Alcolite idea?

Started by Peace Alliance, September 02, 2004, 12:54:07 PM

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Peace Alliance

 this would be really strange, but REALLY cool. what you do, is have a thing in the clan, where warlords who aren't the leader, can give their horde to the leader.

if they select to do so, everything they have, land, money, military, buildings, is all given to the leader, and if you look under the leaders info it will tell you the hordes he posseses.

The player who gave their horde to him, would either die, or his horde would be reset... ionno which would be more practical.

this would be REALLY cool though, because you could have a clan, make its own emperor simply by everyone making a run, then alcoliting and giving everything to the leader.  then if another clan wants to take down that emperor, they just alcolite their own leader... it would be FUN!



 That would be... weird... But I think it sounds cool, not that I'm much of a great voice or of a mattering opinion on such things, but I think 'twould be spiffy...

Arguia Zsah

sounds cool... especially if you're the leader! :lol:  


 It would allow clans to exploit new strategies... For instance, a clan could have 5 members: The leader (a stoat masser) and a skiff, weasel, and rat masser, then have a leader/resource masser. This way, the leader ends up with the might of all those combined forces. Also, the people could arrange this so that the clan rotated leader positions, so that everyone could eventually have all kinds of troops... It'd increase people's net by a kajillion... and would probably call for a server w/ more land...

Peace Alliance

 there could possibly be some sort of bonus the the members of the clan who alcolite, because otherwise its kinda like screwing yourself for the benifit of the clan, witch is good, but doesn't always interest everyone...


 Anyone who knows how to use a proxy would dominate this idea like no other.

*Notes that that is how Josh does a lot of his cheating, just making a load of accounts on different IPs then sending one of them resources.*


 Hmmm... I think it would be a cool idea for Turbo or Commanders or something.  And I don't say that often.  Something would have to be done so that you couldn't just "Acolyte" right away.


 that was my view of it Kilk..  it would make it very easy for multiaccounters..  The make several hordes, combine them into one, then delete the excess and deny they ever controled them..  

*shrugs*  could work, may not..  I for one would be against pouring all my resources into another's horde..  what if they botched somthin?  They would mess up everyone who acolyted into them..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Peace Alliance

 thats true, but we shouldn't let josh or any cheaters get in the way of our gameplay ;)

Itha Dragonslayer

 The only other thing I see wrong is that one of the acolite guys won't gain anything. I mean if the emperor sent them aid then it would be pointless for them to die in first place for him, since he would be sending aid back.  

Peace Alliance

 tehy don't gain nothing, they gain a clan emperor.

its for the clan, not just the warlord. but that selfishness is why i think there maybe should be a reward for the alcoliter


 Nah.  No reward. ^_^


 I've got an idea..  when you do alcoylte or whatever it resets your horde to it's original state, puts you into protection, and gives you 450 turns and 150 stored..  
it would make it easy to recover...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Peace Alliance

 yeah but what would be even cooler ( but a little complicated ) would be if you could earn like alcolite points, and then way in the future use them for something HUGE... *dreams*


 But one can cheat the Joshy way without cheating... Simply have friends come on that don't really want to play, tell them what to do, then have them send you all of their resources... And I think that after you give the thing there should be set back into protection w/250 land like when you started, but have, as you said, an "Alcolite point" which could be used possibly as a coupon, for land, troops, or food and cash. Meh...