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Topics - Gorak

Spa Room 101 / Music collection
May 29, 2009, 01:15:37 AM
I am still yet to finish ripping all my CD's to my computer
but my current Itunes stats are:
517 artists, 1335 albums, 6844 songs, 54.34 GB
almost entirely metal

just thought I'd share
Polling / Battle of the hot hatches
May 23, 2009, 11:24:26 PM
I've kinda takin a liking to hot hatches lately
as I like performance cars, but need to haul my music equipment

so here's some front runners in the hot hatches segment
Spa Room 101 / so wrong yet sooo [darn] funny
May 09, 2009, 01:32:30 PM
[link edited]

[this content is not appropriate for all our forum members. please share this link over IM rather than through this forum. ~Shael]
Spa Room 101 / random video
May 04, 2009, 07:53:00 PM
just a vid of rick mercer gettin up close and personal with some bears
Reg Discussion / What's up?
April 14, 2009, 05:13:53 PM
so, the reset provided an end to the half hearted war between blackfly and the woofy's

so now what?

I'm signed back up
somewhat active, sometimes
and currently a free agent
Polling / cage match week 5
January 23, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
Faith No More took down Karnivool

and now they go up against Mastodon

Faith No More - Zombie Easters


Mastodon - Capillarian Crest
well I kinda forgot about this for awhile
but whatever

the last winner was Karnivool with Roquefort

to switch things up just a bit
this weeks challenger is an oldie, if you consider earily '90's an oldie that is

Karnivool - Roquefort


Faith No More - Zombie Eaters
Polling / Cage Match week 3
December 14, 2008, 12:34:32 PM
Amorphis goes on to win a second straight, defeating The Do 5-2.

this weeks challenger, as requested, is Roquefort by Karnivool

place your votes now

Amorphis - House of Sleep -
Karnivool - Roquefort -
Polling / Cage Match week 2
December 07, 2008, 12:40:56 PM
Amorphis - House of Sleep won last week to become the champion, and now goes up against a new challenger this week

This weeks challenger, by request, is The Do - On My Shoulders

Amorphis - House of Sleep - House Of Sleep.mp3
The Do - On My Shoulders -

place your votes
Reg Discussion / quite
December 06, 2008, 03:06:52 PM
any big plans hapening right outta the gate
Polling / Music Cage Match
November 30, 2008, 01:30:48 PM
this is something a used to do a couple years ago at Valhall
rules are simple, 2 songs get posted, you have 1 week to vote on which is better
the winner goes on for another week to face a new challenger.

I take requests for new challengers, but please, try to refrain from top 40. This is meant to showcase music you might not otherwise hear.

any and all genres welcome

I'll post links to where you can hear the songs

For week one, we are limited to my collection for both songs, as no chance for requests
so the contenders are

1. Amorphis - House of Sleep - House Of Sleep.mp3


2. Freak Kitchen - Mussolini Mind - Mussolini Mind.MP3

place your vote, post reasons, suggestions and requests
may also PM me requests
Reg Discussion / Awards
November 21, 2008, 06:03:57 PM
reset is tomorrow, so might as well vote on this now,
awards for the last 4 months of Ereptor's reign.
categories are;

Imperial MVP
MVP Viva la Resistance
Best Player all Around
Most Honourable
Least Honourable
Most Feared
Most Annoying
Biggest Surprise
Most Disappointing
Most Improved/Best Rookie

please try to include a brief explanation of your vote

here's mine
Imperial MVP = Shadow, the one that really held it together
MVP Viva la Resistance = Obliterator, the only resistance really
Best Player all around = Holby, for the freaking land scrapes he pulled off
Most Honourable = Shadow, kept us in line and kept us from fightin' dirty
Least honourable = Kind of a toss up, first General Volkov, for constantly threatening to switch sides, but I'll have to give my vote to Cobby-Copper for resorting to code abuse
Most feared = Snare seemed to be the most feared, though he did nothing to justify it.
Most annoying = Firetooth, does this really need an explanation?
Biggest Surprise = logging in to see 250+k land on the land farm
Biggest dissapointment = lack of opposition
most improved/best rookie = The Spaceman, the only rookie to really do anything
Bugs / major structure bug in reg
October 17, 2008, 06:02:18 PM
when the land was deleted from the game that was injected through the explorer, resurrection bug,
the structures built on that land were not deleted, and are still producing, even though there are more of them then land
Reg Discussion / All Hail
September 06, 2008, 02:20:15 AM
* a mass of trumpets sound *

Citizens of Redwall, your attention please.
The Almighty Emperor of Reg wishes to honor you all, by gracing us with his glorious presence.

I humbly present to you, your beloved emperor, Ereptor
Spa Room 101 / interesting
August 24, 2008, 11:54:33 PM
Reg Discussion / Just Curious
August 22, 2008, 09:31:16 PM
Coming from Valhall, I'm used to aggressive play
and so I'm wondering, whats everyone else's level of aggression?

mine currently is 828 attacks with 8001 turns used, giving me a ratio of 9.66 turns per attack

so I'm curious, whats your turns/attacks ratio?
Spa Room 101 / are you prepared?
August 09, 2008, 12:35:48 PM
General Discussion / gone for a bit
July 23, 2008, 06:48:18 PM
band's got 4 shows outta town this week, so be gone till Monday
Clans / I'm in
June 18, 2008, 07:24:00 PM
I finally created in reg
will break pro in a few

looking for clan

and despite my rep, I can play nice

looking for a highly co-operative clan
not just a bunch of solo's under a tag