
Started by General Austin, January 07, 2003, 09:14:12 AM

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General Austin

 Just wanted to bring up the fact that some people can't get leader no matter how much land they spend on building huts. Might be a bug, might just be something else. Just wondering...
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 Why the heck do you say "hutses" and "leaderses" all the time? It's getting on my nerves.....


 Why not? Yeah, it's true. I couldn't prepare raiders for the longest time so I had to build 2000 huts and now I get over 500 leaders per turn...but what about all those leaders I lost before? ...Bah.

Slynder Talderhash

 If you got attacked and lost more than 25% of your huts, then you would have lost that many leaders, though as long as you have 75% percent of the huts in relation to your leaders (max 100 leaders/hut), you shouldn't lose any. It's kind of a threshold thing. Let's say you had 100 huts, and had them maxed out to 10,0000 leaders. You can lose 25 of those 100 without losing any leaders, but as soon as you lose 26, your leaders start leaving until you have only 7,500 left. Hopefully you understand what I'm saying. I believe that Retto said much the same thing in another post. Anyhow, after you lost your 25% huts, you'd have to build those 25%, plus extra ones to start gaining leaders again. Make sense?

Hmmm... think those percentages are right, but I'm not sure. Same theory though.
~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 54~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

-Warrior of Old ~WOD~

Ah, but who am I now?

Shael of Torethevel

 *rolls her eyes* And I had to read this topic after I thought I was finished with math for the day....

Well, in short, some people have more leaders than necessary for their huts, but that's a good thing, because then you can perform I think any loyalty mission.
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

General Austin

 Sorryses..*hee*Thanks,  Mr./Mrs. Talderhash. It's pretty confusing to me, but I'll take it as a good answer...
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Slynder Talderhash

 Heh. It would be Mr. if you insisted on giving me that title, Austin. ;) Hopefully you understood enough of it to put it to use though. Funny that I know so much more about the game than all you lardishly wealthy people in the top ten. Stupid wars with more powerful clans...
~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 54~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

-Warrior of Old ~WOD~

Ah, but who am I now?


 So basically...if you have more leaders than huts can handle, you die! Leader-wise.

Slynder Talderhash

 Yeah, that would be putting it bluntly. You'll start losing your leaders pretty darn fast, anyway.
~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 54~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

-Warrior of Old ~WOD~

Ah, but who am I now?


 Yeah, I lose over 3,000 per turn if I get attacked too much.


 So just build A TON of huts(es). :D  It works

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Slynder Talderhash

 Wow! What a creative and elusive sollution, Orcrist. Thanks for sharing that most valuable information. Surely couldn't have figured it out on my own. :rolleyes: :lol:

(no offense meant)
~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 54~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

-Warrior of Old ~WOD~

Ah, but who am I now?


 Well I couldn't have ^_^;; Thanks for the info :P


 ((I was offended anyway *winks*))
It's just an easier way than actually figuring out the amount of leaders you have.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Slynder Talderhash

 ((Is offended that Orcrist is offended after he meant no offense))
I'm assuming that you don't really balance your structures at all then. I often end up using a calculator when I play... but that's just me being me. I know all the formulas for stuff because it was really annoying me not knowing. Luckily I actually knew how to find them, but it still took some tedious searching. Anyhow, for your leaders, you really just have to look at the first few numbers in each and estimate. "Yargh, brain usage!!!" :o  
~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 54~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

-Warrior of Old ~WOD~

Ah, but who am I now?