. You can now pick your type of attack, either the army of your choice, leaders, or Murder them with leaders and follow up with armies. As long as at least once you had and held land, you have 4 types of armies you can use 4 different times to try to again hold the land. Keep building huts on the land you take. After you can no longer attack, sell your army, propaganda or leader loot your turns out as your leaders again grow. You will never build towers because you are expecting to be attacked, so your efforts can be put all into offence. One thing to be very careful about is who to attack. If you attack several of the large players and only one takes your land, you could make a much harder opponent to later fight. So plan who you attack well! This strategy will weaken even the strongest opponent and your wealth will stay about the same. They lose in the long run and eventually you switch to a defensive strategy after they have spent their resources.
The best way to defend against this strategy used on you is to do what they don�t want you to do. You have to keep your cool and understand that you will lose in a long fight. Better to drop down for a few days then to burn out your resources. So as the fallen emperor, you use the same strategy against your attacker. You use your leaders to take his money and murder his leaders. You have the resources to once again regain the top when the enemy is beaten. Once the attacker has low leaders and little money, you can regain the land from who ever took it from him. Keep a watch on him because you know his mercenaries are high and don�t let him go into a market strategy or he will be back.
This is a real fun strategy to play. It is a money based strategy using the sale of armies. It can also be used to hold emperorship. However, it is very costly in the beginning and you should have the cash, as in at least a billion. You will have to decide how many huts you will need to support the leaders for your leader defense. Then 20% in foragers and the rest all barracks. Set your army management to 40, 10,40, and 10. attack for land and keep building foragers and barracks as needed. When you have about 30 turns left, demolish barracks for 15 turns and then build that land to towers. Your armies should now be high and your towers should hold you in case they over attack you to lower your armies. After you are at a large enough strength, you will no longer need any towers. Anyway, when you next come on line with maximum turns and have hopefully barely been attacked, you sell all but your �attacking� army. Attack for land. Your army will be growing fast and the foragers you have should be in the plus. But you will have a large decrease in your wealth. Luckily you started with money and had just sold a lot of armies so you can afford to be in the minus. At the beginning of each turn, sell all your unneeded armies and the cash received will allow you to make an all new army. If emperor and there is no one to attack, just sell all your armies and build a new one. You will make more money each day.
Being lucky and noticing his net go down as he sells his non attacking army is the best time to attack him, but because he is on line with maximum turns, expect instant retaliation. Another way to break him is to get a lot of land, build all huts, then be attacked by anyone. Your leader ratio will break his low huts.
This is basically the underlining strategy that encompasses many others. Few players can sustain against the retaliation of those they have attacked. So it is better to spend a few rounds getting ready for an attack that you can keep the land then make showing right before you are beaten to death. Each strategy has a weak point. So the best strategy is to decide what strategy you plan on using and find the weak spot, then first go into a strategy that is strong in that area. For example: if you are changing to a leader strategy, you will not have propaganda or full leaders for 300 turns. So first having money is a good idea with a market strategy. If you want to be in a market or forage strategy, first go into a leader strategy to build leaders, then drop may huts to bring your leaders to 175 per hut, that way you can keep the money or food from being taken. If you plan on making a run with leaders, you may want to build armies and put them on the market so you can pull them back for defense after your attack. The best part is that because you will not be attacking much when building resources for weeks, few will notice you.
If you notice someone that you know is an enemy using turns but rarely attacking, then they are building for an attack. Any attacks to delay them as you build will set them days back in their work.
Although this
has been stopped on many servers by admin adding code, it works great if
available. Set your buildings at
approximately 20% markets, 19% foragers, 1% tents, and 60% barracks (these
numbers may change for you to adjust your supplies). As you take turns, you will get a lot of armies.
Decide what your attacking army will be, put the other armies on the
market at 2 times what you can buy them for.
Use your attacking army to take land and build as stated above on that
land. Often put your non-attacking army all on the market.
If your attacking army gets bigger then you need, put some of it on the
market. Keep playing like this for
days. You will take land, build armies, put them on the market, then because
your defenses are low, your land will be taken. At the beginning of taking your
turns, remove from the market an attacking army to take land.
After using full turns several times, you will have a believable amount
of armies on the market. This is valuable because you don�t have to feed or
pay for armies on the market. Once
your �on the market� armies is very high, you then put all your armies on
the market and switch to a �cash� strategy.
Build the cash and food that will be needed to substance the armies you
will need. Then take down an
attacking army to take the land from even the highest player.
This time build leaders because you will need them for defense.
At the end of your turns, pull down all your armies from the market.
Your defenses will be very high and your net will be so high that most
players can�t or will not attack you.
There really
is not defense to what someone has on the market besides never letting them get
big enough to put anything on the market.
The magic that the stoat and the marten is by far the best and most valuable, if you know your leaders, then the simple stuff the other races receive. The math on how much money you get on leader loot is: (your leaders X 70 X % of huts to land X health X race bonus.) So the stoat puts his land to all huts, then loads his leaders into his huts to 90 per hut. Then Stoat academy until he has 175 (never go over because there is a penalty). Then he has the maximum use of his Leader foragers to gain the most possible food. In a short time he is so landfat that he cannot be attacked by anyone, and can switch to making money. Or he could have made money and bought armies at the end of his turns to make himself untouchable. On the other hand, the Marten has gold miner and gets 2 times the money with only 1.5 the propaganda. Not to mention that the marten has a 20% bonus for cash. The best part is that it take less turns to use (sell) the propaganda, so there are more turns to gain more. Marten Gold miner with 100,000 land can make you almost a billion cash per turn! Then at the end of the turns, they, like the stoat, either switch to towers or buy armies to defend.
Use the "again and again" strategy to break or the clan leader attack. If you wait too long, he could become out of your reach and unbeatable.
This is not as complicated as it is made out to be. Basically everyone�s first method of playing is to set their management to 25% under each type of army. With massing, you set one type to 100% and use that as your attacking army. Set your building to well feed and pay your armies because they will grow fast and about 20% huts or more. Your fast growing army will be able to break a lot of people as you gain land fast that you can build on quickly. As you gain the land your army gets huge fast. Then when you have about 80 turns left, you switch most of your buildings to towers. You now have a lot of land with 50% towers on it to defend and one army that will be able to break anyone when you come back on line.
When he is attacking, he has no defenses against anything but his attacking army. Also His leaders will be low after his fist few runs and he is vulnerable to leader attacks.
(I wrote this when I was working on it so I print it as written)
This is a great strategy if you simply want to get into the top ranks and not have to deal with diplomacy or checking on your game daily.
Start up:
Be a Stoat. Pick a name unlikely to bring attention to yourself. Never join a clan because that would remove the maximum attacks against you by being in a clan, could kill your player. Go to mercenaries and sell all your armies you can. Scout for 199 turns so that you are still in protection then wait until you have maximum turns saved up. Take out the maximum loan from the Bank. Build all Huts. Each time you play, you want to wait until you have maximum turns saved up. You will always have from 3,000 to 6,000 in land. But check occasionally to make sure your player is not getting under 1,000 acres, because you may need to take a turn to save from someone getting a kill on you.
The Play:
1. Getting loyalty:
Use propaganda 50 turns at a time, watching carefully that your money or food does not run low. If you find they are running low, use General�s Hut Loot or Feast as needed. Keep doing this until you have used up your turns. If you have a friend in the high ranks that does not use his loyalty, you can offer to buy it from him at a price.
2. Getting your stats right:
You can have up to 175 leaders per Hut. If you are a stoat, then go to general�s Hut and use Stoat Academy to increase your Leaders until you get about 150 Leaders per Hut. (Land X 150 = Leaders you should have) Go back to �1.� above until you have been attacked for your land. When you have been attacked, go to �3.� below.
3. Hoping for a soft attack:
This is what you are wanting, someone to take about 15% of your land. Example: going from 5,000 down to 4,250. This will leave you with 175 leaders per hut, the perfect number. Your cost to General�s Hut Loot and Feast is based on your land, but the value is based on your Leaders, minus your army. You have no army, so your percent of value for selling (using) your Loyalty is at its greatest. First use Feast because it will add to your net worth the most, then Loot as needed. Also look for any cheap Food at the Market to buy. You will be making about $50,000,000 cash or 5,000,000 Food per turn. Thus, with 450 turns and loyalty to use, you will make $5.6 billion cash and 560 million in Food! Your cost of feeding and paying your people is almost non-existent because you have only Leaders. Keep doing this as long as your numbers are right for maximum value.
4. Being hit too hard:
Losing too much land may seem like it sends you back a bit, but you had made all that Loyalty to have more when you are only hit softly next time. If you want to risk upsetting someone, use Warlord�s Hut Attack 1 or 2 times from the person that took your land to get it back fast. Or you can be more peaceful and just Scout for the land back. Build Huts only. Now use Propaganda until you are nearly at 90 Leaders per Hut (Huts X 90 = Leaders) Go back to �2� (Above). Continue this system over and over.
5. Rank:
This is almost an art form. In the beginning you want to be a bit higher than others with the same land amount as you because you don�t want to be attacked too much. As the game goes on and on you become very rich, it becomes hard to hide your wealth and you don�t want the top guys to start fearing you and over attack you. You can adjust your networth. If you need to look a bit more �land thin� and be above the other people with you amount of land, concentrate on Food more and your net worth will go up faster. When your net worth is too high, put food on the market for an amount others are unlikely to pay for it, and your Net Worth will go down.
6. Attack:
Should you decide to leave this peaceful system and go into a more violent stance, you have more then the capability to expand into a fighting force. Slowly, because your low land multiplier is not that great, the amount of mercenaries have gone up to a maximum of about 250 times your land, depending on the type of armies. You can also send money to your �trusted friend� (wolfs and martens have the lowest price) with higher Land for him to make the sale and send you the armies. However, if you were once a nation with a lot of land and never purchased from the mercenaries, you may be able to buy them yourself. You have gained the ability to buy all the armies available from the Market. You buy all of one type, your net worth jumped into the highest ranks so there will be no penalty for attacking a much larger opponent. First strike with your Leader sabotage and murder to weaken the strongest opponent, because your Leader ratio will be great. You then take all their Land with your massive armies. First build Huts on the first half of the land you take, then Towers on the rest of the land. Buy the other types of armies with the Money you have left for defenses. You are now Emperor and have so much Food and Money you can support your armies.
No one will ever have a high enough Leader ratio to espionage your wealth.
No Leader attacks will work against you.
Army attacks against you are usually helpful to you.
You never have much land to take away, so you are rarely a target.
You are unbelievably rich.
Should someone with lots of Leaders be lucky enough to catch you when you are Scouting you could have large amounts of Money stolen.
Not much interaction with other players.
(here is another one that I wrote a long time ago)
Most players attack those that are weaker then they so the player can get land and rebuild their stats from the beating they took the day before. The player goes up 10 to 15 ranks and feel they did a good job for the day. By the next morning, if they only got knocked down 8 ranks, they feel they have won, if they got knocked down 20, they feel they have lost. If after a week of playing, they actually have been lucky and could keep most of their rank, they think they are doing very well, until someone hits them 20 times and sends them back into the 100s.
This is not working! The enemy is simply using the land that you gain by waiting until you are �land fat� and taking that land to fight in the upper ranks. All the land, and power, are moving up hill to the top for where the real battle is taking place. Is it not better to gain 1,000 acres per turn and really harm someone or taking 150 acres per turn and just annoy them? Hitting someone low in rank 6 times only angers them, not weakens them.
Turns + Health + Aggressiveness + Armies = Top Ten. Someone with a lot of armies that is ranked 200 can win against someone in the top ten. I know it seems strange but that is the truth, many do it!
After getting your health to 100%, you stop taking turns besides raise defenses (inspire fear if you are a wolf). The first day and a half, they will hit you hard as you are land fat and they want it, but after you have thinned out a bit, they will for the most part leave you alone. Save your turns up.
200 turns saved = you can make a run at the top, do damage and help your team.
300 turns saved = you will make it to the top ten and may be able to stay there as a fighter.
400+ turns saved = you can be in the top 5 and stake a stronghold!
When you have your turns saved up, contact the players above you in rank and ask them to send you armies and intelligence information of weaknesses of the enemy. Tell them your stats so they know how much you need. Be sure you are at 100% before getting the troops.
Find a time there are not a lot of people (enemies) playing, if possible. Set your army management to 100% rats. Attack at a top ten player that is land fat using guerrilla strikes with all your rats. If you don�t get through, change to a lower target. The higher your health, the more likely you are to win. Keep a watch on your numbers after each battle. If last time you got through and won, but this time you did not, your health is too low, build then attack again.
Keep attacking the same guy until you no longer win or your health is under 30. Then build your foragers, markets and tents.
If you are in the plus on money and food then build barracks. Do not build huts or towers at this point. You will need lots of money to build on all the land you will take.
Food is only important that it never goes down to 0 because you lose armies each turn, but lots of it does not help you. You may look real good in the rankings with a lot of food, because it adds a lot of net worth, but you are weak and can be attacked. Don�t over stock on it because you will need money more.
Camp are not too important, they only lower your cost of having an army, you can either forget about them if you are making money each turn or build them up to 1/3 of the number of barracks you have, any more is useless.
Loot and forage back up to 100% health and pick a new land fat target. You will have even more rats from the 90 turns you just took and can take out even the highest enemy. Go back to (3) above and keep hitting someone.
When you are down to your last 100 turns, reset your army management to
Rats 10%
Weasels 15%
Stoats 60%
Skiffs 15%
Around this time, with 100 turns left, if you don�t need food or money (and you should not), build huts and barracks on the land you now have. Then keep attacking the upper guys that you can get through and win.
Remember to watch your health. You will need to end up at 100%. So if your health is 40% and you only have 60 turns left, you are done fighting for the day.
After you are done fighting because your turns and health add up to 100, you must start building towers. Build all of them you can afford.
Then loot ten turns at a time, you can forage too but if you have lots of food already, money is better to help your clan. Get your health back up to 90%.
Raise defenses!
If you did this right, you should be high in the ranks, should have a bunch of food and money. Your towers will defend you against most attacks. Your stoats will be high enough that their stoat attack may not get through. You will have more rats than you would ever need.
Send several full shipments of money and rats to the people that loaned them to you, or a person that you have told is about to make a run at the top.
Your health should now be at 100% and you have a foothold at a higher rank.
Congratulations, you have made a major dent in the enemy. One of 4 things would have happened.
a) You did not do so well, but did make a ton of consecutive strikes on the enemy, which hurts them much more then just a few a day.
b) You have taken a lot of land, but are weak at the top. They will jump on you like flies, but in doing so, your team mates will take advantage of their weakened condition and them wasting their turns on you. Your clan will bombard them so your team will grow. They will knock you back down to the 80s and you wait until you have turns saved up again.
c) You are strong enough that their first few strikes bounce off and they aim at weaker targets. You fight daily and do a lot of damage. You are a top ten fighter now.
d) You have gained a strong hold on the top ten. They can�t hit you unless the entire force of their team attacks you at once. You spend your next few days making a few simple attacks as you build your armies and strength to where they can not harm you at all.
This is much better to do major harm then mess around at their feet. You see other players in your team suddenly rise to the fighting ranks, this is how they do it. The enemy is doing a different method, it leaves them weaker then they appear, they have lots of food and armies so they look strong but are not because they have no defenses. If all our clan was doing this, then when there would be few of them in the top ranking, they could not hit any of us.
Wolf Bite�s Wall
Although I see this as the least that I do, it is perhaps the best known. The hard part is really having the resources to afford to build the wall and the plan on getting the land to build it on. Anyway � after taking a ton of land and claiming empership (or near to it), defense is essential. There are 2 ways they can attack you, with leaders and with armies. The defense will be against every player in the game, so it must be complete. On the run to the top, huts will be very important. Build almost only huts for at least the last 25 turns. By spending some time and seeing the land around you held by your enemies and checking out who may have a high leader ratio, you can approximate how many leaders you will need based on the land you plan on having. But that takes a lot of experience, better to be careful and have as many as possible. Keep attacking and gaining land while building huts. When you have about 80 turns left, stop fighting, you are done. Divide the leaders you have by 175, that is how many huts you need to hold those leaders from leaving. You can tear down all unneeded buildings and build all towers, this will hold your defense against armies. To get your leaders just a bit higher, you can demolish all other building types first to switch to towers, then the unneeded huts. This helps just a bit more because the % of leaders coming to your huts reduces as they get closer to full. If the towers still seem low compared to your enemies, you can by out your mercenaries and pull all your armies from the market for defense. But know that if they do break you, you will be completely weak, if not, you will have the game. When you come back on line to find that no one could spy you or break you with armies, you will need to hold your land. It is too expensive to take turns with your army so big. So, besides your attacking army, put as much on the market as you can, then sell the rest. Better to not pay to feed them when you will not be using them. Now drop your towers and build all huts. Use your attacking army to take land if you wish. Keep building all huts. You have been gaining lot of loyalty, use it for food and money if you need to. But try to get your leaders higher. When you are done attacking for useful land, sell off the unneeded attacking army. Now leader loot and leader feast. Then with about 50 to 80 turns left, once again divide your leaders by 175 and demolish the unneeded huts and make then into towers. Because you now have much more land, you may need less or no armies from the mercenaries, but if you do need them, you have leader looted and have the money to keep doing so until you have eventually gained the land that can support sufficient towers.
Wolf Bite�s Wall has 2 major weaknesses, surprisingly no one had ever tried one of them. It is very costly to go into the wall originally, so money is likely to be tight in the beginning. By checking from the main screen of the top ten, a person can watch the top players and those players do not know they are being watched. Check the news on your target to see the time of the day they normally play, that is the time they are likely to come on line to refresh their lacking food and money. Their networth will suddenly drop as they sell off their army, then go slightly up and back down as they switch to all huts. That is the time to jump on line and quickly attack them with armies. The other way is the team play of weakening a person with Leader attacks, then having your real attacker with a good ratio come in and take the land. Remember the longer you wait, the higher his ratio will be and the more weakening attacks will be required.
This is my favorite way to play with teams. 3 or more players all have full turns and full saved turns. The player with the most networth will go first. All the other players send the first player all they have of one type of army. The first player attacks his way up the rank and concentrates on barracks in his building. When he is running out of turns, he tosses his armies to the next player who does the same, but this time he can start attacking at a higher level because of the amount of armies that have been tossed to him. And the next player will be attacking even higher players. Then the last player will be attacking top players and will be gaining a lot of land. The last player will set his management to the non-attacking armies. When he gets low on turns, he sends defensive armies to all that helped him in taking out the top for their defense. Because they all started with full saved turns, they will have full useable turns sooner to hold the land they took.
When your target has a strong leader defense, it is best to attack them in their strongest point. This will not only make it hard for them to make a comeback, but will expose their money for stealing. Starting with your clansperson with the worst Leader ratio, have them make Leader attacks for land. They will lose, but with each attack, the enemy will lose leaders. Each player in the clan uses their turns until the enemy is low enough to get murder through. They then murder him as much as possible (murder takes less of a ratio than land attack and you want his leaders to be very low because when he later drops land his ratio will go back up). Your strong ratio player goes for stealing and land. He then pays his clan from the wealth he took. (I took over 200 billion with this once and those that helped were well paid).
It is hard to talk someone into being the �dummy� but the pay is great. One player does an army massing strategy concentrating only on offence. No defense, no towers and no other armies. He attacks as much as he can and does not care if he ends with any health at all. Then the second player immediately attacks the dummy with a type of army the dummy does not have. This way the second guy can gain 60% of the first guys land with only attacking with 100 weasels, as he builds a large army on the land he is taking. Assuming he has maximum turns of 450 and the second guy spends 100 turns taking out the dummy, the second guys has a ton of land, lots of resources and 350 turns left to attack the real bad guys. 3 days later the second guy, now emperor, pays the first guy with enough aid that the dummy can take the land left by the enemy and be second to the emperor.
A neat trick is to have a real person enter the game and make a clan, but never leave protection. Have the Leader be on line when the clan is about to attack. The fighters joins the clan, do their fighting, then the Leader kicks them all out. This way, you have no penalty or max attack limit to attack a clan, but the enemy will have a penalty attacking you. Be sure the clan leader doesn�t get deleted for not signing in occasionally or does not leave protection because they can be killed and all those in the clan may be stuck in for 3 days.
This is more a note than a strategy. When you join a clan you have the responsibility to defend that clan. If someone is attacking a lower member of your clan, attack them with their attacking army as they are doing it. Poison their food or use standard attack to lower their net so they pay penalties. If you weaken them so they can not take out your clan mate, it is worth the turns spent because you would have been the next target.
(I print this because it is a good example of the work that must be done to put together a good slaying)
Taking Down an Emperor
Wolf Bite
Emperor Slayer
In order to take down Ereptor, we first must take a good look at our target. This will be hard because no one we know of has done a successful espionage on him in months. But lets look at what we do know.
On a personal level, he has just finished his year in college in the southeast. He is staying with his aunt right now and will be moving back to Hawaii in 4 days from last Friday. So he currently has little internet ability and has not been on line at all. We don�t know the exact day he will be flying, but we can guess it will be Tuesday. So either he will be existed on Wednesday or maybe flying on that day. After that time he will be � 5 hours from game time.
Because no one can spy on him, we can assume that about 60% (or more) of his land is Huts. Because he is not playing right now, we can assume he has changed the other 40% (or less) to towers. Those 511,186 towers will give him defensive points of 255 million.
His net worth had jumped up right before he left school. So we can assume that he spent most of his money on armies for defense. We have no way to know how much of that is food. So, based on my math for other games, I think he bought 175 mil rats and 100 mil stoats.
Now lets look at us. We have a lot of money between us and the ability to buy a lot of armies from the mercs. Most of us will have a full 450 turns in a few days. So we have turns + money + mercs. If we simply sent all the armies to one person, they could get about 100 million stoats.
So a direct attack may not work because even guessing as to what Erptor has, it will be a close call.
His rats DP of 87.5 million plus his towers DP of 255 million, would a DP of 342.5 million and would take 171 million rats to break him.
His Stoat DP is 300 million plus his towers DP of 255 million, would be a DP of 555 million and would take 111 million Stoats.
We may be able to muster up that many, but then we are making a lot of assumptions as to what he has and if we are wrong, we have waited our efforts.
A staged attack could work!
With each attack a person makes his armies will drop 3%, depending on the amount of towers. But I would think that he will lose at least about a million armies per attack (I hope). So, if 4 people with full saved turns that are in a clan each use half of their turns to attack, that would be 20+ attacks per person times 4 people are 80+ attacks and could take his stoats down to 20 million. Now his defenses are:
His stoat DP is 60 million plus his towers DP of 255 million, would be a DP of 315 million and would take only 63 million stoats to break him. This can be done.
So then all 4 people send all their armies, cash, and food to the 5th person who has full turns and about 100 million Stoats. He breaks Ereptor hard. Then after doing so for about 300 turns, Ereptor will have only about 500,000 in land left. Then he weakens Helix with about 100 turns. Then sends all armies to the other 4 players who do the clean up on bought Ereptor and Helix. The clan we are in will drop us all so that we can only be attacked 21 times. We also could have others attack us to max us out so we can hold the land. Or, then we decide if we should delete the land or hold it.
The people in the revolt as of now (I will use letters for secrecy)
Wolf Bite
So, a recap:
Everyone Stops Using Any Turns!
Wednesday morning at about 6 am game time, (1 am Hawaii time) R has everyone join his clan. As a back up TW starts a clan and we all join.
F makes a spy attempt on Ereptor. If he gets through, then he may try a few leader attacks and we will check if stoats are the best way to go. If not, we follow the plan as written.
S, T, R, L all spend 200 turns stoats attacking Ereptor. Then everyone sends everything they have to Wolf Bite. Wolf Bite breaks Ereptor then hits Helix enough to weaken him. Wolf Bite sends everything back to F who does the same thing. F then sends everything to R who does the same thing. R to S. S to L. L to T. If TW was used for the clan, then to TW.
If TW was not used for the clan, he will be in a clan with diplomatic stance and will make war on us and attack each one of us 21 times with 1 stoat per attack.
We also have the option to just delete all the land. I leave that to a vote.
Then the clan leader kicks us all out of the clan.
Ereptor and Helix will be left with about 100,000 in land and an army of 175 million rats he can not support. He will try to attack all he can, but find us either all maxed or no land to take. We may not end up as emperors, but neither will he.