I have a great idea!

Started by The Beatles, September 20, 2003, 02:48:54 PM

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The Beatles

Now, as RWL's anniversary approaches, I was thinking about how we, as a gaming community, have gotten so much better at the promisance game. I remember when it was quite a shock that Stormclaw reached 50 million networth, and all-out, to-the-death clan wars started based on 4 leader missions, and attacking someone more than 5 times was generally considered brutal. That was also the time of 'land deals', where you'd pay a weaker player to get their land, often at rates of 10 million dollars for a thousand acres. It was a fun time. And since then, the ages of Josh, of Ereptor, of Wolf Bite and Xenocide, when dying is more natural, and 50 attacks in a row are a day-to-day event, things are different. Wolf Bite on turbo recently hit the 50 billion networth mark. It's still a fun time!

Well, I have an idea of a project that RWL could do. Briefly: Conquer another promisance! I'll elaborate on that. It is not uncommon for some promisance commuunities to join at someone else's promisance wholesale, make a clan, and fight it out with them. Sort of like Duels, really, but a bit different. I think RWL is good enough so that we could do it, no problem. I think the initial shock of starting school is over for most of us (I start October), and we can carry this out rather well. If you're still interested, read on.

So then, which promisance? My choice: Swiftgaming.  Some RWL players have played it already, including Calria, Holby, and me. Swiftgaming Promisance has a small but good player community, typically with 10-20 signups per round, rounds being monthly. There are three servers going at speeds of about regular, turbo, and insanity. We'd play the turbo one that goes at about the speed of our own turbo server. The players are good, but the good ones are fewer than the mediocre ones.

Important differences: Eminent Domain (land-producing spell) that lets players sometimes reach 56k acres before leaving protection, in 200 turns. Leader gaining is slower. Rats are 1 OP, 2 DP. Also, the troops have different strenghts in the different eras. If you want to get a feel for it, I suggest that you join now for the rest of September, and practice.

Our objective would be to dominate this game, and perhaps kill the players, in the month of October. As I mentioned, it is reset monthly. We would join the game, create a clan called RWL, and all join it. If the RWL administration doesn't give a forum for this project, I can always provide one, so that would not be a problem. Naturally, if you have a better idea for a promisance to conquer, maybe an easier one, like QMT, EZClan, Nuitari, etc., then we can of course take a vote to it.

And now, the matter of who I propose should participate in this effort.
The ace players, without whom it would be much harder to win:
1. Wolf Bite
2. Xenocide
3. Holby

Players who don't play, but would be great to see:
1. Peace Alliance
2. Josh
3. Ereptor
4. Germania
5. Ragefur
6. Slynder Talderdash

Other players who are also very good/experienced:
1. Mark
2. -_-
3. Blood Wake
4. Windhound
5. Calria
6. Scarwake
7. Orcrist
8. Beatles

Err.. I'm sure, I really am, that I forgot someone, more than one person, likely. Please tell me who else you suggest, and sorry if I was stupid. That's still only about 11 players, even if everyone plays. And if I put your name there, I strongly invite you to play. If I did not, I still encourage you to try it out.

So, think it over, it would be a grand project to try right before the anniversary, and here's a thought: if we can do this, and maybe do it to other promisances as well, later, then we could well spearhead inter-promisance championships! With the teamwork and civilized attitude that RWL has as a community, as opposed to other promisances, probably due to our Redwall roots, we have a real edge. Now that's a great prospect for RWL!

Side note: Shael or Ad, please pin this topic if you like the idea!


PS Mark, my sincere congratulations to your performance on Duels!!


 Heh, you forgot me!!!. lol, I think it's a great Idea. And Beatles, when is the next duels going to happen?
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Yeah that sounds like a good idea
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 ~behold, a seldom-seen posting by Cal~
I'll join in... Swiftgaming promisance is boring, though- no good players, and, when I was playing on it, only 15-20 players per server.


 I joined, the emperor has 9 mil networth. I thought it would be easy to take over but it's not. No No No. I've just got 556,812 networth in 73 turns. Theres two posabillatys I've got really bad or it's hard, and I'm not that bad.

P.S. How else is on it? I know almkman is.
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


 I got 971,080 for 50.Although I scouted 50 times getting 77 acres.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

The Beatles

 Yeah, it's that hard. Of course we can consider another game too. Hi Blackeyes!

The Lady Shael

 Sounds like a terrific idea! I'll refrain from pinning it though for now, I'll just be waiting until more people agree to join, and it becomes a rather big project on the forums. Some big ideas come and go, and we'll wait to see if this sounds promising.

This vaguely reminds me of Terrouge's Invasion project...

I might pop in at the Promisance we're conquering, but I can't guarantee I'll be around the whole time. I did play QMT for a while, but I was also playing Reg, Turbo, Duels, and TSR, so I had to leave.

[EDIT] Have just joined Swiftgaming. I'm psycheris, #16. I've been wanting to try out that username for a while, it's a merge of the names of my two favorite goddesses, Psyche, and Eris, the goddess of Chaos. ^_^

[EDIT2] Oh, guess what? I can't login. I get the SAME error I did when I tried to log in Reg. Fiddlesticks...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

wolf bite

 Good idea, and if we do this and I am asked to be a RWL ?all star?, I will join too.  But if this is done, then there really has to be leadership.  I just can not stand it when I see a post ? Gee sounds like that could make us win, but I have my own way to play.?  A clan is only good if all are willing to the sacrificial lamb if asked.

I also have a concern.  This is OUR anniversary.  So why have our players go there to play. They may like it more there and not spend so much time here.  Here is a different idea.  We have the Admins from another server (or several of them), pick their all stars and our Admins pick our all stars (or maybe a vote).  We set up a game for them to play on our court.  Then have a dally reporter post the news of the day for those not picked.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Either idea is great.Although from other games I've played there doesn't  seem to be really great players.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

The Beatles

 On the contrary, I think that this would be good propaganda for RWL. The other thing is, it might be better to catch them by surprise, it would be really hard to get a lot of players agree to a new scheme in the next week or 8 days.
Teamwork is definitely very important! Cooperation, as I mentioned, is a very good attribute of the RWL community.



 It could get players from that game to come to ours.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

TR Shadow

 I pinned it because melikes the idea.  *Nodnod*  Too bad I never had any skill at all in the game.

*Hides before Shael can throw something big and scary at her for pinning the topic*

The Beatles

So far, players we've got for this effort:

1. Wolf Bite
2. Xenocide
3. Holby
4. Josh (unreliable as ever)
5. Windhound
6. Beatles
7. Quamicauzilot
8. Fingo
9. Almkman
10. Calria
11. -_-
12. Germania (similarly unreliable)

I will add more later! Come and join our effort if you can.

The plan so far is: join in October, and when turns start, create a clan called RWL with a leadership.