"Golden age" vs "Platinum age" RWL

Started by Firetooth, May 29, 2011, 02:22:25 PM

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Nobody is being excluded from the conversations. Just pm me your msn address if I don't have it already, and send me (or anyone else) a message any time you want to join in.

I disagree that the game comes first, really. I stick around for the community aspect. Sure the game is fun, but I like the people better.

How is it bad that old players are coming back? That is one of the best traits of RWL, is our ability to keep members here for the long term. Without the community, this game would have died years ago. Text based games from the 90s still being around 20 years later on their own steam? Please. There is nothing wrong with the old style of play, just like there is nothing wrong with the new style of play. They are just different. I have done both, and I like the old style better. It's not a judgement on you, and it doesn't make you a monster, it is just an objective fact.

Again, you are getting hung up on unimportant details. The location of the conversation is entirely irrelevent. Msn, forums, whatever. The important thing is that it happens, that people interact civilly and that people don't get hung up on game events.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Unfortunately sometimes people take things that happen in game personally, and that hurts the community.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


Well, it seems that way to me, especially the way Kilk lectured me as if everybody knew of it's existance...he has my msn and could've invited me at any time, but he made no such effort.

As I said, the community exists because of the game. Without the game, many people would leave here, although I must confess I may stay...the community is important, definetly, but this isn't a social network. People come here for a reason, and that is generally for the game.

Nothing wrong with old players coming back, I welcome each one. The problem is they are the only "new players," really. Varg and Pac-man, I suppose, but Varg seems to have been scared off by last round, and I can't blame him. Whilst there are some interesting topics in development, many people seem to prefer the old style of play without considering the merits of the newer style...I respect that you have played both in depth and come to a judgement, and wish more oldbies would do the same. I can't time travel back to play the old style, but from the brief glimpses I've seen, it kind of sucks.

The location does matter. Some people are not allowed MSN, or do not use MSN. By using that medium, you exclude forum goers who do not have access to MSN, or who do not wish to add people on MSN for whatever reason.

a narrow circle of friends; an exclusive set

MSN makes it exclusive to that medium, which is why it should be forum based as much as possible, or possibly even ingame such as with the lounge.

Quote from: cloud on May 29, 2011, 05:18:44 PM
Unfortunately sometimes people take things that happen in game personally, and that hurts the community.
An excellent point. Which is why I keep saying I would like to see a return to rp posts, and I'm hoping even despite my disagreements with people in this thread that they agree with me on this point.

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Your sense of entitlement makes this laughable and stupid. I will not be responding again. Best of luck to you in whining this argument.

That's a pun.


Entitlement? If you're referring to the MSN thing, that proves how hypocritical you are:


Me: Why wasn't I invited/informed?


If you're referring to anything else, you're still hypocritical. Why is your view more valid then mine? Because it's more accepted?

I respect that I'm not entitled to anything. I'm a member of the community and the staff can do what they feel is best for the site, I am merely trying to represent my viewpoint. This was meant to be a discussion, not a debate or an arguement. I wasn't the first person to start throwing out insults.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Twilight Shadow

Well I have been here roughly a year as most of you know by now...

From being here, the game has changed much in the past year.

When I came it was more of peaceful and you net together and build to gain high nets and win the round where now a days its more "war-like." Which I believe the game was made for to be like a war compared to the newer "generation's" way of netting. I am from the newer generation obviously and some of you are from the old(obviously). My point is that we came in and learned different of how to play the game peacefully or war-like.

Example: We newer generation are like the Redwallers who are peaceful creature but when provoked we will fight back shown these few past rounds with words. And the older generation are more vermin, that have "large army"(community of themselves) but they will back-stab each other but still be friends with others like the in-game and community aspect.

Also the newer generation was having like one or two new or old players coming back or being new a month, slowly growing and some become inactive with a community not too talkative. But this year 2011, it seems like a lot are coming in and are very talkative make fun and chaos throughout forums(which isn't a bad thing).

Yes the two generations(or however how many there are) are going to have to adapt to how each other play.

The MSN thing, Firetooth...you have to ask someone online if they are chatting and ask someone to let you in. Thats how it usually works for me but there is no need to make to big of a deal about it.

But Firetooth is right about the community and game targeting younger players. I believe that we should help them learn the game more even if they are not chatting we are the ones that got to outreach and help them learn there way around otherwise most that don't get help right away usually get inactive. Unless they are chatty then they typically stick around if they like us or if we treat them with respect even if they suck at the game or posting *cough*

Spies: Well in wars there are typically spies that run around and listen in. How do you think governments get intel? Plus we have our leaders as Espionages to see what others do...it is just easier to have the spies there....there are spies in reg and turbo...it happens :D

New styles of playing...Hey I play completely different then most people here. Like last round I just tried weird strats and piss people off by destroying there well earned net and well it obviously worked. haha I got killed three times and would have been more if there wasn't diplomacy floating around.

Also with my style of play yes I did a partial indy strat with a fox....so. In Immortalization Turbo Round 37 I was a wolf with about 50 million in net of basically food.
I was Sewer Rat...in three-five days I indied with a wolf and look where I ended up basically last to third. Yes I get crap for not using other races for the strats they are suppose to be used for but I work it out.

It is fun for me to mess around and create my own type of strategies compared to everyones basic and standard strat...sorry I can use it but I choose not too. It doesn't bring fun or accomplishment for me. I live my life day by day and stuff happens so get over it. Yes I sacked about 100 billion cash off you last round and burned it. From my view, I was looking to be destruct last round and with you have a lot of cash and decently easy to attack it made it easier for me to be destructive. I wasn't targeting you because of your name I was targeting you because of your wealth.

And everyone in the community is all different and has their own personalities and own opinions...everyone just has to adjust to it...not everything in life is going to be easy but there are times for diplomacy, arguing, wars, peaceful netting but in the end we all should get along and have fun with the game still being here for us to play and chat with each other.

(sorry if something doesn't make sense but those are some of my thoughts on the matter)


TS, I have no time to reply, but that is an excellent post. Whilst I may have (several) disagreements with you, thanks for presenting your view civily and effectively. Many people in this thread, myself included, could learn from that.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


TS+1 indeed

As said - msn usage is a matter of convenience since it is faster than most other ways of communication. There is nothing malicious in it. If some people can't use it, then that's unfortunate, but really not our responsibility.

Firetooth, I haven't seen you online in ages. Maybe your display name change, I dunno.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Twilight Shadow

Thanks! :D

Yes I don't expect everyone to agree with my views or anything I have to say but I would rather present my opinion and thoughts then sitting on the sideline wondering where this conversation is going and whether or not I should post. There are very valid points made in this topic about the changes that are going unnoticed by a lot of people but more or less eventually everyone will have to adapt somehow to how each other play, post and chat otherwise will be left out or be a loner(mostly like nature if animals do not adapt to their environment they will die out usually **hehe biology mind**)

Edit: I forgot to put in the other post, yes at times I take things personally in-game...and sometimes I don't even care haha


Great points, TS. I like that post.

But you are wrong, you see. For I am Firetooth, Lord of Posts, never wrong, and the best poster because I got a title this one time, and this makes my opinion weigh more and be more important than all of yours. It is my right to declare you wrong and then act smugly in my victory, even if no one agrees.

~Firetooth 2011

I could do this all day, and then you could parrot some trash back at me that is tired, whiny, and wrong. Then everyone would continue to post posts, and you will still call THEM wrong, whilst wielding your shield of I AM ENTITLED TO MY OPINION. Maybe a posting vacation would be good for your future. My point before about your sense of entitlement is based on the fact that you feel like you are RWL's golden boy because you got some title. You are not any more important than anyone else on here, and there is no reason that anyone should have to listen to your opinion just because you have it, especially when it makes you look like a bigger jerk than me, which is frankly quite hard.

No one will ever change your opinion, and until then you will be wrong for trying to control what others do to match whatever your moral compass spits out. You are literally mad because you lost a round of Turbo. Get over it. This is a tantrum, and you are acting like a child. "EVERYONE IS WRONG BUT ME". Haha, alright, guy.


Ahaha, lol.

I'm sorry, just the image of Kilkene telling somebody to get over themselves and stop  acting smug is hilarious. Seriously, I genuinely chuckled. The irony must be lost on him

"Hey, I'm Kilkene. Blah blah good post. Blah blah Kyro you're bad at posting but I'm great look at me! Blah blah attention seeking post blah blah good post blah blah extravagant post blah blah flaming post."

However jokingly you post, all you ramble about is the quality of posts, so I find it very ironic you of all people can tell somebody to act less arrogant. I've never claimed I am right or more important then everybody else, that is an assumption you've made, just like you claiming I'm "self absorbed." If you want to go ahead and dislike me, fine, but you made one relevant posts, and the rest have been insults based off assumptions. I'm not mad because I lost a round of turbo, I'm angry because people like you keep goading and insulting me...I was very calm when I started this thread, mainly because I excepted people to be more mature.

Anyway, you'll no doubt find so way to criticize me based off something I haven't actually said, go for it. But I am yet to here a good rebuttal or a further argument from you. All your doing is showing how childish you are by continuing to insult me. Insulting me by calling me arrogant because I have a title and have an opinion is completely ridiculous, a good 50% of the forum go-ers have titles, and a good 100% have opinions.

Quote from: Kilkenne on May 29, 2011, 06:27:14 PM
Maybe a posting vacation would be good for your future.
See, Kilk and his endless critique of posts. How laughably ridiculous.

Now, if you have anything relevant to add, go for it, or go critique some spa posts or post another lame, attention-seek posting somewhere, because I've had enough of your unprovoked insults and, ironically enough, "golden boy" attitude myself. Go figure.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

The Lady Shael

This argument is going nowhere. Firetooth your posts (and some ensuing replies by other members) are embarrassing yourself, the other members , and the RWL community. Please consider taking a break to think things over before posting again.
In other words this whole topic is hurting RWL rather than helping it, please stop.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

Gen. Volkov

Well, this was a colossal waste of time. Shael is absolutely right.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Gen. Volkov on May 30, 2011, 01:13:41 AM
Well, this was a colossal waste of time. Shael is absolutely right.

It's almost a bigger waste of time than 27 3% desertions.

On topic:

Firetooth, stop crying.


I agree this was a waste of time, and I apologize for any insults I threw out, however if anybody wants to continue to discuss this civilly I will happily engage in such a discussion.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.