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Topics - Yellow Eyes

Turbo Discussion / New Race Charts
April 30, 2011, 09:13:25 PM
Is there any access to the new race guide? I can't get to it through the homepage without being logged in. I want to double check which race I want to be this round.
Help / Bugs / Clan Force Sharing loss
March 31, 2011, 05:23:00 PM
I was just attacked, by Stoats (which I have 0 of.....) and I won a few battles, but lost xx,xxx stoats each time. Why did I loose stoats if I have none? Do the people sharing forces in my clan loose their army protecting me?
Development / A Level System
March 06, 2011, 04:03:13 PM
I just thought of this, and wanted to get some other peoples opinion on this. What if this game were to have a leveling system. Now I'm not saying 70 levels, where you can prestige up, (if anyone plays Call of Duty) but I was thinking rather a simple 5 level system, where as you level up, you unlock a new race. Everyone starts out being able to get rats, at level 1. Then when you advance to level 2, you unlock weasels, level 3, stoats, etc etc. I think this would change up strategies a lot, at least in the beginning, at least until everyone could unlock each race. What do all of you think about something like that?
General Discussion / College Majors
March 04, 2011, 05:42:35 PM
Well I saw another topic about someone switching their major, and it made me wonder what majors every on this site has? I'm interested to see the wide range of majors.

I myself never went to college (and the more I type the more obvious it may become haha) but I was lucky enough to get a job right out of highschool, and so far things have worked out for me. Although if I ever went back to college, I say I would probably go for Accounting, or some sort of Computer Programming/IT course.
General Discussion / Redwall Story
April 14, 2008, 11:57:39 AM
I was going through old mail and I found a story written by Dead Eye, or whoever he became, based on the struggle of an emperor trying to rule 3 clans run by traitors....based off of what happened in the first server. I've uploaded below...and just figured I'd share it with you, because it is a decent story and it may bring back memories.
Bugs / City Bug
March 24, 2008, 09:44:21 AM
I didn't find this addressed anywhere, so I figured I'd post it up.

I was going to build a city, and I had everything I needed, 1000 free land, money food, etc...but I only had 2 turns, which would only have allowed me to build about 730 I tried to build my city and it gave me an error saying I couldn't build that many, and  so I waited, and then when I had enough turns, I built my city, but lost no turns. Might want to look into that.

And on a few side notes about my curioustiy....

why does your networth drop if you build a city? You're not loosing anything, are you?
If you demolish a city, do you get all your stuff back?
General Discussion / Wow Good Job Guys
March 17, 2008, 01:32:56 PM
I decided to come back here just to see what was up, and I saw the new front page for the game, so I decided to check that out. Looks cool, but I haven't dove to deep into it yet. Seems like things are going good here.
General Discussion / You're Profession
November 24, 2005, 05:02:39 PM
I'm bored, and I thought about this. What does everyone want to do/are doing as a carrer? I want to be an audio engineer, basically a professional roadie. lol.
I'm back. How are things here? I think I'll be playing turbo. Hope that everythings going good here. Whos still around? It's been a few months since I've last stopped in.

Help / Bugs / Battle for Europe Help
February 23, 2005, 08:25:40 PM
 I am looking for coders who have experience in PHP/MySQL and possibly some promisance knowledge. We will be using the Baxx code, and be converting it into a more time-based game, rather than a turn-based. If you would like to help, please contact me at Thanks.
Turbo Discussion / This has gone far enough
February 11, 2005, 09:54:03 PM
 Ok, this might be a really n00bish questions, by how is clunys horde (#33) attacking me?! He is in the South, and I am in Mossflower. How can this happen, without a command for raiders? He's taking a ton of land from me, WHAT IS UP!  
Development / Battle for Europe
December 27, 2004, 02:10:17 PM
 I'm assuming this can be considered a different game, and I'm looking for feedback on the ideas that will be put into play. The following is what I've written down for ideas.

A player controls a "squad"
A squad can be of a certain race German/American/British etc. conferring certain bonuses/troop names
A squad can fight for a side Allies/Axis/Neutral Join according to country chosen
Infantry Snipers Artillery Special Forces Spies
they fight for the nation they're from
Neutral has no clan, cannot join a clan
Some way for teams to switch sides?
disable polymorph
they can't make their own clans, and assume someone stronger than them is leading them
have everyone on Allied clan have Axis to War, same w/ axis


Soviet Union
United Kingdom
United States


-When moving countries, you move slowly through each country on the way to you're country of choice.
you don't just wait the whole time and then BAM you're in germany
-If move through country w/ many enemies, they can hit you b/c their in their country
-remove prepare raiders so people HAVE to be in the same location to attack each other
-for each location count how many of each clan are in there and see which has more and declare that location as controlled by XX
-special properties for each location ex: if player is in russia and is not russian suffer attrition (through increased costs or higher mortality, more abandonment)

I would also like to thank Veranor, though I believe he is no longer here, for helping me come up with some(most) of these ideas.  And, as I stated before, any thoughts/comments on these?
 Wow... that is the only words I can think to say. Dimebag wrote riffs that just blew my mind. It is hard to believe he is gone. And the way it happens just scares me. It makes you wonder how safe concerts really are. Either way, Dimebag will be greatly missed. Just thought I would share. Don't know how many people listen to metal, but it's a good topic to be discussed.
Polling / Fav Energy Drink
November 19, 2004, 02:50:32 PM
 Just wonder, because I'm enjoying a Bawls right now, and must say, it is great! Just wondering what other people like. Most people go to college, and need some high caffine content.
General Discussion / The good ole' days.
September 25, 2003, 07:15:23 PM
 ARe the good ole days still around? Where everyone was ganging up on the one clan. And everyone was such good friends, and enemys? Is it still around like the first weeks were? I miss them-- :(  

Whos the new bad guy....still ereptor? Whos even still around from the first few weeks?
General Discussion / I have returned!
September 25, 2003, 07:12:44 PM
 I, Yellow Eyes, have returned to Redwall! I am very happy to be back...I just now need to get my writing back up.  Glad to see most people are still around!